' (Coatia_. fraa .... ZS) COXPETB IN BASKETBALL Tbe .eventh grade airla played buk:etball Jlonday, 'lC·l va. 'lA-1. , The two forwarda on 'lA-l'a team were Jane Engel aDtl Dorothy Jaue Orr. The gqa.rcls were Dorothy Neal and Frances Ellis. Our ca~ was Betty Tucker and abe was a side center. ·The game was very exciting In Ole ftrst half. 7C-1 had many free throws but mined them. 1A won and the BCOre waa 17 to 5. · --lane Engel, 1A Stolp. EIGHTH &BADE PARTY COMING There Is an eighth grade party In the air . for the Stolp eighth grade. MlBB Hayes, our principal, told the offtcers of tbe eighth grade at our last Council that abe was planning a party for the puptls. The date Ja not definitely decided but Is to be February 27 or the Monday after. -Harry Kinne, Stolp SA. TRIP FOB PBOJIPT PUPILS Miss Hayes, the principal of the Stolp school, has promised a trip to the Chicago library or to a museum to the pupils who .d o not go to attend the Delinquent class which Is held after school every night in one of tbe rooms. This class is for children that are tardy, who misbehave, who did not have their home work. -Harry Kinne, Stolp SA. LIGHTWEIGHT CAGEBS BF.HEABSE The lightweights have had several ba~ketball practices, out of which have been picked the proposed team : First Team Second Team Frank Church RF Howard Colin Finlayson LF Zibble Cecil Williams C. Robert HeM Hugh Saxon RG Donald Matthews George Eberis LG Miles :McDonald -Robert Hess, Stolp BB. 8A GIRLS WIN Monday, February 13, the BA girls' second team. played the BD girls In basketball. The score was 30 to 6 In favor of SA. Thdugh SD has only flve girls who play basketball, they show a plu<'ky spirit by being good sports wben they lose. · -Eleanor Culver, SA. I went to the flsh aquarium at Lincoln Park February 12. I went then because I thought it would be Interesting and our clasa had talked about going last fall. Electricity Will Do Your ·Dishwashing for You "T"E is thot:oughly practical!" From all sides we bear the same verdict-from CONOVER .... household science authorities. from engineen, from homemakers. VISITS AQUABIUK Practical in Every Way This enthusiastic acceptance means but one thing-the new Portable Model AA CONOVER is in every way practical for you,witb large family or small, in bouse or apartment. There is no cost but the machine itself-no new sink or plumbing i~ required. Tbe CONOVER brings the convenience and sanitation ·of electric . dishwasbing within the means of the thriftiest budget. To operate it is simplicity itself. Fills from faucet, empties into sink. A few minutes and all tbe dishes from an average meal come out delightfully clean, sparkling, bot and dry l You must see it to realize bow practical a time and worksaver the CONOVER can be. There were all the fish a person could mention, such as sunfish, trout, goldfish and many others. -Virginia Ann Snorf, 5B Central. HEAVYWEIGHTS PRACTICE The heavyweight basketball practice bas started. The team has a game on Friday, February 11, with Boltwood. -Harry Kinne, Stolp SA. . BRING YOUK XONEYI 8B Stolp are having a candy Ba.le Tuesday morning, noon and night and tbey wish to remind you to bring money and lots of It and buy lots and Iota of candy. Hot dogs will also be sold. . -Bob Hess, 8B Stolp.· DBOP IN DELINQUENTS The Stolp delinquents have been decreasing as MlBB Hayes has oft'ered everybody who has not had to stay after school In the month of February an unknown treat. -Robert He88, Stolp 8B. WHERE WAS GEOBQEt George Waldner, a member of the 7A claBB of the B_lron C. Stolp school was absent on St. Valentine's day. He came ba,ck the next day. -Robert Werden, 7A Stolp. gam~s DEKON8TBATE &AXES 7 A boys wlll demonstrate the they play In gym at the Byron C Stolp school, Februaty_17, at 1 :30 o'clock: -Robert Werden, 'lA Stolp. The GLAD TEACHER~ BACK We are all very glad to have MIBB Perrlng, teacher of the 1A Stolp back again. She was away for several days. -Elizabeth Tucker, 1A Stolp. ELATED OVEB KOVIBS The movies were brought over by Kr. Todd from Howard school. The pupils of Stolp are quite elated over having two aaemblles given over to movies. -chester Hanson, 7B Stolp. · BEAR TALK ON HYGIENE Dr. H. 0. Wlsbaar talk('d to the Boy Scouts of Troop % on "Personal Hygiene.;· Thde Boy Scouts enJoyed It Immensely an 1earned much from lt. -Robert Fletcher, Troop %, Wilmette. Xl88 ABSENTEES Frank Eagen. 1A, has been absent for three days. He Is program chair· man for 'lA and we mlBB him. George Waldner, also of 1A. has been absent for two days. He just came baCk this Ste the Conooet in Action at \Ve will glMJly h«w the Conooer uNJJb tlW. lor you in your own home. Telephone for · llemonatration. Telf?hontl: Uniomitv 1 024 Wilmette Roger· p.,., )700 I I :a :a rovNfA1N SQVARt · LVANSTON mombalr. -Robert White, 7A Stolp.