February 24, 1928 English Lutheran Cll·rell Note· The catechetlcal class Is meetlna twice each week and will be ready for confirmation on Palm Sunday. The followIng are members: Rose Karle Gash, Ruth _ Nordberg, Lucille Dalberg, Arno vonReln. sperg, Robert Klemm, and J'erome Nevins. The entire class passed examination one In the course of Instruction. The new set of plans for the ftrst unlt of the new ~burch are on display in the chapel. Everyone who has seen them likes them very much. It Is hoped that the actual work of breaking ground will be an event of early spring. The buildIng a_ s outlined wlll have a forty-foot frontage on Seventh street and will come wlthln a few feet of the present chapel. The main auditorium which wlll be built later will have a fifty-four foot frontage on Greenleaf avenue. The two units will be connected an(! a front entrance wlll connect with the main tower by way of a covered hallway. An Easter cantata of high order ls planned for Easter night. The work of preparing will begin shortly. A number of our young people and friends wlll make up the choir for this cantata. A plan of family visitation was proposed by the pastor last Wednesday evening. The response was splendid, for enough people to constitute nine teams of visitors volunteered for this service. They have pledged · themselves to visit one family each week through the Lenten season. This should be instrumental in interesting many new families In our church. i ~IIIIIII..........IIIIPIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIm·mllllllllll...._. ' l I .,. I I ... I The Luther League Social, held last Friday night, wa.s quite a success. S~cial music. both instrumental and vocal was offered in the way of entertainment. Wallace Stark convulsed the audience with his droll Swedish stories, whil('! the black face dialogue was voted a scream. The league plans to make this an - annual affair. The addressograph fund was ~welled by the addition of about $26. pledges This amount, the individual of the increased members by of the leasue, will make the addressograph a near P-OSsibility. Self denial doesn't appeal to everyone. But a sinc<'re Christian will consider anything that might help him to be a better Christian. Christ denied Himself, that we might have salvation. He even denied Himself that we might be eternally alive. Is it asking too much for us to deny ourselves some luxury each day and use that money for Him? Is it asking too much that we spend one evening a week in God's house? Are the other things that we do so edifying that we woud prefer them to an hour with Jesus? "Where two or three are gathered together In my name, there am I in the midst of them."-J'ESUS. Lenten meditations are held each Wednesday ni;ht beginning at 7 :45. The subjects for the next- six weeks are as follows: · \Vednesday, February 22, "Jesus, the Sufferer." Wednesday, February 29, "Jesus, the King." Wednesday, March 7, "Jesus, . the Lite Companion." \Vednesday, :March 14, "Jesus, the Mediator." Wednesday, March 21, "Jesus, the Judge." Wednesday, March ·28, "What Will YOU Do With Jesus?" Pal· sa·day April 1 Conflrrnants-Lucille Dalberg, Rose 1\farle Gash, Ruth Nordberg, J'erome Nevins, Robert Klemm, Arno vonReinsperg. Holy Week ~ervices, 7:45 p. m. l\londay, April 2, History of Christ's Passion. Tuesday, April 3, History of Christ's Passion. Wedn~sday, April 4, History of Christ's Passion. Thursday, April 5, History of Christ's Passion. Friday, April 6, History of Christ's Passion. . 6 ~. m., Sunrise Service : 10 :30 a. m., Sunday school : 8 p. m., Sacred Cantata. Lenten Thoughts . ====_====== New Modes of.Distinction A NOTABLE collection of new creations is assembled for the spring exposition. The style show held here Monday and Tuesday by the Junior League of Evanston was an opening event of importance. Many new costumes bave arrived since and others are making their appearance daily. Presentations are diversified and individuality is the keynote of all apparel shown. Easter Gowns--Coata-Ensemblea-Silks Dobbs H at-NegJigee-Hoaierg Lingerie-Leather Gooda-Hmdkercbiefs Costume Jewelry-Perfumes AT MATH CONVENTION Miss Lillus Price of 631 Lake avenue, an instructor of mathematics at New Trier, left last · week Tuesday evening to attend the National Council of Mathematic Teachers in Bost9n, February 24 and 25. Miss Price is being sent as a delegate by the W oman's Mathematics club of Chicago and vicinity, of which she is president. She will return to Wilmette Monday evening of next week. Mrs. Rudolph P. Engel of 210 Dupee place entertained her bridge club at her home yesterday afternoon. Luncheon was served. EDGAR A. STEVENS, Inc. - 1624 Orrington Avenue EVANSTON :IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItllllllllllllllllltiiiUIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIJIIIIIJHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllttit