Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Feb 1928, p. 30

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BY RUTHIDA L. PuTZBL This ,ear ·the Chicago Garden and · I'Jower show, which is to be at the el Sherman from March 24 to The Nortb Shore is looking. f~rward with interest and keen cunostty. to the Mardi Gras luncheon to be gtv~n on February 20 and 21, at Chrast Church Parish House, Wip.netka. So · 1, witt feature· an art exhibit of far it has been kept a deep secret as rs and gardens. Mrs. E. A. to who are to be the artis~s who will Glencoe artist, is the geaeral provide the cabaret entertan~ment, an~ ·rman, and she will be assisted by· our curiosity is not to be sattsfied unttl n. Johnston Bowman of Evanston. the moment of their appearan~e. We ia Lena ·u:cCauley of Evanston, · r of the ..Art World" of the Chi- · have definite information, though,. that E·ening Post, Mrs. Gordon Ray the talent is of the highest and that the performan~es are so varied as to of .Winnetka, Mrs. James Walker of ale, and Miss Irma Renee Roen, be both amusing and beautiful. Mrs. Charles McKinney of Winnetka · U known artist, make up the comittee. ·~ in charge of this part of the progra~, and Mrs. George Parker· promThe exhibition will be hung in the ises a delicious luncheon will be served · XI room, and on the walls of under the direttion of Mrs. Robert Crystal baUrootn. Works by some B i d d 1e and Miss Margot Atkin. cif the best Illinois and eastern paintAssisting in the serving will be MeswiD be shown. Some very beautidames William Bacon, James Marshall. Eaalish garden scenes by Lillian Emory Wilder, Gilbert Crowder, Harry IUlard are to be hung, as well as Edmon d s, Charles Goodrich, Dane r still life paintings by H. DudFuller, Warren Crawford, Renry Stan¥1 Murphy, who is considered to be ton, John Roberts, and a group of e of the finest artists in this type of peinting in the country. Other artists Photo by. Ray Huft-Rlchter debutantes, including the Misses Betty who already have promised to exhibit The engagement of Miss Jane Ram- Pain, Rosamund Coffin. Judith Walsh. are Carl Buehr of Evanston, Frank C. sey of Wilmette to Phillip H. Kemper, and Elizabeth Lamson, all of Wineyraucl of Ravinia, Mrs. Pauline Pal. Photo by ~. D. Toloft son of Mr. and Mrs. William . F. netka. Mrs. Wyndham H. Channer, Win111er, Nellie Knopf, Frederic Tellander, The marriage of Miss D o r o t h Y Kemper of Chicago was announced Edward T. Grigware, H. A. Vincent, Foresman of Kenilworth to Warren recently by Miss Ramsey's parents, netka 2071, is in charge of tlie. reservaand Miss Roen. McCracken of Barrington and Chica- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nace Ramsey of. tions, and we understand that the tickets are going fast and that the · Jtach day of the flower show there go was an event of Wednesday after- the Linden Crest apartments. seating capacity is limited. noon. Only the members of the famibe a special hostess for the art When we understand ·something of · it,· either one of the committee, lies were guests at the service, which the cause for which the proceeds of was read in the chapel of the Fourth Children to Have Gag ar one of the exhibiting artists. the luncheon are to go, we shall be all , Another unusual feature of this see- Presbyterian church of Chicago, and · Week-End at Shawnee d annual flower and garden exhibi- at the small reception held immediately The young people, from little tots to the more eager to secure our tickets or t will be the series of lectures of afterwards at the home of the bride's those ·of high school age, are to be in our tables for either of the .designated acatit?nal aatare pertaining to the twin sister, Mrs. Richard Kenyon of possession of Shawnee Country club davs. Recently a srnall mission church has prdeo or the home. The schedule of Chicago. The McCrackens have left this week-end. Children of members, been built in Roak's Cove. Tenn., and ~kers is not yet complete, but the on their honeymoon trip to Nassau and and their friends, will be guests of the it is here that the funds from the lia includes · one or two north shore the Benuuda Islands. residents. The talks wilt be given at - - - - - - - - - - - - - - club at two parties, one this evening, luncheon will go, to build a hall so the other SClturday afternoon. The that the mountain people in that dis11, 2 :30, and at 4, each day the show first of these is for the older ones, trict may have a suitable place for Pariah PtUtg T utadag i· in existence. children of the sixth, seventh, and their social gatherings, their games, One of the gala ev.ents in the year Prizes totaling $10,000 in cash, to- for members of the parish of St. eighth grades, who are to have a and their entertainments. These peo8flher with medals and trophies for Augustine's Colonial party with dancing to the ple. with their manv fine and lovable Episcopal church is being aoaateur ~ompetition, are offered in the arranged for next :fhursday evening, strains of an excellent orchestra that J)fell'lium list of the Chicago Flower when all Episcopalian families, men, has been engaged by the chairman. Qualities, are so isolated and in most d Garden show announced this and women, boys and girls, are inv.ite~ Mrs. C. P. Dubbs, and the members cases so ooverty-stricken, the pleasures in their lives are so few and so smali ~k. . . to be guests at a Parish Family party. of her committee: Mr. and Mrs. James that such a place would open up a . ' There are special competitions for Moving pictures, a magician to delight H. Briggs, Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. new world to them. · tbe private estates and classes open the little ones, music, dancing and McKay, Mr. and Mrs. James M. KraftThose of us who have spent any to aU growers. Among the ' flowers refreshments are included in the plans hefer, and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. time in the southern mountains rememWhieh are invited for exhibition are : for an affair of appeal to all ages. The Brashears. ber with feeling the gentle courtesy Several dinner parties will precede and friendliness which crreets the most ~ryUis. schizanthus, azalea, ciner- opening hour i~ 7 :30, and no definite aria, cyclamen, geraniums, hydrangea. time is set for the party's closing. the dance. Prizes will be given for casual sta:,anger with "Won't you set the best costumes. ~ula.. spirea, calla lily, freesia, . hyaawhile?" or "Won't you . ~tay the Little ones up to the sixth grade will nil{ht ?" even when the cabin is crowdth, lily of the valley, narctsius, To Report on W ellealeg have their share of · pleasure tomorrow tulip, rose, carnation, orchid, begonia, The North Shore Wellesley circle afternoon from 2 :30 until 4:30 o'clock . ed and the food is scarce. It wilt be a ..-ista, calceolaria, sweet peas, snapprivileJle to return· this kindliness in clrqoo, delphinium, lilac, lupine, mig- will hold its next meeting Tuesday, A program especially planned for the form of somethin'f that may mean 21, at 2 :30 o'clock, at the February voungsters will be given by Henry as much in their lives as · our own aoftette, stock, violet, salpiglossis, waD-flower, anemone, and ranunculus, home of Mrs. Richard C. Lake, 1708 Roethig, ~hildren's comedy magician, community centers mean in our lives. Ridge avenue, Evanston. Mrs. Ralph and James Dervin, ventriloquist, who or buttercup. · In aclctition to the keen amateur Brown and Mrs. Earl White who just will appear in a novelty act. The committee in whose charge the Afternoon Bridqe campetition, the largest display of have returned from the Alumnae council at Wellesley, wilt give informal afternoon party is, consists of Mr. and an:enhoase flowers ever made in Chifor School Building Fund talks. Mrs. Brown will give a report Mrs. John R. Ludwig (the latter the ego it promised for the show. The St. Francis Xavier school buildof the meetings and Mrs. White will An exhibit repra.luciog realistically soeak of interesting matters outside chairman); Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Gul- ing fund is to be increased from the l'ckson, Mr. and · Mrs. C. C. Kidd of proceeds , this afternoon of a bridl(e lancbeape beauties of the Cook the business of the council. Winnetka, Mr. and Mrs. L. Albert given under the auspices of the Wot)' Forest preserve will be made ~tewart, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. *l the show by the For,st Preserve · · · man's Catholic club of Wilmette at ~. A larle space has been Aax~ltlltll M Httng M ondaq Farrar. the home of Mrs. Frank Kutten, 1tOt aiWe for the exhibit on the mez- The Junior auxiliary of the · Infant Chestnut avenue. The chairman for loor of the Ho I Sherman; Welfare society holds it~ next meeting D.B.E.~neitTo4ay the affair is Mrs. William Leary, who loCal pnlen clubs are completing at the home of Mrs. Roger Jenness The Cambridge chapter, Daul{hters is assisted by Mrs. Paul Fieberg. Mrs. · eatry plans. Monday, February 20, at 2 o'clock. of the British Empire, is giving a bridge H. Davies. Mrs. J. Dowdle, Mrs. J. Thote who will act ,.~ assistant host- narty this afternoon at the home of Wiedlin, Mrs. H. Barker, ·Mrs. T. esses will be Mrs. William Balhatchet. Mrs. R. S. Smith,· 324 Cumnor road. Chambers and Mrs. A. Ohlendorf. ··Oae ·· . of · tlte lWl FebtUIUfl Z5 feature events of the Mn. Norman Firth. and Mrs. Donald Kenilworth. as a benefit fOr the British Ill at St.wnee Country club is the Simmons. The · Wilmette ·board of the Infant 91~ People's home. ...... haD and midnight supper at Welfare society of Chicago met for ddodr Saturday ew-enin1, .-ebruary Announce Enaaaement Mrs. John Lewis Page. 1012 Linden luncheon and a day of sewing Monday ,... event always has proved a Mr. and Mrs. William A. Rradford avenue, will he hostess at a luncheon with Mrs. Charles McCue . at her nccellfal afair for older members of 956 Greenwood avenue. Hubbard and bricll(e Friday. February 24. in apartment in Evanston· · and one those wlio have taken Wood!t, announce the enpgement of ·honor of her sister-in-law. Mn. W. E. berthipa this sea10n are an- their dauchter. Helen Crews. to Garold .Bridces of Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Rush Smith, 1131 Ashland avetintr. Prizes wiU be Jriyen for ·the Clairmont Tenison of Oak Park. The Bridges just have moved to the north nue. is entertaining at luncheon· ·and weddiDI. will take place in the spriqg. shore from St. Loui~. e9ttumeJ, it i a a,ounced. . bridge at her home today. · (Conlribulea) / Beneit.

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