WILMETTE LIFE Itebruary 24, 1928 Unusual interest was evinced in th~ style show conducted February 3) and Z1 by the Junior league of Evanston at the new apparel shop of . Edgar A~ Stevens, Inc., 1624 Orrington avenue, Evanston. It is estimated that more than 3,000 h · tt da peopIe were m a en nee on t e two days of the opening. The shop was crowded to capacity, it became neces· sary to lock the doors at times and manv witnessed the pageant .from the outside. . Seventeen young socaety w~en· ~f the nor~h. !bore modele.d, appeanng 1n the exhabatao~ at 10:30 an the forenoon and at 2:30 an the afternoon. The newest creations depicting the mode for spring were shown in appropriate versions for daytime and evening wear. Sports attire received its meed of attention, for it is averred by stylists to be correct for practically any occasion from sun-up J)ntil sundown. Many distinctive evening gowns were shown and also tailored coats, printed frocks and luxurious negligees. Street costumes were worn with hats and Jr0 ...... · ""Jg,. · ' A ttftltl St,le Show · O·en···t Sto··' · v ~ p - II, What. Wilmette Merchant Offers You SBBVICB 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week? proper accessories to complement them. Fashion tendencies noted in the showing include:- uneven hemlines, circular and flaring skirts, the raised waistline, the flair for tweed ensembles, the fitted bodice, flounces and the trend for more femininity in every detail of dress than has been apparentfor many a season. IJats showed much . intricacy of design. Costume jewelry, true to its name, matched the costumes with which it was worn. AmonJ the new modes shown was an evenang aown fashioned of an im., p~rhted . ~dlack dlace shdawl ebf!lbedllish.ehd WI! Y1Y1 s~a es an com me wat poant d esprat. It was worn . by Mrs. ·Arthur Rogers. Another evena~g gown of unusual charm was of marane blue chiffon, worn by Mrs. Leslie Wagner. The vogue of dots was exemplified in a smart dotted ensemble ·worn by Mrs. Wallace Thompson. Miss Marion Dawes wore a distinctive afternoon gown of black satin and chiffon. A swagger three-piece tweed ensemble was modeled by Mrs. Mitchell Harper. Miss Dawes, yice-president of the Junior league, had charge of the exhibition. Mrs. Edgar A. Stevens, who is buyer of coats, gowns and ensembles for the shop, selected the garments shown. The young women who took part in the style show are: Mrs. Wa11aceo 'fhompson, Mrs. William Winterhalter, Jr., Mrs. Mitchell Harper, Mrs. W. Hamilton Walter, Mrs. William M. Parks, . Mrs. Leslie Wagner, Mrs. George Fargo, Mrs. Arthur W. Rogers, Mrs. Scott Green, Mrs. Robert Luster, Mrs. Robert 0. Law, Jr., Mrs. Benton McMillan, Miss. Lydia Atwater, Mrs Kenneth Little, Mrs. Kenneth Hess, Mrs. William Blanchard, Jr., and Miss Marion Dawes. Patricia Daly of 1238 Ashland avenue entertained thirty guests at a birthday party at her home. The party was given in celebration of Patricia's tenth hirthday. Junior Le11gue Exhibits .Newest ·styles l l .,.. ... I NEVER CLOSED Special Photos by Bernie Saturday and Monday Saturday and Monday we are offering Chinese Bamboo Waste Baskets. We are offering these basket~ two for the price of one. This will enable the housewife to place a basket in the two main rooms of the house; thereby doing away with the necessity of having to hunt for the wastebasket. · When the Junior League of Evanston gave a style ·show Monday and Tuesday in connection with the opening of Edgar A. Stevens, Inc., 1624 Orrington avenue, Evanston, among those modeling were: (upper row left to right) Mrs. Mitchell Harper wearing a three-piece tweed ensemble, Mrs. George Fargo in a dark gray covert doth coat, Mrs. Scott Green wearing a crepe Elizabeth dinner gown ; and (below) Miss Lydia Atwater in a black taffeta evening gown, Mrs. Robert Luster wearing a navy blue cloth coat and Mrs. William Winterhalter with a navy blue checked ensemble. 2 Baskets for 59c '-------------...,j . \Vilmette Post of the American Legion and women guests are to enjoy a Hard Times party, in Leap Year style, at Fred Miller's Lake Shore Terrace Wednesday evening February 29. Fun for all ! ' American Legion Notes Select Cut for New Trier Spring Drama The cast for the spring play to be given by the New Trier Dramatic dub has recently been chosen from the tryouts which were held Monday, Febru-ary 13. The name of the play is "The youngest," by Phili~ _Barry. The cast 1s ~s follows: hhzabeth Sanford, llaraon MacDonald, Helen Nygaard, Fa~th Burge, Annette Thompson, .De.an Vaal, Ralph Netterstrom, Leon Dtckmson and Bill Gibson. The leads are to be taken by Bill Gibson and Helen Nygaard. Milk Card Holders Neat attractive milk card holders that will enhance the beauty of your back porch are now being offered at a reduced rate. The new rate bas been made possible by virtue of the fact that increased production has lowered the unit cost, per holder 60c WOLFF. GRIFFIS, Inc. HARDWARE Phone Wilmette 158 1185 Wilmette Ave. The buglers of the Legion Drum and Bugle corps held their initial practice Tuesday night of this week. Enthusiasm ran high and the slogan, SPONSOR PLAY "On the Street Memorial Day," was "The Vodvitle," sponsored by the adopted. Northwestern University theater, will be given this evening and Wednesday Any Legionnaire will give you par- evening of next week in Annie May ticulars relative to the big dance on Swift halt. One performance was the evening of St. Patrick's Day at given last Wednesday. David Owen the Stolp auditorium. of the North Shore Theater guild and Eugene Frost are coaching and backThis is the time for our member- ing it. Tickets are on sale at the door. ship drive. Eligibles will be taken care of if they will call Wilmette 3260. The officers of the Cub Scout troop Vista del Lago, met Wednesday evenThe next meeting of the Legion is ing with Miles McDonald, 1004 Michscheduled for Tuesday, March 13, at igan avenue. The entire troop went St. Augustine's Club House. on a sleigh ride that morning. ·