_______ .. .,,'tlf'llll..tit. u4 Park ··------------- LIFE Peb~ 24,18 av.nue.. Wllinette Bermala W. MeTer. Jl. A.. pastor ;_ · Prairie avenue. Telephone IIH Cburcb teleDbone 1111 8enleel ' tat Sunday In Lent · MEETINGS: t :10 A. Jl. 8und&J" echool and Bible c...... Monday and Friday at 4 : Claues for t :41 A. II. Pint eervlce and, Bermon. children. , 11 :00 A. Jl. Second service and eermon. Monday at 1:41: The Junior Girls' choir. Monday at 8 :f5: The Senior Mixed choir. Leatea 8enlee Wednelday evening. February 19, at 1 :45 o·clock This church extends to everyone, particularly, however, to those who have no chureh aftlllatlon, a very cordial welcome to attend its services. Special services are held every Wednesday evening at 1 :45. CIRCUS DAYS ..CoMING -- Among the many interesting matters discussed at the meeting of the North Shore Zone on the Walther league was the establishment of a summer camp for Lutheran young people at Mtllhurst on the Fox River, a few miles outside Plano, 1J1: This camp has been leased for the latter part of June and the ftrst week of July, and applications for reservations are now In m·der. One hundred and ftfty people can be accommodated. Make your reservation at once. w. F. Wireman. who has been the superintendent of the large Lutheran. summer camo at Arcadia, Michigan, was aiM a visitor at the meeting, and announced a new cottage plan for Arcadia, which, with its present buildings, can accommodate hvo hundred people. This camp is open from June 1 to August 30. 11 n w···ette A "···· ApJtOI·t·eats dl'luble \\'ILXBTTB Phone 2766 Holy Communion will be celebrated on Sunday momlng, March 4, In the 9 :45 o'clock service. Those who desire to receive the Sacrament will announce this to the pastor on Sat., Mar. 3. WHY OVER 3,000 HOUSEWIVES SEND THE FAMILY LAUNDRY TO THE WASHINGTON LAUNDRY BECAUSE everything is returned promptly, swett and clean, finished as though they themselves had personally supervised the work, because week in and week out they receive the same satisfactory work and service, and because they couldn't begin to have the washing done at home for what it costs them. Furthermore they know that no home washing methods, however modem - no laundress, however thorough-can wash their clothes as spotlessly clean as we can. They know that their articles are gently bathed and rinsed in rain-soft water ···· cleansed with a minimum amount of soap. We do all-ironed work, partially-ironed work, and work which returns the clothes damp for ironing. Surely one of these services is adaptable to your needs. Our telephone number is Wilmette 145. Tbia ia the popular laundry mao in your anab~rbood-pop Wilmette will have its very own days at the Sells Floto circus wh.en that stupendous amusement enterpnse comes to the Chicago Coliseum in April. Schools will be closed to permit the children to attend the s)low on April 16 and the evening performance of April 17 will be graced by the presence of Wilmette's official family plus many other community notables. All this information comes from Wilmette Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, which has made arrangements for Wilmette Days, when a portion of the proceeds will be directed into the chapter's fund for the organ installed as its contribution to the new Wilmette Masonic temple. . · D 'II b Ttckets on Wilmette ays '!· .e sold at the regular box office prtces, 1t is explained and will not . have to be ' d exchanged for reserve seats. . Mrs. Charles R. Hall, 111 Lmden avenue, is chairman of the enterprise and those assisting in the distribution of tickets are as follows: Mrs. Frank Venton, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McClure, Mr. and Mrs. Emmett D. Yarian, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Schuettge, Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Orner, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Birr. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Humphreys, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. McCallum, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Ahlc;trand, Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, \fr. and Mrs. William T. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Shellman. Mr. and Mrs. John Hartman, Mr. and · Mrs. Lew Pavis, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Edinger. Mr. and Mrs. Ira D. Iverson, Mr. and Mrs. John Saville, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lundin, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Melind, Paul Hoffman, Vic Davis, Mrs. Ida M. Lyons, Mrs. Elizabeth Rand, Miss Helen Shepherd, Richard Schuettge, Jr. ., · I ..... 1 Coy and Demure Bovs are "Dates" at Senior Party The Senior class of New Trier High school held their party Wednesdav evening, February 22, in the mess hall of the school. The party was a Leap Year affair, the girls having asked the fellows, and many of them calling for their "dates" and sending them flowers. Several of the girls came stag, to insure plenty of cutting in, and the girls did the asking for the dances. giving the boys the sensation of sitting out some of the dances if the trirls did not choose to dance that particular number. Anyway, the boys got a taste of the medicine they us·U:tllv feed the girls. There were several feature dances. The girls had previously brou~ht pictures of themselves, and also pieces of iewelrv with names attached. Each hnv drew a nicture, and then danced with the l!irl rorresoondinc:r. and the hoy drawing the niece of jewelry danced with the girl whose name was attached . + I I ular because bia bobby ia being courteous and obliging. He repre·nta the finnt equipped laundry on the North Shore. \V&Ungton Laundry ........., .._, . ~.ILL ~ · TO ADDRESS CARDEN CLUB Mrs. Maud Jacob!' of the Garfield Park l'taff, will tallc on ·"Gtowin~ Perennials from Seeds." at the next meeting of the Wilmette Garden dub Friday. March 2. at the horne of Mrs. Dan Green, 120 Ninth street. Mrs. Ralph Huff will give a short talk on "Garden Books." Members of the dub are urged to bring spring cata· logues with them. Miss Alic~ and Miss Mar~aret Ebelinsr, 726 Ninth street, entertained a group of their friends at a sleif{h Phone Wilmette 145 Established F Of'ty Yeat's " ,;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~!~7~i19~~~k~~~ evemng.