Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Feb 1928, p. 17

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Itebruai'Y. 24, 1928 ·W ILMB.TTE - LIFE Mother Is Gflest. . Daughter Hostess. . Vote,.'LeagueAanoUDCea CIRCLE MEETING The next meeting of the North End circle will be an all-day session held Monday, February 'll, at the home of Mrs. Clarence Drayer of 1034 Elm· wood avenue. Luncheon will be served at 12 :30. The assisting hostesses will be Mrs. Allen M. Rossman, Mrs. John Blair Whidden, and Mrs. Charles F. Reinboth. + / I .. I I The Kenilworth League of Women Voters in co-operating with the Illinois Thursday evening, February 16, the league announces a Fonun of the League Girls' club at New Trier High school of Women Voters which will be held gave its annual Mothers' and Daugh- on Saturday, March 10, in the Gold ters' banquet. This banquet is given room of the Congress hotel. The League -oeach year by the girls as a tribute to of Women Voters, together with the M iss Dorothy Fuessle of 50S Laurel their mothers and also in order that Association for Peace Education, is avenue motored to Madison, Wis., las' the mothers may meet other mothers holding this forum for the third annual Mrs. Albert N. Page of 901 Ashland week-end to visit friends at the Uni· and teachers outside of school hours. educational conference, and in addition avenue is leaving soon for Miami, Fla. versity of Wisconsin. The feeling of fellowship and good ~ 0 the teacher's organization, a number cheer was maintained throughout the of other organizations will participate evening by songs and cheers. To be· in with a delicious dinner was served. thas year. After the feast both mothers and The subject of this year's conference daughters adjourned to the auditorium will be, "The Study and the Teaching where speeches were made and enter~ of International Relations." Professor tainmeut provided. Jane Burrill, presi- Pitman Potter of the University of Wisdent of the Girls' club, welcomed the consin will speak at the morning sesmothers and introduced Miss Elizabeth sion on "Methods and Motives in the Packer, dean of girls, who, in the Study of International Relations." The -:ourse of her talk read excerpts from afternoon will be devoted to a discusa letter written by Miss Wright, former sian of the press as a factor in the spons?r of the club, who is in England, education of the adult in international to M1ss Murphy who is club sponsor affairs. James G. McDonald, of the O.Xiftl rbintr. lihtlliu 4o rht ... , ,.. lll6o ,_, r6ia . . . . M" . ht 's a bsence. M.ISS Fore1gn . p I" . t" .,,. AIIOID Ulh«e to u4 · ti'Hf: ol COCU'H ir·a ., ,,. ..PANTar · s...... · durmg ass wng o 1cy assoc1a 10n of N ew 5Z4 Dauia Sr. Sod·. LunciHon. AltmJOOn TH. Dinnu .,.4 ,.,, ff1Minf .,,..,.,,. \\' right's letter expressed her home- York, will be the principal speaker at Opm ,, ll A. 11. Sundtlfl· 4 P. Jl. A dtlitiout lull coane Dinntr · skk~~fur~e~~~diliecl~~d ~~~oaT~ d~m~oo will be a ~-~~u~ro~d~5~~~o~~~B~P~-~M~-~M~~~~~,~~~~~~P~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ also related her many fascinating and prominent part of the program at both :: _____ _ interesting experiences in England. sessions. For further information one Several mothers were called upon for may call Mrs. E. D. Snydacker, Kenilremarks. worth 700-R, president of the KenilA group of junior girls gave a dance 1worth league, or call Hyde Park 1449. ...... . called "The Skaters." They made a I yery pretty sight in their red and · Sk ·ki D A R H white costumes. Helen and Doris 0 e · ft. · to ave Fraser sang a gr~up of songs to conArtists for Guest Day Expressing" 'The V1gtu of 1o11th" dude the entertamment. As announced last week, the next ON THE znd FLOOR at Wabash .A'Vtn141 meeting of the Skokie Valley chapter Shawnee Club Ends Month of the .Daughters · of the American and the Joster Community Sllops Revolution ..will be held Monday afterWith Two Social Events noon, February 27, at 2:30 o'clock, at February is culminating at Shawnee Country club with two large events, a the home of Mrs. Harry Street, 592 masked ball and midnight supper. Sheridan road, \Vinnetka. Each memSaturday evening and a large bridge ber is requested to notify the hostess luncheon Monday. Members may in- whether she is to be present, as this is to be a guest day, and, in entertainYite guests to 6oth of these affairs. Those in charge of the ball, durirg ing, Mrs. Street must . have some idea of the number to expect. which prizes will be given for the best definite A very beautiful program is planned The :A(ew Color costumes. are \Valtace Miller, chairfor this day with Mrs. Josephine Lydman, and Mrs. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. !Jy Earl R. Neir. Mr. and !Irs. G. R. ston Seyl, soprano. Miss Lillian PrinGarretson and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur gle, cellist, and Mrs. Everett Harris, accompanist, as the artists. \V. Allen. Each member is privileged to bring ~frs. William Holmes is chairman one guest. The meeting will begin of arrangements for the bridge luncheon, with Mrs. C. :Miles McDonald the promptly at 2:30 o'clock. hostess. Assisting will lJe Mrs. Arthur \V. Allen. Mrs. John W. H. Higbee. Catholic Club to Hear Mrs. B. G. Calloway, l!rs. Robert H. R. E. Pattison Kline Candlish. Mrs. Rollo Gullickson, and Mrs. Arthur D. Winslow. The regular meeting of the Woman's Catholic club of Wilmette is an· Miss Jean Drayer, daughter of Mr. nounced for Tuesday, February 28, at and Mrs. C. E. Drayer of 1034 Elm- the Wilmette Woman's club. R. E. wood avenue, spent last week-end at Pattison Kline will be the speaker of home from Champaign, Ill. Miss the afternoon. He has taken for the Drayer is assistant editor of the Uni- subject of his talk, "Washington, the Aristocrat Commoner." versity Press publications. iJ now presented in -oMr. Kline has been a teacher of ·Columbia effective speaking in the M iss Nettie Kaufman of 1029 Elman Afternoon Slipper and a Semi-Sports wood avenue has left for a visit in College of Expression and the John Marshall Law school. Wheaton and Glen Ellyn. Model produced in a Special Suede at Cl··b ,. Banqtlet March Coa..-. Forum where ihe wiD visit her · claUKhter11 Sarah, who is atteacliag iss· lkrril school. Mr. Page expects to join lin. Page later on. Miss Marian Page and Kenneth Page, who are at school in the East, expect .to spend their spring vacation with their mother and father in Florida. ' ' N,.,. ,., ···ZJ ~~ _............,._........,._._.~,...-c~-~_,.....~---~--GJoster "Campus" Shoes ·'Covert 'Beige" G]oster "Co"tJert tf3eige" of the new shade. These Shoes are attractively priced at I'OR I'UEL-USB OIL ··A Correct Grade lor Each Barn«" .Two Bulk Plants-Eight Trucks operated ON the north shore to assure ON THE ANDATTHI COMMUNITY SHOPS FLOOR. 2nd PROMPT, EFFICIENT SERVICE BBAVK Baos~ Oo. Co. 723 Oak Street, l' innetb Wianetb 3020 - Telepbona - Highland Park 3296 7.G.Joster &'Gnn)any r rs ~1r1ll Wa!Jash t.A-pm·t 111111 EVANSTON 10SO Sullt a.,., Dri'N 519 Div~rs'.J P11r(t/M.I -~---------------~

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