Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Feb 1928, p. 14

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616 CHURCH STREET, EVANSTON The IPirlt of tbl· church 18 lndlcate4 with the followlnlf familiar Invitation : --ro an who mourn and need comfort-To all who are tired and need restTo all who are frlendleu and want frlendshi..-To all who are lonely and want companlonBblp-To all who an homelea and want ahelterlng love-To an who pray, and to all who do not, but ought-To all who Bin and need a Saviour: and to all who-ao-e'er-wlll, thl· church open· wide Ita doors, and In the name of Jesu., our Lord, bids "Welcome!'" The bulletin next Sunday momlng will carry the ftret drawlnc of the new church building. It will be made from a pen and Ink sketch of the westem front of the church Itself. All material for the roepectua of .the entire enterprise Is now n the hands of tbe printer. M st,otllll C"·rcl lee8, wlalell estealed over a period of aeven weelc8. ha4 an aveta88 attendance of over ftfty. · The nauslc for next Sunday momlnc Is as follows: . The Onraa Prelude. ..Adqio" trom the Sixth SymDhony, bJ" Wldor: the Onran Poetlude, "Allepo". bJ' llendelaaohn. lfhe 8en1or Choir will ~At the .Feet of the Muter" by Coom~ and "'Call tp Remembrance" by Novello. The Junior Choir will Bing a Netherland Folk Sonar entitled, ··A Sonc of Pral~~e," and will u~~e ae their proceulonal. "Love Divine, All Love Excelllnlf." 81· And Now--- r. Tburaday wu Division Day. The Second Division entertained the Fourth Division at the home of lira. E. A. Wegner, 421 Elmwood avenue. The FlfUl DlvlBion entertained the First DlviBlon at the home of Jlrs. Harry lion-. 157 Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth. The Third DlvlBioo met ai the church. One of the outstanding events of the year for the women of the church will be the LeQten Luncheon. This Is to be held at the Shawnee Club Thuraclay, Karch first · at twelve-thirty. A musical program 1111 being provided, lira. Edwin Holt Hughes will preside, and the chief speaker will be 11188 Harriet Vlttum. Due to the fact that a very large attendance Is expected, those wishing to go are uked to make reservations with lira. E. II. Staftord, phone 700-11. The pastor has been asked to be one of the seven BDeakers at the Good Friday Service to be held In the Chicago Temple. ThlB marks the end of a series of special meetings held In the Temple by the Chicago Church Federation. The Idea of church membership Is being atreSBed through all departments of the church. Special studies have been providoo for the boys and girls In the Junior department, while the youth In ttle High School Department are undertaking the study of Dr. Ryan's book, "What We Do When We Join tbe Church." · The regular monthly meeting of the , Friendly Circle will be held Tuesday evening, February twenty-eighth at eight o'clock In the Young People's House. Hostesses, Mrs. E. B. Horton, Mrs. F. C. Houghton, Mrs. J. W. Humphries, and lira. Orville Jones. The Annual Girl Scout Dinner and Court of Awards was held Tuesday night · in the church. Second Class Badges and Merit Badges were a warded to the girls of Troops II, III and IV. i Open Till Midnight After successfully building up a truly remarkable Luncheon and Dinner business, we are now ready to invite our many friends ·for that late supper or a bite after tbe show or the dance. You will find the same careful attention given and the same sinceu appreciation ex- A aeries of Family Suppers to run through Lent and beyond, will begin Mst Wedneaclay night at I :30. TheBe will be served on the baal111 of la.Bt year. Each family attending will bring auftlclent IIJ&ndwlches for their own u~~~e, and one covered dish besides. These latter will be placed on a common table and served cafeteria atyle. Coffee and milk will be provided at a ve~ 8Dlall chai'Ke. This · reduce111 both the C08t and service to a minimum. It was exceedingly productive In fellowship and good will last year. Children as well as adults are )Velcome. At these aervlcee, the pastor wlll give a aeries of addreBBes on the ··Prayers of Jesus." Empba81s Ia placed on the fact that adjoumment will take place not later than 8 :15. The preaent aedes of FelloWBhlp aerv- ·'I j l 1-Jt... .. I I "~~"~ ~~~ pressed as of old. Fountain Service, too. ~(J~ · tt ~ I ........... Beeord§ II The Woman's Home Missionary society Is planning to aend a box of clothing to a girls' school In Cedar Town, Georgia. Anyone having clothing to send will please leave It at the Woman's Exchange or call Wilmette 1975. The young people are starting their aeries of Lenten programs Sunday evening. The Sunday evening meetings are planned to give all young people in the church an opportunity for happy fellowship; also, to give direction to thought on religious problems. The leadership Is the beat which could be provided for such discussions. The subject throughout the aeries Is, ""What Jest1S Christ Means to Me Personally." The following Is the schedule for theBe meetings. February !6-Leader, Dr. E. Voigt, In Robert Kimbell's home, 422 Forest Avenue. :March 4--Leader, Mr. Glenn Harding, leader of student conferences. Ma~~ 11-Forelgn Student. March 18-Kr. Harold Ehrensperger, profe880r In Garrett Biblical Institute. Marc~\, 25-Dr. Sc~ermerhom, professor In Garrett Biblical Institute. Aprlll-Dr. Horace G. Smith. ,.e High School league Is continuing their series on ..Appreciations of AmerIcan Citizenship." The Boy Scouts, under the leadeJ:shlp of llr. Walter McPeek, wnt have charge. The worship program of the Hlgb SchOPI Department will be led Sunday morning at 9 :30 by 11188 llarlan Thayer's class. They are beginning the study of ..When We Enter the Church," by Ryan. or radioat"fhe ·o !ia&p + I I efaMdie·r e s.oo es.ee ......__or Down Orthop~niereprodae IN TBIS 1aperh eabinet you have the timeliDell of radio eombined with the smootbne11 of A Month ... ,...,. F·+le· yoa to parclaaae a aew eo...., U......_ood, Ropl portaYe. It will ....a the....-... tiaa eltime aad __..,.· .It wiD lie · auet ol to......_. A n.l CGM·i.ce for $5.11 dowa; $S.II a . . .th. c- ..... ia.,.ct the - - .......;.,. Tiley caa. ia ...., ..... iYory, ........... Wack. Miscellaneous Of/ice Equipment Dab - Chairs Adding Machines Files Chandler's F-waSqare .............. r····.......... eo. 712 Cburcb St., Evallltoa tion. The Radiola is a six-tube, taned-radiofreqaeaey reeeiver, operated hy batteries. Or simply switeh the lever and you eam en· joy the permanent musie eontained in Orthophonie Vietor Reeords. Come in and look it over-soon I Convenieat paJIW.Ills, if JOII prefer. REHEARSE TEMPLE PAGEANT Rehearsal for the pageant to be presented at the dedication exercises of the new temple of the North Shore Congregation Israel will be held Sunday morning, February 26, from 9 :30 to 12 :30 in the nt-w temple, Vernon and Lincoln avenues, Glencoe. Wilford Blades was host to twelve boys last Saturday afternoon at his home, 1004 Sheridan road, in celebration of his thirteenth birthday. · U..IZ3 EVANSTON 131DaYiaSt. Opm EWJJinp ·~ . The Senior Music club of New Trier High school met last Thursday, Februarr 23, _ at the home of Mrs. John. Seyfned, 757 Foxdale avenue, Winnetka. -o-

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