Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Feb 1928, p. 1

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SCORE OF LOCAL.SHOPS Ke·ilworth Voters Toastmasier Buildi·t . JOIN IN BARGAIN FEST- , Approve of School Additio· 1;....;.-.....-..~~~----~...~ Offer Remarkable AdYaDtagea ·to Possibly the largest ballot cast in a WilmeHe Bnvin· PahJic; north shore school election in recent years was recorded last Monday when Kenilworth residents approved the · · four ·measures proposed by the School . The casual observer .w ho wends his board in connection with the erection The · First Natiooal Bank of Wilmette way through Wilmette's bu~iness dis- of ap addition to the Joseph Sears has purchased the Village Theatre buiJcl. · tricts next Mon<lay and Tuesday school · by 'the decisive majority of · irtg_ on -Wilmette avenue· a~d ·will prCJJ might excusably get the impressio..n mor-e· t~an 20 to J... , . 1?; \: ceed at :Once with · the remodeling . that the calendar had slipped back a Four proposals were plac;ed before the structure to convert it· into a bani few months · and that the frenzied · the public in· the ballot. -·The first, · · building. . Announc~nt of · - th~ put~ Christmas shoppers were doing their ·atJthor.izing ·the building of the addi.. ... .chase \¥aS made this ~ by.:Eclwin · annual buying marathon. tion, carried ·by . a vote of 205 to 8; the Knudtson, president. of the· bank. T · Pardonable as such an impression second~ · ~uthorizing the ·issuing of · ·First ·National will occilpy- 'he . theat be, it will, however, be erroneous. $140,000 in bonds to finance its erecbu~ldJnr·· early' next autumn. mght seem, it will, however, be erron- tion, was approved by a vote of 198 Purchase of . the theater building ' eous. True, one will note all the hustle to 10; the. third, authorizing the board the bank at length sets at rest the livelt. and bustle attendant upon .the holiday to increase the tax levy to·· .its legal spec:Uiation- whiCh . has . been . rife· in season, and that right in the middle of limitations, was passed by ·195 to 12; conununity for several weeks; or siboi February, for the simple reason that and the fourth, making ·it possible for the · .day· the Village Theater·. ~ next Monday and Tuesday, February the board to increase its building and announced . the closing " of the' ~~ 20 and 21, are scheduled as Dollar ground fund by levy, was approved by liouse and sale of the propc;rty Days in Wilmette. 196 to 11. . ·. . . . . T : Wray of 57 Crescent plate, W" . Bi1 Barpiu for a Dollar Plans and . specification.s are now No "transfer of proPerly in· ·teCent yea This . semi-annual bargaining event, being drawn up by the architects and occasioned such universal · interest : · sponsored by the Chamber of Com- it is expected that work on the prothe viilage_ and r1unors· 5oon bad ~ · merce, guarantees the shopper the big- ject will be ~tarted early in the spring · structUre· COilsigned to a score· or ._,.. gest values possible in exchange for so as to complete it before fall. Dr. B. :M~ Conley of Wilmette, Presi- of uses ranging from five and ten ~ a ·one dollar banknote. dent of the St. Francis hospital physi- stores to ')JOOlic garages~ · ~·· .\ Dollar Days are not new to Wil. cians' staff, was toastmaster at a ban&am.' ..... mette householders, who have often quet given Wednesday for seventy-five Plans for the remodeled theater build. enjoyed the buying advantages offered doctors and internes of the hospital last ing are beil)g ~esigned by' ) · L H~ . upon these occasions, but the moWednesday by the Sisters of St. Fran- ton. of the firm of Hanulton, Fellowi · mentum behind this season's edition cis. The decorations followed the Val- and Hamilton, architects~ The prese· of the special merchandising enterprise It is again the same old story in entine theme. Dr. Conley was elected theate~· lobby will be ~verted -into · augurs well for an unprecedented regard to getting the New Trier president of the hospital staff several impressive bank entrance and a eo1aot shopping session when the doors of Township tax books early, in order weeks ago. plet~ modernization of the entire struc.. some twenty stores and shops are that taxpayers of the township may ture is contemplated, it is stated. opened Monday morning to reveal pay their taxes to Collector Sanborn The First National ~ establisheil shelves and tables heavily laden with Hale and thus more promptly swell CLOSE P. 0. FEBRUARY ZZ in 1916, has enjoyed a remarkable the burden of Dollar Day offerings. the township funds by so doing. The Wilmette post office will be growth over the twelve years of itl Collector Hale has been making closed all day Wednesday, February history. Beginning with quarters · Qaic:lrea Spirit of Goodwm The primary function of Dollar frequent · trips to the offices of the Z2, Washington's birthday. No de- Main street and Central avenue, the ' Days, according to the Chamber of county Clerk in an effort to get these liveries will be made, according tQ gradual expansion of the bank ..... Commerce · advance notices, is to books, but still he has them not. They Joseph E. Shantz, postmaster. necessary a change of location, in 1931. cement confiCtence between mer- tell him, he says, that the rates are to the present site on Central aven· chant and customer and to quicken not yet all in and that the Board of opposite the Village haD. the spirit of goodwill obtaining gen- Review is still in session. PlaaforF.-. Collector Hale will ·lose not a minute erally in Wilmette business places. This site, however, was soon f..t as soon as in getting the books here Dollar Days, .in fact, are designed to inadequate, and it becalne adftsable to acquaint the householders with the they are ready, and requests local taxseek a larger, and, if possible, peta· element of personal service stressed payers to watch the ~Qiumns of WILnent location, adequate to meet pr~ by the local merchant, and to prove METtt LtrE, in which he will announce requin=men~ and also provide for tile that the home town shop-keepers are the important date of arrival. continued development of .the bank. Mr. Hale anticipates an extension of prepared to meet the most exacting Officers of the First National bUii demands of the Wilmette buying pub- time from March 10, to enable him to are Edwin B. Knudtson. presickot; do his work. But just how much time lic. · Dan G. Stiles, vice-president and ~ will be given, he cannot say until the Dollar Dey Shopa ier, and N. A. Schwall, assistant cashiet, books are completed and delivered to Concerns which will offer Doliar him. Day bargains next Monday and TuesYOUNG PEOPLE'S PARLEY MASONS HONOR WASHINGTON day include: Cosmas Brothers, Paul Davey, HoffThe North Shore Zone of the WU.: mann Brothers, Klinge & White, 1ohn George Washington Night is to be ther League of Young People Millen, Papantony & Sons, The Patty observed at the regular meeting of hold its quarterly conference in 5t Shop, Wm: Taylor, A. s. Van Deusen, Wilmette todge, No. 931, A. F. and John's Lutheran church, Wilmet · \Vitson's Bakery, Worthen-Carrico A. M., Thursday evening, February Sunday afternoon and eTening, Febrj. 23, when Dr. Horace G. Smith, pastor ary 19. Rev. 0. A. Geisemann. past· company, M c Namee's Store for Men, of the Wilmette Parish Methodist of Grace Lutheran church in ~ Spanish Court Pharmacy, The Kenil- church, ·will give an address on WashPark, preach at the evening meet~ worth Store: Nelson Brothers LaunTh fi p "d dry, Uni(1UP. Style Shop, Pearson's· ington. e rst rest ent was a ing. Market. Wilmette Filling Station. member of the Fredericksburg, Va., Masonic lodge. Eaeourate Goodwill _, --o -·-- J tos · Tax Collector Hale Encounters Delay in Obtaini·t Books M......_ will The Community Chest and · Infant Welfare (Turn to Page 44) . PREACHES TO METHODISTS Prof. H. G. Diidine, former principal of the Boys' High school at Hinghua, China, wiU preach at the Wilmette Parish Methodist :c hurch Sunday morning, February 19, at the 11 o'clock services.

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