Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Feb 1928, p. 44

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WILME .T TE LIFE February 24, 1928 PUPILS ATTEND PLAY The eighth grade pupils of St. Fran. cis Xavier school attended a play given by the eighth grade pupils of St. Andrews school in Chicago, last week. Miss Viola Berwick, who conducted the play, is expression teacher at St. Andrews. After the performance .the visitors were shown through the school. On the way back to Wilmette several ~roups of pupils stopped for luncheon and then returned for the afternoon session at ~t. Francis. Presbyteria· Church Would It not be ftne if everyone Uvlng In Wilmette, bellevlnc in the church, should, with eome degree of regularity, evidence this belief b'f attending the Sunday church service Judging from the fine average attendance and the presence of the many visitors for our Sunday morning service, we believe there Is a steadily Increasing Interest In the chur.ch and Its work in the community. But then, why should n9t we expect the attendance., ·and also the moral and financial support of those who a oorove the prJnclples of the Christian religion? The doors of. the Presbyterian church are wide open to all such persons, and they will find a cordial welcome to the Piaao Plaria1 serVices and Ita membership. Of course, Po.IUvel~ taaa'bt &DJ' .,.,_.. we think most everyone knows that the Presbyterian church ls located at the Write C)r_ pboae for I'RBII BOOJD.m" corner of Greenleaf a venue and Ninth street. Sunday school In all five · decaamn-· aooou partments at 9 :30 A. M. Regular SunN·VLAa IIUIIO Plano, SaopJaoae. BuJo. all Jutnu.eatt day morning church worship at 11 o'clock. 10 B. .IACKBON ST. HARRISON lift ~~AUO. 11.1.. The sermon topic for next Sunday .,., 1!11.11. J.· IN Zt LESSON! o· I'BBB TICKET This ticket will be accepted at the New Evanston theater box office as payment for one seat if accompanied by purchase price of one additional main floor seat. TWO ADMISSIONS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE Good Monday Evening, Feb. 27th, Only ·"THE· EVANSTON PLAYERS" Telephone Univ. 8500 for Seat Reservations The Junior church Ia an OJ'11'8Diatlon morning wlll be "Taking Our Own Heas· ure." , to care for the rellglou,a development of the boys and girls. We endeavor to have The quartet will give the following pro- programs wfllch give training In worahlp, gram next 'Sunday morning at the hour teach reverence for God'a house, and which wlll cre.a te within the children a of worship : de!Jire to unite with the senior church Organ Prelude: when they have re~hed the age. The "Romance Sans Paroles" ...... Bonnet Junior Church meets at 11 :00 o'clock Anthem: every Sunday momlng In their own room. ·~Prepare Ye tbe Way of the Lord" tt We do not limit the congregation to ....... . . . . . ..... . .. . , . . ...... Garre Junior age boys and girls, any one is Anthem: to come. Our service closes at "Gl.ve Ear Unto My Prayer" .. Arcadelt welcome the same time as the Senior service. Organ Oftertory: Next Sunday morning we will have a "Vision Fugitive" .. ... ....... Stevenson theme deallng with God's people of other Solo: "0 Light of All the World" .. Hamblen lands. Miss Trewartha Last Sunday the Christian Endeavor Organ Postlude : "Melodle Mignonne" . . . .. . .. . ... Morse society went into the city to sing at the State Research hospital. Next Sunday The Spokes of the Woman's society will the topic for the evening wlll be, "How meet at the following homes : · much does the World want Christ?'" If Spoke 1: Mrs. L. B. Christopher, and Mrs. you believe that tbe world does want 1~. H. Christopher, 1205 Linden ave. Christ come and tell us why, If not, come Spoke 2 : Mrs. John W. Robinson, 514 and give us your reasons for thinking Gregory ave. so The meeting will be held at 5:30, Spoke 3: Mrs. R. P. Hosking, 818 Park to· be followed be a tea and social hour. ave. Come and bring your friends. Spoke 4 : Miss Helen Fridman, 242 Greenleaf ave. The mid-week service will be held \VedSpoke 5: ~··s. Guy Reed and Mrs. R. D. nesday at 8 o'clock. This week Dr. Henderson at the home of Mrs. Reed, Magill will start a series of meetings 517 Central a\·e. preparatory to Easter, consisting of deSpoke 6: Mrs. }"rank J. Buckland, 600 votional studies from the Fellowship of I...inden ave. Spoke 7: Mr.,c:;. John Kieft, 1221 Forest Prayer series, entitled, "The Fruits of Religion." ave. Spoke 8 : Mrs. T. B. Mac Rae and Mrs. A fine Easter service is being planned A. Miller at the home of 1\fr·s. Mac Rae, by the Sunday school. Wh.tch for further 518 Linden ave. · Spoke 9: Mrs. R. E. Orner, 823 Park ave. aimouncements concerning this interesting event in the cburch school. Friday, February 24. Spoke 10: Mrs. George W. Lawson, 1218 · Sunday the l\len's Bib I ~ class.. under Forest ave. Spoke 11: ~rs. R. Lamprey, 731 Wash- the leadership of A. L. l\hller, w11l continue its discussion of the theme, "'l'he ington ave. Spoke 12: l\fa·s.. Herbert W. Weld, 315 Sun- Meaning of Service." ThE' class meets at 10 o'clock prE>ceded by the worship set road, Winnetka. You and your All Spokt-s will met>t Tuesday, Febru- service at' 9 :30 a. m. ary 28, wtth the exception of Spoke 9, friends are cordially invited to attend whi<'h wPI me~t Frida~·. February 24. these services. At 10 o'clo<'k f>ach Sunday morning, the \Voman's Bible class meets, undt-r tht> lt>adershlp of l\lrs. E. S. Schulz. A cordial invitation to become a member ~f this <'lass is extE>nded to you. Worship sen·ic', 'l :30, class at 10 o"clock. Howt>JJ ~elghborhood House, 831 Ra<'ine " a \"t>nue. Chkago, announces thc:;ir an~ · nual house-hold shower ancl Prestdt>nts nay, )Jonday, F ebruary 27. ResE>rvations for thf> lun<'heon at 12 :30 may be made by teleJlhoning ""ilmette 1814 or " rn. :nette 1ai &. )Irs. F.. I.. Powers, 821 15th street wishes to remind members of the \\roman's society to kindly send in thE>ir membt'rshlp dues for Howell Neighborhood House this week. llonday evening the Junior departmE-nt the dinner at the teacher!': and nfficer!" meeting of the Sunday ~chool. Some ,·ery fa \'orable reports were heard from tlw heads of the several departments and steps for the improvement were dis<'ussed. Dr. l\lagill had some fine thoughts concerning consecration of our li\'es to the cause of Christ, in his few minutt>s of the devotional part of the meeting. ~~>rved always ~mple parking room ...-.aE one time. when havins your car with you .l. heeomea indhpeaable is when '!'It ·hopping. Drive to Uptown Chiat~o when ')'OU shop and you wW alwav- find ample parking room. There leave your car u long u you like near the etore of your choice. No crowded curbl. No traffic jamB. No matter what ·you are lhoJ,oing for- poceri.a, late Paris millinery, plumbing, jewelry, laimiture, oriental rugs, advance Spring COitUma, aoother automobile-or any other of .-..th~ and arddea found only in the world'· IP"e&t citia-all are o·red ·at IUI'pl'iaingly low pika in Uptown Chicago ltora. To complete the day, lunch or have lilht re&ahment· in any one of the interatinl Uptown tea lhopt or confKtioneryltora. Enjoy a famou. Uptown dinner, delidoutly cooked, perfectly 8el'Ved, for a amaU COlt. Afterwanb to the theater, or dance to one of the mappiat ormatru you ever heard. Uptown Chicago inviteaaU Chiagoanstopartidpatein thepriv.. ilega the dtizena of thia COIDIIlUDity enjoJ daily right at hOme. Scout :M eetings : night at 7 :30 . Boy Scouts : l\Ionday Inter-troop contest with troop 13 or Kt>nilworth on Tuesday, February 28. Signalling, knot tying and basketball contests to be held in KE-nilworth Union Church. Bor Rangers: Friday night, 7-8:15. A rt>al llve growing organization for boys 9-12 years old. Girl Scouts: Troop No. 5, Tuesday at :45 p. m. The girls are asked to bring in all .the reports of horne duties possible for credit on tl 1 ('ir honors. ~ Recreational nights: Monday night at 8 :30. Vollt>y ball for men, Howard school. Our team is tied for first place. \\~t>dnesday night at 7 :30, basketball, Byron Stolp school. T.fmrsdiiY night, young people's recreational. 7:30-10. Bowling and basketball. Friday night, 8 :16-10, High school boys· recreational night. . ' UPTOWN CHICAGO Shopping Center of a Million People Wlaea 'o" 1»lcua to raerw 'o11r Pallmaa aad ,_,,._.ddct, Un,_ Tidcet Ollke- nwl,uedae.R.dlroad dwd,.........,.eat die Stadola. u,....,. A CORRECTION Through a misunderstanding when information was being compiled for an article on the Wihnette Battery ~nd Electrical Service, which appeared m the automobile number of \Vtt.Ml:TTE LIFE on January Zl. it was ~ta ted in the article that AI Jensen 1s the sole proprietor of the Wilmette firm. The article s·hould have stated that it ~s joilttly operated by Mr. Jensen and Andrew Frankovitz. Electric railways in Illinois led the nat!on: in the purchase of freight cars durmg 1927.

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