.. ~ VOL. XVII, N<;). ~ sEEI PlEDGES TO AID -AY . EYENING CLUB Declare& Youth of Today Is Beller · Than Predecessors Ernest. ·Morris, Scout Executive of .t he Oak · Park area, Boy Scouts of Amer·ica, was the speaker at the Wilmette Rotary club luncheon W ednesday noon of this week. Burglars, apn.arently professionals~ The letter reprinted herewith. has been "I have · no time for this drivel not only were busy but achieved masent by the Finance conunittee of the about the boys and girls of thb genterial success over the week end .~ Wilmette Sunday Evening club to a eration being on a lower moral plane Wilmette, rifling the safe in the officet list of . residents in the village, se- than the youth of other years," Mr~ of L9well F. Todd, principal of the lected for their reputation in supporting· Morris declared. "They are better, in Howard school on Saturday night an worthy . civic activities. Since it is in- general, than those of a few decades entering two hoines and attempting to evitable that such a list will be inconi- ago, for ·they are stronger, more frank, gain entrance in two others last Monplete, and· at ·the request .of the .Finance better informed, and have a broader day night. The total loss is estimated · committee, the letter is · published in outlook, generally, than their predeat about $350 in money and checks and Wn.Man Lnt~ so that all those who cessors. Three · million of these young at least three watches. · . 1 may desire to do so, wiD be given the people are in · the Boy Scout moveEntrance at the Howard school was opportunity to participa~e in the financ- ment which does the really construegained through a window of .the offite the .Sunday Evening club. tive thing of taking the boys before . ing of _ by breaking the lock. Around $175 A supply of pledge .cards is on hand they are spoiled and found bad, and in money and checks, a part of which at the office of Wn.u~TTt Lin:, and building manhood from the best poswas used in the operation of the school one ot more . can be obtained there upon sible material." cafeteria, had been placed in th~ safe request, or, if it is more convenient, Twelve Eagle Scouts (highest rank' at the close of school Friday, it heine the conunittee explains, checks to the from Wilmette and Kenilworth were too late to deposit it in the bank. · Ii order ot Wilmette Sunday Evening rlub special guests at the meeting, along has been definitely established that thr ·'may be mail~ to Mr. E. ~nderson, 1123 with several local Scouting officials. safe was locked as Mr. Todd had ElmwOOd avenue, or sent to the office W e.dnesday marked the eighteenth twirled the knob on the lock and hi· of Wl~M~Tn: Ln'~, whence they will birthday: of the Boy Scout movement daughter, Betty, had also tu~ned it be turned over to Mr. Anderson. in· the United States. prior to their leaving the office. Tht Branson DeCou, world f am o u s The letter reads : · "Dream Picture" lecturer, will give the safe was not damaged in any way b M~tiaiaecl Locall~ progralll at the Wilmette Sunday Eve- the combination had apparently been Lo.-an-Howarcl P. T. A. to ning club Sunday, February 12, and worked out by the culprit who th "In behalf of the Wilmette Sunday 'Hold Card _ Party Tonight again on Sunday, February 19. "South left the office by way of the office Evening club, of which, as you know, W. Frank McClure was the founder The Logan-Howard Parent-Teacher Sea Island Wonderland" is the theme door and front door, both of whicli were locked but could be unlocked and has been ·president since its incep- association· bridge, five-hundred, and of this Sunday's portrayal. from the inside. The theft wa tion thirteen years ago, I am writing to bunco partv will be given this evediscovered by Mr. Todd upon hi$ solicit your interest in and your support ning at 8 :15 o'clock, at the Howard Presbyterians to Obae"e return to the office Saturday morning of this fine village insttution. school gymnasium. Eighteen prizes Lincoln'a Birthday Sundav to take the money to the bank. "I am sure that it is a matter of will · be given, six for each game. Re~ DiacOYen Baralar : civic pride to all of us who live in freshments will be served. Tickets .Lincoln's Birthday and the 18th anAt about 3 o'clock Monday .n ight the Wilmette, that we have been able to may be purchased at the ·door. niversary of the Boy Scout movement home of N. C. Borre on Ridge road maintain, largely with local support, a The ·.committee having the arrange- will be observed simultaneouslv at the wa!' entered and ransacked while the forum for the expression and thought of ments in charge .consists of Mrs. A. services of the First Presbyterian family slept. Entrance was gainec:l speakers of both national and intema- Strubling, chairman, and Mrs. H. D . church Sunday morning, February 12, through a dining room window, tht tionill prominence, as eviden.ced by the Nevins, Mrs. C. H. Hurtt, Mrs. F. J. at 11 o'clock. Dr. George P. Magill, burglar then making his way noisereprint of the current season's program, Pavlicek, in charge of candy booth; the pastor, will have a·s his sermon lessly through the living room, where which I am enclosing. Mrs. E. M. Simonds, prizes; Mrs. Z. topic: "Abraham Lincoln and the Boy a lighted !.1mp was standing and where "Just as a matter of convenience and Parkhurst, refreshments; Mrs. F. H. Scouts, or, the Citizen of Yesterday Mr. Borre was sleeping. The intruder because of the opportunities afforded for Crawford and Mrs. R. B. DeVinney, and the Citizen of Tomorrow." The "lifted" Mr. Borre's trousers which he stimulation of mind, and for informa- tables; Mrs. 0. W. Schreiber, cards church quartet will ~!1,·e a pro~ram of had doffed earlier in the evening and tion on matters of current coneern, for and tallies. music appropriate to ·the occasion. which contained some $150 in cash and The association is expecting a large both we parents and for our children, then passed onwas into th~ the Sunday Evening club is one of the attendance. The last party was a ·~-------------. checks bedroomand where Mrs. Borre sleepdistinct advantages offered to us. It great success. Everyone expressed ing. Here he gained possession of a has bro~ght the greatest men of 9ur having a good time, so all are urged metal box containing personal paper' time to· our very doors. . to come out and see for themselves and which had been stored under th~ GiYea SerYicea Gratia bed. He also had taken two watches~ what the association is doing. Mrs. Borre, awakened either by somt '\AU of th~ c<*Ulected wt:th the sound or premonition, discovered the club give generously of their time. and N. T. Girls to Give burglar and leaped out of bed in an energy, and IJO one of them receives endeavor to apprehend him but ·tht Banquet for Mothers How JD&BJ' sellool& of Nortla· any compensation. The expenses consist thief disappeared through the window westera Ualverti&J' are loeated of the cost of speakers~ music, rent and A Mothers' and Daughters' banquet as her hands grazed his coat. oa JleKialoek CampatJ for some miscellaneous advertising. will be given by the Girls' club of New These costs must be defrayed through Trier High school in honor of their Fria· .._. B~ Doaa Wa~ the J'ear 1... a leap 7earr offertory and voluntary pledges. mothers on Thursday, February 16, in Shortly before or after the Bor~ ~'Will you help, please, by signing and the mess hall of the school. The everobbery, burglars entered the Edt returning the pledge card. enclosed, in ning's program will be featured by Ia ~tlllpplatr ·easare, llow ··ell ward Blum residence on Glenview roi· the stamped and addressecl envelope sent special entertainment and speeches.. II a re.aster toa f by forcing a window. Here about $18 ' herewith. in cash and a watch was taken. SubT·xat 11 tlut larpat ttale Ia Very si~rely, HEAR DEAN MATHEWS !:equently attempts were made to ent~ area, wllat I· tile aext lartre·U G. T. · Hellmuth Dr. Shailer Mathews, dean of the the ·Martin Meier home nearby, wh~ Chairman, Finance cOmmittee" Divinity School at the Univel"Sity of a window was opened, and the Gle· Wllat Demoeratle eaa·tdate raa Chicago, will preach at the regular Janson home. also in the same neiatl aplas& CooUdtre Ia lllf J morning service of the Wilmette Bapborhood, where a door was forced. I Cblclren'a tist church Sunday, February 12. Dr. both of the latter places the vandal WU. Wllea wa· tile lnt Cllleap T... Glenview P. T. A. Mathews is well known to Wilmette frightened away by a dog. · DaTIIPt Onllaaaee ,..ted I Miss Winifred Bright, children's li- churchgoers as one of the outstanding .brarian of the Wilmette Public li- preachers in the country. Oa wllat tlate wiD Ea1ter ATTENDS ALUMNI DINitER ' . .,. fall till· 7ear J brary, spoke before a Parent-Teacher A dinner was given by the alu~ associataon meeting in Glenview la-st . in the Chicago district of the West~ The Community Chest week on books and the value of a ern Reserve University of Oevela Tht anoert to ,,_ ,_iont 111ill community library. The occasion for Ohio, in honor of Dr. Robert E. v· be loan4 in th tolamnt. the talk, an addition to being a feature son, preaider · of the univeraitJ, Arden Shore Camp of the P. T. A. program, was in conC·h icaao last Monday evenia«. T nection with the proposal to organize dinner was atten~~ne L. Wh (Turn to Page 12) a library in GlenYiew. · ·········llllifllllililllmack, Wilmette · Do You Know? 1 2 . 3 4 5 6 t0 Libivian lr:=============::j and 7 $··· t,.,..,