February 24, 1928 GOOD 'l'BA.:, 'l'BOIB LIGB'fl The llabtwel&hta have a trOOd buketball team. H81'8'a the team: Oburcb, R. F.; Colin Plnlayeon, L. F.; (Continued from page 22) . Cecil Wllllama, C. ; Georp Eber and HUKh Saxon, cuarda. They have not cbollen the captain yet. Jlr. Stone Ia coacb of the peewees and llatttweiKhta. They have to a came with Boltwood Tb~. -Paul Soule, 68 CentraL Much to the deltcbt of Wilmette Public achool children, tbe School Board baa boqbt & motion picture machine. Thla tC DBCLA&BD WIB'lfBR will be a creat llelp to the pupils In 6C and 6B held a big kick ball l'8l'D8 many ways. Mr. Todd, principal of Monday, February 11, after IIChoo~ In Howard aobool operatea this machine. the ftrat half 6C was ahead and In the February 'l and lt ftlma were shown at second . half 6C waa still ahead and won. the Byron Stolp gymnasium for the bene- The ecore was 13 to 'l. ftt of the aeventh and eighth grade pupils. -M:arJorie Jane Hecht, 6C Central. On Tuesday the seventh,· fllms of labor saving devleea used In the farm and In .c WINS CORNER KICK GAXB the home were shown. On the fourteenth Monday, February 13, the 6C clau l)lctures of bituminous and anthracite coal mines were shown. They were very 6B. At the end of the ftrat half the Interesting pictures and we hope we will acore wu 3 to 'l, 6C's favor. The second have more. half 6B did some good playing. At the -Emma Blckman, 8A Stolp. end of the game the score was 13 to 8, 6C's favor. 'TWAS A GREAT DAY -Frances Schuman, 6B. On Valentine's day In school, we were all busy running from one room to anILLUSTRATE BOOKS other to put them In the boxes. In the The pupils of 5C are Ulustratlng the afternoon we only went to three classes interesting library books they have read. and the last period we went baek to our The Ulustrations are not .to be copied room and the teacher would choose some those In the books. The best ones mall carrier and we received our Valen- from are to be on exhibit at the Wilmette tines and went home. Public library. SC . -Marie Alder. 6B Central. -Lola Wolfe, · EN30Y VALENTINE PARTY 4A WINS AT 80CCEB Tuesday, February lf, 'lA Stolp had a The girls In 6A and 6C played soccer Valentine party and bad Dixie's cookies and candy. While the pupils ate, a few Monday, February 6, at 3 :15 o'clock In of them passed out the Valentines. I the afternoon. The score was 8 to 1! with 6A In the lead. · 'think we all had a Jrood time. -Betty Palenske, 6A CentraL -Allen RoBBman, 7A Stolp· JUNIOR LIFE l'nn- New Movie Machine Prove. Deliaht School Pupils The pla and bon In lA electe4 ..., Tbe IC'a have ~ tiMI~cl oftlcen for the Jut half of the ,..... Tile : prealdent, Billy Bowen, taldg- the place Tbe followtNt O·ftiGit~- e of BetU' Palenake: Jolm BMm ftiiiDt =-Jtnla~t~-----S:t.__ CoJii Gret& von Re......,._.a place u vtoe; 1'1Dla711oa. B'alllll CLA.il ·L·en OPBCBiiS.. . ,. "l&IIOai.&JRI - 10 CJf. P1'88ldent : Dick 'Ball tildlll' llarni'J' Simona· ollce u aecretary and Wilfred Blades aucceedlnc Florentino Strube aa They have ai80 NOI'PDiied all their ooatreasurer. · -Betty Paleuke, 6A CentraL mltteeiL · -Tb&Ua Little, IC. : aaa_.,, · =:'f:aw..aot:rcceecJI.. v~~-=~ :LITB8A.TU&B ·bltl008 ..... am young t ran ou 0 ~p~a~~~u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 74·1 T:P.AX WD'8 'IA-1 buketbah team beat TC-1 by a IJ'Core of 1'1-1. Jane Elurle and Dorothy Jane Orr were forwards. "Pauline Kehllnc. Jumping center, Frances Elite and Dorothy Neal were guards and subs took their place In the second halt. Bett7 Tucker Is Bide center. The aame wu ~~~ -Dorothy J. Orr. 'lA Stolp. ¥:: f::.rth...:;: ro:~oae:~ell On a nelghbort:p farm, And th t - .. bl _;.J.:,~ r;:r1 of Bl-· bell · ..... · .:..n. ic.. ZS) -11 meiL (More J ' U8IOI' ·~ oa ...... P- ... .,.. Our Cereal Story (continued from first page) JL· fm!J Steppin!J · (joodrich Boot· · HoweverThis is not an advertisement for a .manufacturer of galoshes. It is an example of the work of the . students in the .Evanston Academy of Fine Arts. The young lady who made tJ:le above illustration is specializing in advertising design. We feel certain that she and many others .who are here working stead-· fastly toward a splendid profession are on . the road to success. Not only are they being taught fine art, but principles that will go far to make them bigger and finer men and women. "-the next time you forget to put a Classified Ad for a maid in WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK and GLENCOE NEWS, you'll go another· week with nothing but corn ftakes for breakfast!" WILMETIE LIFE WINNETKA TALK GLENCOE NEWS WILMETTE 4300 WINNETKA 2000 GREENLEAF 4300 'I For tht convenience of advtrtisen wisbin1 to cover tht Evanston territory we will also accept Want Ads for THE EVANSTON REVIEW. THE EVANSTON ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS CARL SCHEPPJ..BR. Dindot Carbon Baildia1 Tower, Cbatda and Orrinatoa T.,_M Gnt~~leaf 1674