Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Feb 1928, p. 10

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: trol Leader: .Lee. · JJ.Iaylptk,. ·Walter Haas, Paul Potter, Oyde Warble and Donald Pavlicek. · 'tt'... ..~ . -~. new patrol aad hu Troop 8 has ~en plann!ng for the ~*c · itle ~mltership Gf the Wol:f camp ~t the caban next. Frtday. The,Y, · 1 Th 1· d h · are goang to leave Wdmette on the ~ ~tro. e new .Patro 1s name ~ · -t:G train.-Roger Delauder, P. L. 'Lion patrol .and has ~ the . ·followmg Wolf Patrol, Troop 8. Scouts in it : Charles Stiles, patrol 1 leader; Frededek . Leason. assistant Scout CoiiiiDitteemen on ':Patrol leader; George Logan, Ray:.-mond Jones and Martisi Herberholz, Camp laapecticm Tour . troop scribe. A group of Scout committeemen, .. Th, WQ.If patrol ngw has the follow- headed by Chas. A. Steele, left last ing· inembers: Roger ~ D'elan(ier, Patrol( Friday for a three-ct_ay trip into Wis_ Leader; John Dernehl, Assistant Pa- consin, inspecting various camp sites. ·--&L.__:. TlOOp · ; ·--n.v......, lUlU~ ! Hold Fint Meetint of CoJDJDitteemen lnati~te "We.u-EYer" utensils are made from puu aluminum sbttt that is not oaly unusually thick bat extremely bard. That is whJ tbeJ cook better and last longer than other utensils. $}25 49~ ~pM- FRENCH FRIER $let~ r~ltu pnce On Wednesday, February 16, the Wilmette Institute for Committeemen of Boy Scout Troops held its first lf:leeting in the Wilmette Congregational church. The chairman of the meeting was Frank Wilson and among the speakers were Scout Ex:ecutive Walter McPeek on "The Why and How of Effective Troop Committees" ; C. A. Steele on "The Duties of the Outdoor Member of a Troop Committee"; Ted Grant on the "Educational Member"; Henry Fowler on "Secretary. Treasurer and Thrift Member"; and \\riltiam McCormack, "Advisor and Community Service Member." Seven troops were represented and altogether it was a very successful meeting.-George Bersch. J. A. S .· Troop 4. St. Thomas School ver Wins Debate ·o . · Kent at ExpositiotJ Taking it all in all, the Wilmette Scouting Exposition, held Saturday, February 11 at the Howard school, was a great success. Demonstrations of 20 merit badges were given and were viewed bv more thari a thousand people. · The badges which were won by Scouts of the village at the Board of Review held on Wednesday, February 8. were presented at a Cou~t~ of Honor session held at the expos1t10n. The St. Thomas school of St. Paul. Minn., won a debate against the Kent College of Law of Chicago, the ballot being cast by the audience. The debate was arranged by the Wilmett~ Post of the American Legion. A contest was. held by the troops to see which one would succeed in bringing out the largest number of guests. The prize was a huge cake, donated by Frank A. Wilson, Wilmette baker. Troop 9 "took the cake." A vote of thanks has been extended to Scoutmasters F. J. Ryan and L. F . Ball and others who aided in preparing the booths and in handling the exhibit.-George Bersch. Troop 4. $1·&5 We cany tlae moat complete 6ae of ..Wear-E·er" oa the· North Shore. ~ · 49~ · ......... 1-1-" Troop 6 Activities Now in Full Swing FryPa Wilmette 3060-3061 MILLEN· HARDW AR, E COMPANY 1219 WILMETTE AVE. WILMETTE, ILL. ~ t H F\ H()I F T I ~.1 ·"Economical TraDsportation" For economical ,and mjOyable transportation the ~be~~ole~ 11:1ore than sel:ves the .~ : purpose. Combined with its low operat- ;: ing ·costs, its st1Q.'dy motor requires little ~ · if any attention. Call US, your local \- .. . Chevrolet "'aler, fen a .~onstration. ~The Chevrolet varies price froin th~ roadster, and touring ·a~ $495 to the Imperial Land~u. at $715~. . !'-'·~· I .in ·. ~ .. · The activities of Troop 6 are now in full swing. At the last meeting "Duke" Moline was elected Troop Scribe, "Wallv" Hansmann, Arthur Cramer, Gene- Prochnow and Kermit Simons are the Patrol leaders. Senior Patrol Leader is "Chick" Maginnis. and Junior Assistant Scoutmaster, Elmer Priebe. The program at the Troop 1 Off For Good last meeting consisted mainbr of passStart; 4 New Scouts ing tests and drilling. The meeting Troop 1 had a very good meeting was closed with the Scout Law and Oath. The Troop meets on Thursday Wednesday evening, February 15. nights at St. John"s Lutheran church. Thirteen Scouts' turned out that night. Troop 1 for quite a while has had a -Gene Prochnow. P. L .. Troop 6. difficult time in starting up. But now we are sure we have a start and four Patrols Put on Stunb more boys are sure to be added to the at Meeting of Troop 4 Troop. Boys of Troop I are already working on Tenderfoot and Second Troop 4 h~ld its monthly stunt night Class tests. Any boy 12 years of age last Thursday night. Four patrols en- or over is welcome to come and be tered a stunt. The First patrol, the enlisted as a Scout. Troop I meets Beavers. under the leadership of Bruce each Wednesday night at 7 :JO o'clock Kenyon put on a comical surgical at St. Augustine's Parish house.- · operation. The Silver Foxes were Tommy Temple, Troop t led by Paul Sterner and put on a magical stunt. Then the Stagg patrol, led by David Henderson. put on a Scouts of Troop IZ Pua comical scene between a bootlegger Teats on Hike to River and a couple of policemen. The last stunt was given by the Black Bears. After the party on Sunday afterIt was a scene in a millinery shop. noon, February 12, Tr~p 9 had. a 'They were led br Oscar Anderson. short hike .to the north branch of the AU stunts went over well. The Beaver Chicago river. . and Black Bear patrols tied for first Gerald M;ty, Robert May, Scouts place.-David Henderson, Stagg patcol, Marcel Kniep, Clarence Steffens, T~0op 4. George Schoper and Anthony Schuler passed the tracking and ,pace teJts. · ) Ciaude Maien won the knot tying After the hike Scout Robert May ·contest in Troop 6 competition held on passed his second cla~s test in First Wednesday evening, Feb. 8. Troop 6 Aid and Scout Marcel ~iep passed meetl eacb Wednesday evening at the second and first ~~~~ cooking tests.St. J.n's Lutheran church. Scribe Adam Bauer, Troop 9. ·. . '· . . .. L & R AUTO.SERVICE .t ~ - :. : . . 332 Linden Day Phone Wit. 3064 ~" ' ! I ~Y,- . Niib.t Phone Wit. 477 . ). .. "

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