WILMETTE LIFE February Z4, 1928 UaitflritJtJ Ch·rch Ra)'IDoncl B. Braar, mlnllter 11 A. K. Service. Sermon subject: ..Humanist's Confeulon of Faith.'· 6 P ·. II. YoUDg people's meeting In the Chu~h ····7· Fe'na17 II R. M. Jolmatoa ad Co. Announce Property Salea R. M~ Johnston and company report the sale of two lots in west Kenilworth to Robert J. Kroschel, one located on Briar street for William Ewen of Evanston, and the other on Rogers avenue for Bertha Perrigo of St. Louis, Mo. Mr. Kroschel will start building operations on the Rogers avenue lot at once. Ke·llfiJorth U11lon Kenilworth avenue and Warwick road Kenilworth Rev. ,Herbert L. Wlllett, Pb. D. minister Many Wilmette Scouts Receive Awards at Court At the Court of Award which was Bouse. , This Friday evening, dance for young people In the Church House. Mrs. H. G. Prosser of 803 Lake avenue and her mother, Mrs. Green of Clinton, Iowa, departed for the South on Sunday. They are to spend several weeks in f'lorida and Havana, Cuba. Sunday at 11 .A. M. the subject of the 11ermog will be, "Into the Shadow," the held in connection with the Wilmette Scouting Exposition at the Howard ftrst of a aeries of Lenten sermons. school Saturday, Feb. 11, 10 Sc~uts Sunday school In the Assembly room at were advanced to second class ratmg; 9 :45 A. :M. Classes for all, and all wel- 4 Scouts were made· first class Scouts, come. W11YT111s FouR. The Ladies· league meets on Monday mornings at 10 o'clock for work In connection with its important program of benevolence. All the women are Invited. A pamphlet called "The Fellowship of Prayer" has been prepared, covering the period of Lent, and giving brief Bible selections, comments and a prayer for each day from February 22 to April 8. Copies may be had on · request. Wednesday evening, February 29, the first of the joint Lenten services, under the auspices of the Union church and the Church of the Holy Comforter will be held in this church. The address will be given by Rev. Henry Hepburn, D. D., of Buena Memorial Presbyterian church. The Kenilworth Choral society will assist with the :music. Similar services will be held in the two churches alternately on Wednesday evenings during Lent. The speakers will be announced from week to week. Full ar.mouncements may be had upon request. Dr. Willett's topic for Sunday morning, March 4, will be, ··Among the Hills," the second 1n the series of Lenten sermons. 15 Scouts received one or more Merit Badges and a Life Scout Emblem was awarded to Scout Oscar Anderson of Troop 4. Scouts who were advanced from Tenderfoot standing to second .cl~ss were George Waidner, Jerome Nevms and Foster Bennett of Troop 3; Edward Mooney, Bruce Meeker, Carl Anderson, Jarrett Lake and Ray Dunn of Troop 4 and Charles Stiles and John Dernehl of Troop 8. Second class Scouts who were advanced to first class standing were Roger Delander of Troop 8, and Bartley Jones, Roger Polenski and Lawrence Buckmaster of Troop 4. The Merit Badges awarded were to Henry Crawford, Troop 2, handicraft; Davis Lott, Troop 2, scholarship: Gordan Cutler, Troop 2, scholarship; Carl Anderson, Troop 4, firemanship; Paul Sterner, Troop 4, painting and athletics; John Fowler, Troop 4, book binding and leathercraft; Lawrence Buckmaster, Troop 4, craft work in wood, and personal health ; David Henderson, Troop 4, public health and leathercraft; Angus Stevens, Troop 4, personal health ; Bruce Kenyon, Troop 4, pathfinding and life saving; Oscar Anderson. Troop 4, athletics; Carl Meeker, Troop 4, music: Henr:v Miller, Troop 9, leathercrait: and James Hoffman, Troop 9, leathercraft. Robert D. Wilson of 839 Park avenue has returned to Mexico City Mrs. John Campbell of 815 Lake accompanied by Wendall Hobbs. He avenue spent the past week-end visitexpects to be away several months. ing friends in Milwaukee. Four is so ROOMY. No car in this pri~ class is so SWIFf. No car in this price class is so STURDY. No car in this price classissoSMART. 1\[o car in the price class of Dodge Brothers A PLACE TO PARK WHILE IN THE LOOP High Speed Automatic Garage Firat and Only Skyscraper Garage in the World 24 Storage floor&-600 Car Capacity Your Car Ia Not Driven The fendera Not Bumped · No car in this pn~ class accelerates from 0 to 25 . miles IN i SECONDS. No car in this price class is so COMFORTABLE -for none bas so long a springbase. These are FACI"S-readily verified-and they explain the immense popularity of Dodge Brothers Four. No car at near its price ofFers so many advantages that Americans value fol'aDOit. NO ·wAITING RA.TES: 75e-12 hours; 30 coupons. $20. SOe- 3 hours between 10' A. M. And no car at ANY price affords its owner, in greater measure, the satisfaction of bowing that for every dollar invested he has ftCeived a fuD cloUar'a returninboaatvalue ji.DOOR SEDAN and 4 P.M. IOc each additiooal hoar or fnction thereof. SOc-6 P. M. to midoi&hL F. 0. B. DETROrr Full nee..,. Equipmeac (U · Tunt in on Dodgt Brothtrl Radio Program trJtry Thanday night. 7 to 7: JO (Ctnkal Time} NBC Rtd Nttworlc. IDBtic Gara&e.) mail you ·a complimentary parkin& ticket 10 that you JUY become acquainted with the marvelou opentioa of thia Anto- you will aend aa your name and addreu, we will be &lad to Sincere Service Alw·y· C. M. McDONALD Davis Strrrt Phones: Univrnity ::u-4, Wilmette 1o 19 AUTOMATIC GARAGE THE PURE OIL BIJILDING 224 Wacker Drive and Wabash Avenue, Lower Level-Franklin 1575 DoDGE BROTHERS FouR ENTRANCE p.,.. WACKER DRIVE Y1a I'MIP - . block ..., of 111cWpa A...._ GARUIQ) COURT (WI lalecll weat lllclalpa BIN. · LUe ltnel) te t:.at lout. Watr. Street. tM.ce Wf Wack weat. HAD~ PLACE (State Stnet Wf Wack .-dl of w.d., Drift) te ....... -~ ...... c-t ................. Drlwe. ALSO TWO LINES OF SIXSS-THB VICTORY AND THB SENIOR u...c. ............