WILMETTE LIFE "Racketty Packetty House" to 1le Played for Childnm .Luncheon~ Cookie~ Ctmdg Sale Feature· BY JEAN TEN BROECK of M Gtch 3 Benefit - I tI . __ R_e_ce_n_t_B_t_id_e__ - ~anied Saturday I Catholic Church' Scene of. Pretty Morning Wedding Miss Ruth Marguerite Krafthefer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Krafthefer of 901 Oakwood avenue, became the bride of Edward Br~nt. Casey of Chicago at a verr charmmg wedding on Saturday mormng, Febr~ ary 18, at 10 o'cloc~, .at the St. ~r!lnc1s Xavier church, wh1ch was art1st1cally decorated with calla-lilies and palms. The Rev. Eugene J. McGuinness, vicepresident of the Catholic Church Extension society, was the celebrant of the solemn nuptial mass at which the young people were married: He was assisted by the Rev. Franc1s J. Magner, pastor of St. Mary's church, Evanston and by the Rev. Bernard Brady,' pastor -ol St. Francis ?Cavier: The bride was gowned m whtte satin and wore a beautiful veil made by the Belgian nuns. She carried calla-lilies. Miss Hillis Krafthefer, as her sister's maid of. honor, was in a frock of peach taffeta with silk net. The bridesmaid, Miss Virginia Krafthefer, was in a green gown fashioned in the same manner, and the flower girl, little Paula June Krafthefer, was in pale pink satin and net. The attendants all carried spring flowers and wore picture hats of horsehair matching their dresses and trimmed with silver. The groomsmen were all classmates of Mr. Casey at Notre Dame. John Dempsey was best man, and Terrence O'Brien, James Schwartz,, .and Tom Walsh, were the ushers. David Krafthefer served at the altar. Following the wedding ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Krafthefer entertained eighty-five guests at a wedding breakfast served at the Sovereign hotel. After returning from a short wedding trip to F£ench Lick Springs, Mr. and Mrs. Casey will make their home in Rogers Park. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hedrick announce the marriage of their daughter, Virginia, to Jack Leimert of Evanston, on Saturday afternoon, February 18, at 4 o'clock, at their home, 304 Melrose avenue, Kenilworth. The wedding was quietly celebrated with just the members of the family present. Dr. Herbert Willett, of the Kenilworth Union church, performed the se.rvice. Besides Mr. and Mrs. Hedrick, Phoebe, and Marion, there were present, Mrs. Rebecca Leimert, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garden Club ·of lllinoia Leimert, Peggy Lou, and Master J oArranges All-Day Meeting seph Leimert, all of Evanston. Mr. The Garden Club of Illinois is ar- and Mrs. Leimert will be at home ranging an aU-day program for its some time later at 522 Surf street, members and guests Monday, February Chicago. 27, at the Hotel Sherman. A group of interesting speakers has been en- Elizabeth W aidner Sets gaged to commence the program at 11, and close it with a talk at 2 :30 o'clock. April 7 for Her Wedding Plan to Malee League A. H. Conrad will .open the meeting Announcement has been made of the p 'I - & ·t with an illustrated lecture at 11, on the wedding date of Miss Elizabeth Waidarty '-'"91 OCt~ fJ EfJent conservation of wild flowers. At 1, ner, daughter . of the L. Harry WaidMrs. L. C. Cozzens, cha1rman of t~e Mrs. Frederick Fisher, president of the ners of 206 Scott avenue, Winnetka. card party to be held at the Mas'?mc club, will conduct a round robin dis- The ceremony .will take place, Satur- temple March 14, under the auspices cussion of the problems relative to the day night, April 'J, at 8 o'clock, at the of the Wilmette League of Women Chicago Garden and Flower show to bride's home, when Miss Waidner will Voters, plans to make the party one be ~eld in l_at~ March. become the bride of Henry Horn of the largest social events of the M1ss Chrtstme Mogle, reader, and Adams of Minneapolis son of Mr and season. her accompanist, Lillian Reid Cameron, ·Mrs. John W. Adam~ of Engle~ood, Mrs. Frederick Bowes, who is in will give original compositions in m~sic N. J., formerly of St. Paul. charge of tickets, reports that all and garden verse, at 1 :30. The session The wedding will be attended only tickets are out and selling rapidly. will conclude with a lecture on "Gar- by relatives and a few intimate friends Mrs. F. E. Parry, who is in charge dens, Yesterday, Today,. and Tomo.r- of the bride and groom. Rev. James of the gathering together of prizes, row," by Mrs. V. K. Sptcer of Keml- Austin Richards will perform the cere- has a varied assortment' pf. lovely w<?rth. mony. prizes sent in by members of her . Each member of the clt_Jb may inMiss Waidner will be attended by committee. There will be a prize at vtte one guest to the meetmg. her sister, Peggy. as maid of honor, each table, in addition to others that John W. Adams, Jr., will serve as best will be given. Tea will be served. for his brother. Next Club Dance in March man Mr. Adams and his bride are planThe sixth in the series of eight sub- ning to spend a two months' honey- Bridge a Benefit for Fund scription dances given under the aus- moon in Europe. They will sail MonThe Mothers' club of Alpha Xi pices of the ways and means commit- day, April 11, on the DeGrasse, and Delta sorority of Northwestern uni"Land of Oz,, Continuts tee of the Woman's club of Wilmette . return about June 1. Following versity is giving a bridge for mothers · · Engllflement at Harris for the benefit .of the club building will their wedding trip they will go to Lake and f~thers Saturday evening, FebruThe Junior League Theatre for Chit- fund takes place Saturday evening, Minnetonka. ary 25, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. dren has extended its engagement at March 3, at the clubhouse. The parMiss Waidner is a graduate of New 0. P. Olson, '136 Roger avenue, Kenil. the Harris theatre in Chicago. "The ties have been very successful, happy Trier High school, and a former stu- worth, for the benefit of the house Land of Oz" has been so popular that ·affairs this season, well, and enthusi- dent of Smith college. Mr. Adams at- fund. Assisting Mr. and Mrs. Olson many children have not been able to astically attended, and the music has tended the University of Minnesota as hosts and hostesses will be Mr. and see their old friends the "Tin Wood- been unusually good. Mrs. Earl D. and Columbia. Mrs. William Molt. Mrs. Muriel Freeman" and the "Scarecrow." so one Lyon of 1504 Elmwood avenue is in Included in the out-of-town guests man and Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Kolker. more extra performance will be ~iven charge of these affairs. who will attend the wedding. will be Saturda7 morning, February 25, at Mr. Adams' parents who will come from Englewood for the occasion, Mr. Smith Club to Meet 10:30 o clock. Tic}cets are on sale at and Mrs. John W. Adams, Banning The Evanston Smith club will meet the theater or can be secured by tele- Party for New Members The board of directors of the Adams, his brother, also of Englewood. February 29, at 2:30. at the home of phoning Harriet Borland, Lincoln 2450. Woman's club of Wilmette entertained Mr. and Mrs. John W. Adams, Jr., of Miss Gertrude Gladwin, 2323 Or.-ington the members who have joined the club Minneapolis, and Mr. and Mrs. Ward avenue. Marion SlaJJ~hter Je 1nings Announce Engagement the past year at an afternoon party Burton of Minneapolis. will talk on "The Application of EduMr. and Mrs. Walter N. Duncan of February 13, in the lounge of the clubcational Principles to Music." S~te wilt Evanston announce the engagement house. After getting acquainted, hearts The Wilmette Arden Shore board sing some of her own son~s. Miss of their daughter, Mary Katherine, to were played and later dainty refresh- will meet with Mrs. Myron West, 916 Margaret Scott of Evanston is in Willys E. Gamron. son of Mrs. Emma ments were served. About forty-three Greenleaf avenue, Thursday, March 1, Northampton this week attending the new members were present. at 10 o'clock, for an all-day session. Gamron of 206 Sixth street. Smith College Alumnae council. St. John's church was the scene of a charming wedding when Miss Helen Bernice Johnson became the bride of George Wilson Estes, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Estes, 1626 Wilmette avenue. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Herman Meyer, February 4. Mr. and Mrs. Estes now are at home to their friends at 1830 Wilmette avenue. Tf1ey are wise, who, in the contemplation of their activities, set aside a definite place for the entertainment oi children. Youngsters on the north shore always have been favorably smiled upon by the gods, and, since our own residence on the north shore during our growing years, we cannot help but note how each seas.on marks a little larger circle of entertainments for little folk on the calendar of organization activity. For several weeks notices have come to us of a production entirely local that promises an appeal to every child and to the child that remains in the heart of many adults. Again this week we hear: "Saturday, March 3, will be a red letter day for north shore children when the charming play, 'Racketty Packetty House,' will be given at . the National Kindergarten and Elementary college in two performances, one at 10 :30· in the morning, and the other, a matinee at 2:15. A delicious interperformance luncheon will be served from 12 until 2. A sale of unusual cookies and candy favors will be another feature of the day. "The play, which is SIJ'.~' Y:;ored by the North Shore Alumnae association of the college, will be given by college students who are now in training with Miss Etta Mount, pageantry director of the college faculty. "Mrs. Alfred R. Bates, president of the North Shore Alumnae association, is general chairman for the event. Miss Anna F. Murray is in charge of the ticket sale. Mrs. Robert R. Jarvie is treasurer, and Mrs. Florence S. Capron is in charge of publicity. "Mrs. Percy Arden and Miss Violet Rush, with their committee, are planning an unusually attractive sale of cookies and candy favors. Mrs. P. B. Kohlsaat with Mrs. George M. Groves, Mrs. Harry C. Phillips, and Miss Dorothea Zorn, has planned a delicious luncheon appropriate for children and their elders. Mrs. L. L. Lane is in charge of table decotations and servin.r. Mrs. R. L. Schmidt and Miss Willmina Townes are in charge of ushers. "Altogether the day will be a very happy one for everyone. 'Racketty Packetty House' is a great favorite with children and the student cast is most enthusiastic in its preparations. "Reservations for the luncheon must be made by March 2, with Miss Virginia Solbery at the college, Greenleaf 221. Tickets may be secured at the college, at Chandler's, Davis street. Evanston, or at the door on March 3." Photo by Wilhite Photo bJ' Reick ,,