Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Feb 1928, Inside back cover

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I Wonder If THIS IS WHY-? China bas some 420,000,000 folks milling around in it'! The United States claims II 0,000,000. There are 460 Drug Stores in China! There are FIFTY THOUSAND (50,000) druggists in the United States. Could THIS be the reason that China is so backward in progress and so torn witb political wars and emotional twists? Is the . drug store a civilizer or do Drug Stores FOLLOW civilization? WE Americans when we develop a pain or a misery or a corn or such, lope into the nearest drug store, lay down a dime or a two-bit piece and quit hurting. Do you suppose if we COULDN'T do that, we'd get militant and start a war or a revolution l Are Earaches, Toothaches, Constipations and S~re Corns the underlying reasons for War and National BACKWARDNESS? There· s SOMETHING odd about this situation but derned if I can figure it out so as to PROVE anything! What do YOU dope out on it? Baby·Foocla i Tbtrc's only a comparatively few reaclen of this paper· who are . lucky enuf to have a baby bat those who will have will be pie~ to know that we make it a mOlt imponant rule hue ia this store to see ·to it that our stock of baby foods· is bought in small qaantitin so that it is always FRESH. TO CLEAR YOUR HEAD For 25 Cents! There MAY be something that stymies a cold quicker than oar Special Cold Tablets but WE have never seen it. Vapure Take a small piece of gauze and put a few drops of Vapure upon it. Then inhale and exhale into the gauze and your bud will be relieved of that stuffy feeling at once. Keep a bottle handy and use Vapure at the first sign of a cold. Coffa! White Pine and Tar is NEARLY as good a remedy as the one I make and for tboasands of yean bas been curing ruft'ness. pains and tickles in the throat. Gene Alarm Clocks $1.25 to $4.50· Rennecka.r's ---['f1~,.C ------ ST"CO[ rn. 3aalt. SIDle Wilmette, IDinois Phones 28·2g Only One Store-Central and Wilmette Aves. The orneriest invention ever pat out in America! Yet folks BUY 'em and we gottem for sale-{$1.50) for $1.:r.5. Beat itl America-$1.50, and the aew lngersolls from S 1.50 to S4.50. GBOBGB WASBIKGTON Ia Wallblagtoa'· dme, wbea wig· we·e wo11a, It was aot aeeea1117 1011 a maa to l11et o·e· tl7ial to llad a eompe· teat bube11. Slaee SbolltJ' bas Bul·ed oa ou borlzoa. we eaJo~. tbe 1ame state ol allallls. Fo· tbat GOOD balnat eall oD SboJtO. In Washington's day -the last word in pocket watches; and pictured in the center, the· last word in our own--the Pentagon VltTa-V enThin: $125. February is Men's. Watch Month at our store. The Pentagon is only one of the many fine examples Qf Gruen Guild craftsmanship in our wiClely varied assortment of Gruen Watches in both ~lcet and strap designs. There's a style of Gruen Watch for every ~rsonality and every purse, from $27.50 to· ··ort~·s Baa-bea- a·op 6 ELECTRIC PLACE TELEPHONE WILMETTE 4130_ t2SO. DOMINIC PAGLIARULO . 1.,.,., 11 1166 WU.rttc AYe. I o,.- PlloM W"alaeuc 106 · lot.fioa J ,... in tbt -

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