Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Feb 1928, p. 46

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-The ~t of the decision of iU'itaal leadership of two ministers, Dr. 'Stephen A. Lloyd and the Rev. Prancis Carr Stifter, who r~ently le.ft ' their WilmeUe parishes to serve an other communities, we~e . unanimo~sly ~ted at the recent annual meet.mg of the Wilmette Church Federation. The resolutions read: "The announcement of the decision of lh .Francis C. Stifter to sever his conn~tion as pastor of the First ~a~tist church of Wilmette came as a distanct urprise to his many friends in the community. His constructive work duriq the period of his pastorate here is weD known both in and outside his own church. The Baptist church buildin& stands as a monument to his executive abilitY, and the growth in the .-embership of this denomination is an indication of his spiritual leadership. Ris influence, in no small way, has been felt in many community organizations that have had as their aim the moral and civic welfare of our village. His spirit of friendliness and desire to be of service wherever possible has endeared him to all with whom he has come in contact. He leaves in \Vilmette a host of friends, and carries with him the best wishes of the entire community. "In view of the fact that his · leaving the village will mean a severance of his relations with this body of which be has been a most helpful membertherefore be it "Resolved : That the W i I m e t t e Church Federation go on record as extending to Dr. Stifter and his family the best wishes of this body and our earnest prayers for his continued success in his new field of labor wherever it may be. Our loss will be some other community's gain. Be it further "Resolved : That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the Wilmette Church Federation and that they be published in our local paper, the Wu.uarn: Ln·£ Committee: (signed) Eston V. Tubbs. ] · Robb Harper." Mrs. Dorothy Rosenciw-Brem~r, mother of Mrs. Fred Holste of Wtlmette, who passed away on January 24 at her home in Highland Park at the age of nearly 93 )'tars, was la!d to rest in the St. Peters c*etery 10 Northbrook on January 28, Rev. Armin Bizer. of St. Peters church officiating. Mrs. Bremer was one of the early settlen of this locality, coming to this country in 1853 and making her home on a farm in Northfield township near what is . now Glenview. She was born in Magdeburg, Germany, on March 14, 1835, and as a girl of 18 came with her parents to this country. Subsequently she was married to Karl Rosenow and seventeen years after his death in 1885, to Fred Bremer of Glenview. Mrs. Bremer is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Fred Holste of Wilmette, and Mrs. Fred Ahrens and Mrs. John Bremer of Highland Park, and one son C. C. Rosenow of Highland Park. There are also 17 · grandchildren and 20 great-grand children. Things have been ..perking" pretty lively at the Bleser ·Bowling acade~y on Ridge avenue in recent day~, With potential season records topplmg at every turn as new mark.; to s~oot at are re~stered alm~st every , mght of the Wilmette Busmess. Mens league ~ tournament games. . . Last Friday evemng th~ Ftrst National bank five and the Rtdge Aven.ue pharmacy squad topped the field wtth high pin records, in three games, 2901 for .the bankers and 2927 for the pharmacist$. Outside the league Bleser's Academy team twice trimmed the Highwood Boosters. In the first meeting the locals rolled up a grand total of 3086 pins, and came right back in a se~ond encounter with 2781. Chubby Less ?f the victors rC?IIed 253, 220 and 286 m the first meetmg. The BusineS'.s Men's league tournament figures to date are as follows : ·reams Won Lost Pet. tst National Bank . .. . .. . 46 17 730 Ridge Ave. Pharmacy . . 44 19 698 McNamee's Men's Shop . . 40 23 635 Leo Braun &: Co. . . ... . . . 38 25 603 Wilmette · Confectionery . 32 31 508 Paul Davey, Jeweler .. .. .. 27 36 429 Wilmette Shoe Store ..... . 18 45 286 Wilmette Ice Co. . . . . . . . . 7 56 112 Player Club 1. E. Udell tst Nat. Bk. 2. J. Schrank Ridge Ave. Ph. Kenilworth Buketeen Defeated by· Evanaton Kenilworth basketeers were defeated in two games with teams . from the Haven school of Evanston last Tuesday night. Both games were arranged under the auspices of the North Shore Grammar school league, comprised of Wilmette, Kenilworth and Evanston schools. The score in the 90 pound cla-;s was 15 to 9 while the 110 pound game ended 19 to II. Both games were played at the Evanston school. The next of the llOpular dinner dances to be given at the Indian Hill club will be on Saturday evening, February II, for members and their guests. -o--. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard H. Roach, 292 Sheridan road, left last week for Biloxi, MiS'3. They plan to return to the north shore early in March. ~~: ~- ':;~~';!:f::r 12. N. Mlller 5. s. Solheim 6. R. Wert 7. A. Borre s. H. Gaither 9. F. Sesterhen ~: ~ ~~!t Mc~~O::~~ :~0: McNamee's M. S. Wll. Cont. tst Nat. Bank . Rldge .Ave. Ph. Leo Braun &: Co. P~~k~.:;:~ Ridge Ave. Ph. 13. E. Lei~ Ridge Ave. Ph. u. M. Kidder WIJ. Conf. 15. M. Braun Leo Braun&: Co. 16. R. Rlust Ridge Ave. Ph. 17. L. Udell tst Nat. Bank 18. W. Balmes Wll. Shoe Store 19. B. Field McNamee's 20. c. Udell tst Nat. Bank High team average (three · games), Ridge Avenue pharmacy, 2927: High T. Udell, 666; high single Schrank, 257. ~f:~e ~~~~rdu~~rs!v~~~~"(!h:!!n~a~::): game, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Keller, 821 Greenwood avenue, were host and hostess at a bridge party given at their home last Tuesd~y evening. ---oMr. and Mrs. R. C. Whitsett, 830 Oakwood avenue, had as their guest The North Shore Grammar School "Whereas Reverend Stephen A. last week-end. Mr. Whitsett's brother, Basketball league will begin its seaLloyd has ·been for the past nine years E. Y. Whitsett, of Wisconsin. son in Wilmette February 16 when --othe pastor of the Congregational the Peewee and Lightweight tean1s M. L. Lewis of New York City sp~nt from Boltwood school, Evanston, come church of this village, and whereas he i one of the founders of, and has been the last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. to Howard gymnasium for games with active worker in, the Wilmette B. F. Lewt.s, Jr., of 610 Washington Wilmette public school teams. The burch Federation, and whereas dur- avenue. game will be called at 4 o'clock and -oing his residence among us he has, by at the same time on the following afhis sterling character,. his exceptional The Chicago and North Western ternoon Holtwood heavyweight team abiUty and example as a Christian Railway Woman's club meets next will meet the Wilmette Heavyweights. minister, his earnest devotion to, and Wednesday at 2 o'clock. Mrs. W. Evanston and Kenilworth have alof the program. influence upon, the civic welfare of this Carson is in charge ready entered their inter-city contests --o. M1111D11nity as well as by his lovable and will have finished their schedule Mrs. Andrew E. Moeller. 721> Green- by the time the Wilmette season association as a neighbor, rightfully wood avenue, left this week for Galesearned a place in the hearts of all opens. The games were delayed here burg where she plans to remain for by the intramural basketball games, those who have enjoy-=d the privilege about a month. of knowing him. which finished their championship con-otests this week. "Now, therefore, be it resolved that The Crescent Circle club was enterOnly the three above mentioned we, the members of the Wilmette Church Federation, here assembled in tained Tuesday, February 7, at lunch- North Shore towns ar,- represented in the Grammar School league, which enaDDaal meeting, do hereby claim Dr. eon by Mrs. John H. Schmidt, 422 _ ters its second year of existence this Llo7d and his gracious wife as our own Laurel avenue. lood friends and beneficiarie·, and as-nyear.- Three teams from each school Mr. and Mrs. Willis H. Hutson. 1112 system are entered in the league. The M'e them of our love, respect, esteem, and best wishes for the unbounded Elmwood avenue, left February 2. for Peewee team affords an opportunity success which we are certain awaits a month's stay at Sarasota and Miami, for boys weighing under 90 pounds to them in their new field. Fla. meet boys of their own weight and the -olia-htweight division is for boys under ·ae it further resolved that this raolation be spread upon the records Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Hall, 807 110 pounds. Poys weighing over 110 avenue. are entertaining a few pounds are eligible for the heavyof this Federation and that a copy Central of their friends at their home tonight weight division. thereof be sent to Dr. Lloyd and his llt a bridge party. I'OOd wife and the same be pub':rbed -n.. 'the local Jllpen. Mrs. George E. Tarn~w of 126 Mr. and Mrs. ]. H. Briggs, 1133 Ash.. Committee: Fourth street entertained her E. 0. T. land avenue, returned last week from (. .eel) Liacola C. Torrey. brid~re club at her home on Tuesday New York, where they have been visitllany Kinne." afternoon. Luncheon was served. · inr for about a week. . -o- J. Open North Shore League Basketball Schedule Feb. 16 · Last week was one of 't he most s'!ccessful of the season for the New Tner cagers. Beating Waukegan 32-17 and 17-15 and Deerfield 36-14 and 21-16, they extended their season's record to eight for the heavies and nine for the lights. At Deerfield Tuesday the heavies had an easy time, playing the second team for three quarters. The score at the end of the first half was 19-4. when the subs left the floor fo~ th~ regulars. George (Fink) Path~son~ and Charles (Chick~n) Markley. led the scoring with four . ~askets apaece~ while Thompson, Harwood and Sheidon each dropped two.. Deerfield opened a stalling game wsth no lead and tried to hold th~ ~all t~rough the game, but New Trser s trscky forwards were too fast for them. The lightweight game was more exciting. Deerfield led , {or the fi~st two periods, but couldn t cope wsth the last minute strengt~. the · Gr~y-Green team showed. Lmey Smith a.nbd George Saxton . each caD_le .back wst four baskets apsece to wm m the last quarter. Dickinson was the .star for D field being tied with Liney Smith eer ' . h b ·t f for high pomt onors y v1r ue o four baskets and two free throws. The speed of the battle kept the crowd at b' h . h th h t the game and a 1g pttc roug ou repaid them tor the dullness of the feature game. Top Wa.....aa At Waukegan a capacity crowd of · hoarse. by the two 2,000 was drtven . games. In the hghtwe1ght contest Waukegan led all during the game only to lose it in the c!osing minutes by a score of 17-15. ~1th th~ scor~ 13-9 against his team,. Lmey Smith dr1bbled down the floor for a basket with one · A f · 1 b K'l mmute to play. ou Y ·.ponen gave him two free throws wh1ch ~e dropped to bring the score up to a he dd d h f t' · 13-13. Thorsen a e t.o ! e es !VIties by scoring the wmmng basket, with 20 seconds to go. After being the hero of the game, Smith almost became the goat, for be fouled. Scott as the whistle blew and gave the Waukegan Star two shots after time was up. Scott, however, missed both shots preventing the game from going into an overtime period. Bob McLe~n, last year's star forward~ played his first gam~ of the season~ making i10 contribution to his team's score in the period he played. In the heavyweight tilt Wally Miller New Trier's red headed center, dr~pped six baskets in a last quarter rally. This with one in the first quarter. brought his total up to fifteen points. The game was fast from the outset, Budrunas, the big Swede, dropping five baskets and 3 free throws in one half of the· game. Levandusky left the game because of injuries. Waukegan got aw~y to an early lead in the first half, topping the visitors 10-7 at the end of the second quarter. The New Trier squad however upheld its reputation as a second half five and came back to win the game 32-17. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. M. Cole, · 315 Essex road, Kenilworth, are at home. after a week's stay in northern Michigan. -o- Mr. and Mrs. John G. Ortegel annOWJCe the marriage of Altbild ]. Rustad to their son, Ralph A. Ortegel, on February 4. ···JOM ................. ·- ,.. ---· Do Yo· Waa& to DIIJIOH of Yo·r · Plol'lda Laat·f-lf ...... I wiD ef a.e· for ~·· er ··· of 70U et-'U Ia irate ler c.._.. ·ro~~e~ora.-ltUIIu c. A.. DL cr. n, wn..u. ...ae ·..... Life, WUaeate, .

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