Claude \'lltandiain ail .very seven··ac:dl,eat lalt ek hilo ·coming down epl of the apartment of a business friend on Lake Shore drive. He feU backwards as he reached the bottom of the stairs and struck the back ·of his bead with terrific force and the· chauffeur carried him into the Drake hotel where two doctors were summoned and be -was taken to the Presbyterian hospital. · It is considered q~te a 10iracle that his skuD was not fractured. ~ ~~, n · DhllliJ:p Uflivsrlily· G·Utl G r e go r y avenue entertained their Kr. and Mrs. John E. Benz of 620 bridge club at · dinner last Saturday evening. Dinner was ·. followed by bridge. -aThe board of the League of Wo-, men Voters held a meeting Thursday, February 8, at the Wilmette Village hall One hundred fine prints from the international coUection assembled b.y the' Chicago Societ)' of E t ': h e ~ s, brought to Eva-.stoo. by th~ Uowers1ty guild, are now on display an the baD~ room of the Orriqton hoteL . There are prints and etchinss from aU parts of the _,.ld, the qlue of t~ collection nearly $2,000. Seventy-two artists are represented, 2Z of them now living abroad. Pictures have come from Japan, ;Fraoce, Wales, Engla~d, Belgium and other forep countnes, and from·all parts of the United States, including ·Evanston. Evauton: J'ean ~~eel of St. ....... ;" 'l.'laoiiiU ..Barb' Jlornm.." '"l'oP of tiMa Dune~;" lDarl Reed-RJ'ort Clieltef' Baada." ·'JieQatem of Leaves." Parle: AchDei'-"Porte SoubeJ'e&n ;" · Scott-"Rio del Kendlcantl,.. ·-a.uvalll." ..Pont Jlarle." ~: Vondrou.-..Pie~~ervatlon of Worka of Art,.. 11'l'be Z8J)J@lln." Be-.aum: Baketeen-..L'Arbe at La Granae ;" SbenrocMI-..Pecheun de Crevettea." J'apan: Latbmann-'"'l'emple BaiL" Venice: llauroDeJ"--..()apelaae:· ChiD&: Doua'I&D-'I'J.'empte. Kak Pa.u. ~: ZariDI-..L& Colllna dl 1'leaole." . . .laDd: Bea1111l0Dt-......_wmln« tbe Purraace :" Bueb--"TIIe TfJwinl;'f· ero-11V&D 4er Oeellt after Vaa ~- :" Dobloll · 11 8Deen Po_n~;" -:~t BuUder'a 8be4 ;" Klmaua--"TIIe ue ;·· JlarDlea -"OD the J'eed," ··J'e~~ter of colD cathedral· .. RobiD-"JIOIIDicken4am ·" &khmer -·=Hot wen.:" Cbamberlaln-':Side Street In ~" "Catbednl 8Diree, AD.,...... ;" Silltera. York." ~"LA~ "TUdor Jllrep~- Bimolalu: uQuleni-"Blena.·· '"!'be Little Cove... South Wales: Burcbell-..The l'lve BuUdlac ;" J'acque.-"A.nemone~," ·~· Toronto: Bal...-·-.nae VIllage." · Cbtcaco: Croeeman - 'Tine Alt8 DOlfu." '"l'bornapple ;" Kll'kbrlde. V..'"8Dellboun4." ..Autumn;" Kirkbride. B.-·~· Kerchief;" LeYJ'-..'l'be B8ach." "Little mue In April ;" SeJ'IDO'III"--"01. CourtTard." "Rotbellberg Turn:" Schneider- ..Lincoln;" StUJ"g811_ - ..Blackfeet GJacler," 118t. llar7'· Uke :·· TeiUD&'..Patrlcla.... Oak Park: Da.hla'eep-"Oat West." '-wl8coDIIn Woodland:." ll'alrleld. (Conn.): .Ann.-"11 8acro llonte, Vazreae," "Via l'aechlnl, Pia." Loa ADplee: Botke-11Pont Louis Phillippe." woodB," "Deelert Cloud&" Klllll Collece: Partrldce-..Llve and" ·-wtnow Pool." Pua4ena: Doollttle-"Callfomla RedOak . ·. ·· · ·-ato de Can'·no"; Woodbury - "The Wblrl PooL" . Pblladelphla: Bl8hop - ..Sprig," 118alt llanheL" Boeton: Gatlqher - ..Fishing Boats." Tnnton: BradBbaw-..Wresham Tower, Yale,.. "T'I Gate. Harvard." 11 Bellerlca (llua.) : Smltb- After the CoiUalon... New Jlllford (Conn.); Young - "Bull llooee," "Golden AD." Rlclpwood, N. r.: SWell - "Truant," New Yorlt: BUenbens-"Prrse Chcnnt' : Cb~~d·~·~·- mer BYenl.._..; Coqlllln - 111pewlch I'Jnen"; Dalillanak--"Jianrta" ; 014dene - "Koeque Bt. Bopbla." -cblcap 1'rlbune '!'ower"; Kappa· - "Homeward Bo11Bd": Lewla - ~..... "Treea at Ootelnlia.. ; KerriU - "Tower Town" : ~ .._ornln&' Newa":. Botb ..SienDa." "Street In Blenaa." 'Tound&· mento Rlalo": ~er - ·~ tn Winter"; 'naorne-"Tbe Hero," .._.. of Wln4er": '1'bom8oD - 11Doe and ll'aWD" ·~~ 1.): Walte-"'n ton,.. 81nt0rt VIlla... Waabl.... "'Lion a..rlnl"; Vei'I'Mll PI&Dden." "Beene in 11 Nuldvllle (Ind.) : GrUiltb 'l'be Alamo." ' llo1n.r4 (Kan&) :Ball-"La Rae Sainte T ..~ Venice," "BDtraaoe to Rue t1e (TelL) :Ral"tll ~e Vlllqe." Salem (lfaa.): Llttte-·~ Spain was lft&t upon tbe eeu." ~. GIVES WRCHEOR · Krs. Pet"CJ Eckhart, Cumberland road, KemlWorth, · ~ at luncheon for twelve on Tuesday, preceding the lecture at the Neil(hbors. Dr. Baraeu Johnson who spoke on · "Getting Educated QaicklJ" had ben an instructor at Vassar eoDep when Eleanor i;chkart was a student there and he wu yery mueb beloved by his classes and .-ued by aH who beW him. .