·PubtiiMd UJHidu bu the rchool childrtn of WiltrHttt und~r 1uptrviaion of Wilmtttt Playground and RmHtion BoGrd. NIOR LIFE WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, FEBRUARY 24, 1928 Told 'by the Pupils VOL. I. NO.6 Dramatic Club to ol T ... S .... of the lA Dramatic The third meet'WI b club wu held Monday afternoon. t the ald of Mra. Jones. dlrectre88 of the club. we hope to alalre three playa In the aear future. Tbe Brat one Ia entitled "'Who Am I?" and cbaraeters are u follows: Enid ....··....···..··. Helen Green Madeline . . . . . . . . Charlotte Haney Dr. Roaaetter .... Laurence McHale The Mysterious Stranger ..·.· · · · · · .· ~ · · · . . · . . . Janet JlcConnauarhey Tbe eeoond Ia ..Mrs. Blaek'a Pink ~-" The principal characters are Lauretta Aadenon aa ..Mrs. Blaek," E4na Stiles aa ··)Irs. White." Isobel Haskins as "Sarata«o" and Ruth Smith as "Pansy," and other alrls with minor parts. .. The third play Is entitled "The Great lledlcal Dispensary." The characters are aa follows: ProfeBBOr Ketchum ··· Lindsay Field Mr. Allbones ·...·... George Jones Mr. Deatwate · · . . · . Ralph Meaker Pat McNoodle .·........ Albert Lind Hans : Henry Specht Sputte;t· ~;cC: : : : : : : :~Arthu8Ar 'lJJ'-!~:d' - Jane ,.. onnaufi.,ey · · The lightweight and midget basketball Abr'bam Lincoln was a tall and homely teams bad a game Tburscfay, February man. 16. The peewees played a balf after His name Ia known throughout the land, both teams had bad a little practice I'm sure. . shots. Both the midgets and lightweights He often walked a mile to get a book. played Boltwood. He got Ids education by hlmaelf. Mr. Stone, the coach of the midgets. He went to school a month or so put In part of the second and part of the A year. third teams for the first quarter. At tbe To make enough money to feed himself end of the quarter, the score was Wil- He cut down trees and split them Into mette o. Boltwood f. The second quarter ralls. was played with two ftrst team guards He gave the famous Gettysburg addreBB and the score at the half was 9 to 0. Which awed the people that had Then there was sort of an intermission Gathered there. when both teams got on the floor and And which ba8 awed the millions took some pot shots at the basket. That have read It alnce. The Jlgbtwelghta played with the flrat And later be ~me the president team in. The lineup as follows: George And served a faithful term of Ebers, L. G. : Hugh Saxon, R. G. : Cecil Four years Williams, C. : Frank Church, R. F. and Until. · while sitting In a theater, Colin Finlayson. L. F. He was aSBaBBinated by John Booth. The score at the half was 10 to 0 In Thus ended the career of Honest Abe, There wu an old man with a dog. favor of the Wilmette lights. And the world bas never since known He sat like a bump o_. a log. The midgets played again with the Such a man. -Robert Dunn, 8B. He aat and fie spat, first team ln. The M:efp .;asJ o..r:te ,And be spat while be sat, Towles, L. G. ; Paul u e. . . : on That merry old man with a dog. CampbeJI, C. : Paul Williams, R. F., and -Robe_rt_Leo_nard, 8C Stolp Al~=j.:'~:-'!:t ~:·end of tbe game was Wilmette 3, Boltwood 11. A SCHOOL DAY The lightweights In the third quarter to It Is nice to get up at eight o'clock, brought the score up to 12 to 0. The Tbe Travelogue club has spent the last to With hustle and bustle we comb our last quarter was played with the second two weeks visiting the city of Washingteam in. In this quarter Boltwood had ton, D. locka, On February 6, we bad magic The bell Is ringing while off with a race, their bands on the ball about twice for lantern C. slides from the Chicago Public Hubert Pellot of the ?A cbum retumed He makes the class room at a wonderful about three seconds. Wilmette had the library, showing aU the places of Interest ball about 90 J)ercent of the quarter. In In the city. In addition February If from a month's trip to to the pictures, pace_ -c0 11 Fi 1 8C St0 1 this quarter Holtwood made two free the lPlorlda. Hubert said he would like to following program was given Februn_ _ n_ayson, P throws, the final being Wilmette 12, Bolt110 to Florida qaln but we all like to ary 13: wood!. ba\·e him In the cluB -.atn. From Chicago to Washington .....· There was an old man from Turkey, -Robert HeBB, Stolp 8B. -Philip Oabom. ?A Stolp. · . · · . · . · · . . . . . . . Albert Ackerman Where he lived, the weather was murkY. Map of Washington .... ~ ......... . He fell In a ditch Hubert Pellot of ?A came back to And . . . . . . . . . . . . Henry Von der Hotr covered with pitch echool yeatentay, February 14, from a And got Capitol Building ..·· Dorothy Yetter now he don't think much of Turpleasant vacation since Christmas. He Map of Building . . . . . . Elsa Carlen key. was very tanned and probably felt a White House · . . . . Frederick Leason II A food sale eonduded by the Howard Uttle cold coming back to rainy Wilmette. Washington Monument .. Helen Miller There . was an old man from Ohio Girls' Glee club took place Saturday -Bob Hewitt, ?A Stolp. Library of Congress .. Billy Soraen Who loved to eat Cher1'Y Pie Oh. morning, February 11, at 10 :30 o'clock. Arlington · . . . . . · . . . Marlon Tubbs While walking one day · The amount ralaed was $1!. 71. The object Mt. Vernon ···..· Ronald Fuerman Tuesday aft~moon Hubert Pellot of ?A of the sale was to raise money for the -Muriel Meyer, secretary. came back from his trip to Florida. He He was ~led a street jay Glee club pins. The sale was held at was gone for a month and had a very And then he got bit ! and ob, my oh ! Brinkman's Grocery store. After adding -Thalia Little, Stolp 8C 11004 time. ?A was very glad to get tbls money to the proceeds of a candy blm back. sale, the treasurer found we have nearly Don't bury me on the lonely prairie -George Macauley, ?A Stolp. enough money to pay for our pins. All Party Where the coyotes can howl over me. the glrla who failed to contribute to the Hubert Pellot ea.;; back from Florida Bury me In a real cemetery The teachers of Howard school enjoyed food sale may have their choice of payTueaday, February U. He was as red Where a good rest I'll ftnd for me. Ing the full amount for their pins or con- a Valentine luncheon on Thursday, Febu a beet. The cla8& waa very glad to -Robert Miles, 8B ruary 16, which was given In honor of tributing fifty cents to the fund. bave him back. :Mrs. Keene, a bride of last Y' ar. Nine--Janet McConnaughey, 8A Howard. -Dorothy J. Orr, ?A Stolp. teen teachers were present at the lunchSPitiNG eon. :Many of the table decorations were At Jut Spring Ia here, heart-shaped. They were made by Miss The beat time of year ; Scheidler, with the aBBistance of some When graBB becomes green, of the eighth grade girls. During the Gay birds will be seen : eourse of the . meal Valentines were The boys and girls who contributed arWhich bring .forth the ftowera. At the last two aaaembllee at Stolp we Then come gentle showers, ticles for the JuNIOR Lin: were taken distributed and Mrs. Keene was very were shown movies. The ftrat one we At last spring Ia here. to the WILIIB'I'TB LJFB printing plant surprfsed and delighted to flnd cleverly were shown was all about primitive, ImThursday. FebruarY 9, to see how the concealed In one of hers, twenty dollars -Irene Christopher, 8C proved and modern machinery runnlftlf magazine is printed. In gold pieces. farm Implement. The last reel showed First, the articles are written up and -Janet McConnaughey, SA Howard. aa bow the farmer's wife would have to WINTE:a sent to be made In metal type by Unotoll without all of the electric applla.nceta Winter, winter no snow at all. types. Then they are put In rows called auch aa electric Ironing, washing and wtnter, winter just like the fall. galleys, put together and sent to the ~tewlng machines. Tbe second time we No now for toboggan, preBSes. They are printed and put In were shown how aathraclte and bitumin- No BilOW for sleigh, stacks, then folded. Covers are put on ous coal Ia mined. This picture was ve17 No snow for parties to last all day. tbe pages, then cut apart and there Ia the The girls of eighth grade, Howard, are lnetructlve to us aa It allowed us the old Winter, winter no snow at all. finished magazine. doing some Interesting work to prepare and modem waya of mining. We never ~nter, winter just like the fall. -Theron Smith, 5B Central. for the annual demonstration, which will had dreamed how many p1 oceasea coaa -Henry Stover, BB Stolp. be on Friday night, February %4. The bad to go through before It .reached the WIN TWO OUT OF THREE number the girls are going to put on Ia cood old coal bin. We all appreciate THE SLEIGHBIDE WE DIDN'T HAVE 7A Stolp lost two out of three games. some formal work in the way of drills. all Mr. Todd and Kiss Hayes have done The pure, white snow Jay 'round about, Tbe flrat game's score was 7-f, Stolp's Tho we have all been working hard the to get us these pictures and hope we may The alr was cold and clear. favor. The second game score was 11-8, drills are In n& way perfect yet. But we be lucky enouch to see some more of Four large ·sleighs came merrily jingling Howard's favor. The third game's score hope and expect to have them .leamed ttaem. was 13-9, 7A Howard winning. Down the road. perfectly for the demonstration. -Robert Hess, 8A Stolp. -Robert Fletcher, Stolp 7A. -Janet McConnaughey, 8A Howard. But ah ! This was just a dream, For the ground was brown and bare, "VVSIT" COAL .INES And the snow had not been here. The sixth and eighth grades of Howard INQUikiNG REPORTER -Jacinta Kampmeler, 8B Stolp. had the benefit of visiting large coal Question : Are you glad Mr. mines, with the aid of the recently purHollister let US have a JUNIOR LIFE? The claaa of 8B Stolp were peats of ehaaed movie· machine. ' The ftlms showed LllmBEBGH Why? lA at a Valentine pi"OII{I"am In the 8A Just bow the coal Is mined and prepared elaaa room. Emma Dickman, the chair- Lindbergh flew aeroBB the O'Cean blue. for the market. The difference ln th& Stephen Hopkins, Stolp 8C : ··Yes. mining of anthracite and bituminous coal man of the procram committee. had ftve He made this daring ftlght In thirty hours, Because we can get ·across what we was shown by having two reels, one for elever patriotic charades which were He Ia tbe leader of all aviation want people to know." aeted bY dlfrerent members of the class. They aay he Is the hero of the world. soft coal and one about hard. I am sure -Mary Jane Elder, 8C Stolp. The chlldren were to gueBB what the we all enjoyed the fllma, and hope to see Jane Spinney, BB Stolp: ··Yes. Be(This, Ia aa attempt at the meter uled olaara4ea were, which they did very others In the near future. --J'aaet JleConna.ughey, lA Howard. n.ally. After the charades Shirley Popp In Shakespeare's ··Jferchant of Venice" eau~~e It leta your parents see what Ia going on." · which we have been atudytng.) ~t.nd Harry Kinne cave a p~no number. GOOD TIMB BAD BY ALII Emma Blckman gave a patriotic rea41q Lucy Claggett: "'I .appreciate his All the pupllB of the Byron c. Stolp entitled "Lincoln of Washington." This When the day Ia over, whether snow or klndneBB. I think It will help the rain, school had a Valentine party. 8A had was tfle end of the J»I'OPUII and when parents to see what we are doing at a very good procram and Invited 8B. 8C the 8B'a had left we distributed our We all make a rush for the basketball ~hool too:· game. had a niee time and had four guests. lliBB Valentines (which were numerouB) and We yell for our room team as loud as we Parks, MiBB Hayes, Mrs. IDKbam and her ate our refreshments. Ttle refreshments Arthur Weldon. 8A Stolp: ··t am little girl. Mary. A good time waa had ean, were very good. they were Dlxlea and glad he let us have a page In the by an. takes. The cakes were generously do- We wlah them always far up In the van. WILIIBTTB LIFB beeauae It teaches UB -colin Finlayson, 8C Stolp. -Thalia Little, 8C Stolp. pted by mothers of some of the .-Iris. to write short and Interesting ar· -Barry Kinne. 8A Stolp. The people who hall from BC. tlclee." ' OOB8 TO FL08IDA Should all ha\'e profnaors' degree. llarlraret Jlclntoab, ?B Stolp: ·"J .a: · Charles Ullrich left for Jllaml. Florida. 'Mie teachers all aa.y: am glad Mr. Holliater let ua have a Wednetlday. He will be cone about two 'Tis w.,n worth their pay To teach ua who hall from SC. pap In tbe WU.IU'ft8 Lin ~uae It Oa pqe ZS IIIODtlaa. ...-.-4..a BIOwll. IC. ..... .-..-o# -...: . ... .-·tbert Barkar, ac. - - ~~--------!"-~----.~· tat:,. s:t:.h z~. ---------A Verse or Two · Note: The eighth grades of the Byron Stolp school have been studying, poetry. The latest form studJed is limericks. The ood ~ results are very g · Here are a aew examples: 'Mlere was a youn" lass from Duluth, Which, annoyed by a troublesome tooth, She said ··1 wlll get A. dentist you bet And yank out this acher forsooth! There was a young girl from Tibet Who said "A young man I will get. But from her they did run 'Cause abe welabed a ton, And 1 pea abe Ia bunting one yet. -June Andenon, BC __ I I Lightweight Cage Team Overwhelms Boltwood Flashes I :...---------.J "Honest Abe,. I . I . Hubert Returns Home Tnvelogue Oub Makes . Journey W uhington ... Find He'a Very Popular Howard Girls' G.lee Cub Holda Benefit Food Sale Teacben Fete Bride at Gay Valentine's FarmiD1, Coal Miain1 Described in MOYiea Junior Life Reporten Visit Ho.ter Plant Howard School Girls to Give Exhibit of Drills I Ei1hth Graden Present Fine·Valentine Program - MORE JUN··QR LIFE I . .-------._------.....