Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Feb 1928, p. 28

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· · small garden plantmgt$ carrytng an oriaina1 idea of her own. members who will take part in open contest of bud, branch, seed or any other natural growth, are Elbert G. Drew, Mrs. Albert E. ,.._rt llrs. Neil M. Oark, Mrs. Kehl, ~rs. Edward E. Moore, C. G. Sm1th, and Mrs. Fred G. -~ll:s. The awardl fo! this are bas~d color harmOf!Y·. reJ~t·on of matenal receptacle, d·stiDCtlon, and perfecof .arrangement. Kenilworth Garden club's ar. .lllrements not yet are complete, but .IIIIIIMllflt' the members par.ticipating will - - · .... John Lind, who will "hibit a of a house and garden; Krs. Foresman, who will set a lunchtable, and Mrs. Edward Phelps, w111 represent the club in the open of arrangemenlt$ of bud, 1eed pods, or any other nagrowth except flowers. plans of the Winnetka Garden the flower show will be rather until after the annual meetThursday, when an exhibition is to be appointed. Plans already underway, howeYer, for the to enter three classes. showing a English house, a shadow box lanarem~ent. and a luncheon table. Glencoe Garden club, of which Homer Horton is president, is for the four classes. llrs. Battey is chairman for the model, an E"ftlish boose; Harry Peters n chatrman of the table: Mrs. Charles Workand Mrs. Devroe Getman are eoof the shadow box; and Mrs. is the chairman for &rralllt'ellllent of some natural other than flowers. In this last inctmdual members will compete, It is also a,ea to those who are members of the dub. ia annoan(ed this year that the Show committee has olanned a ciUferent set of judps for . · · · Mrs. Margaret Gray Blanton of the "Ruaia Rabapiag the World~' department of child study, Va~sar Message of Noted Lecturer at Evecollege will gh·e a series of e1ght ning Meeting Next Wedaaclay lecture~ on "Child Guidance" at the National Kindergarten and Elementary . to11ep at o'clock in the afternoon In order that husbands of . memb~rs duriag the weeks .of February 13 and may divide with them the opportuntty 20. The following list gives an out- and pleasure of hearing its next speakline of the topics which Mrs. Blanton er the Woman's club of Wilmette has wiD foUow and suggests something of ar~anged for an evening program by one whose .timely m.-..ge will bear the interesting field she will cover: February 13-The Origin_. Endow- particular interest t~ m~n who keep meat abreast. of the worlds cu~ren~ even~s, Pebruary !~Eating and Sleeping es~ those that are 1mp~1cated. 1n · February IS-Learning to T.alk . America s destiny. He who 1s to 11'e Pebruary 16-Speeth Defects in Chit- the talk of th~ evening is Josef Hall, dren · . . known professa~naUy aiJ Upton Close. February 3»-The Nursery ud Its His lecture will commence at 8:1» Schedule o'clock. ' Pebruary 21-The Kysteriet. In addition to the talk, Miss Helen February 23-Penooality Traits P. Mendenhall, talented soprano, wiD $aaeitability · · sing a group of soap. · Greprioasaep The subject of Upton Close's talk February ·24-Persoaallty Traits will be, not the one ·given in the Year SeH Confidence book but a more recent ,lecture · . Miss Helen · endenhaU is to s.Soc{al Adeq~cy . "Rus~ia Reshaping the World." This· plement the lecture given b~ that noted author and speaker, Upton Clos~ at :Urs. Blanton IS c:o-author w1th her is not a lecture on Russia but one on the Woman's club of Wilmette next husband, Dr. Smiley ·Blanton, · of the revolt of Asia giving Russia its Weclnaday evening, with a group of "Speech Training for Children" and place therein. It i; a subject the club songs. Kiu Mendenhall is considered "Child Guidance." ~he conducted ·one feels should interest every Americ~n of the first schools 1n t~e country for community and deserves a capactty an .artist of sp1e~ ability. t~e study of the corre~ of n!fVOus audience. d1sordets and s~eeh d1sorders ~"' tbe . Mr. Close has made a name for Ycry young. child, al!d has studied the himself in many lines, as explorer, inPine Aita· eprtttntltl . born 1nfant With ~ohn ~ats!ln, terpreter of Oriental life and culture, In ToUr/a Club Progr11111 new formc;rly of Johns Hopkms u!'1vers1!Y· author, correspondent, and as lecturer. The fine arts . department of the and . m the field of phol!et~ With A member of the Explorer's .club, and Woman's Catholic club of Wilmette Damel Jones of the Umven1ty of of Ends of the Earth club, he has inia in charge of the program given this London. , _ · vestigated for the National Geographic afternoon at the home of Mrs. Williaaa .M~. Blanton s most anportant con- society the Kansu earthquake, and was F. Krippes, 1112 ·sheridan road, at trabutiOn probably has be~n in ~he chief of foreign affair.s on the staff of 2 o'dock. · psycholo~ of speech ~nd ats relation General Wu Pei-fu, Chinese dictator Under the direetion of Mrs. Charles to the socaa1 ad~us~ent and 4evei«?P- in 1922. Broad, a Valeatiae -sketch will be giyen ment of. the chald, but her cbarnun~ He held a position in the faculty of by Miss Helen (')'Donnelt and Miss personatity, keen sense. of h~mor, and the University of Washington, lecturGrace Ludwig. "Etching" will be the sane, matt~r-0~-fact v1ewpo10t make ing on Pacific Asian life, languages subject of an illustrated talk by Miss her a fasCtf!atang ·speaker on every and history. As author he is perhaps Betty Weber. The music feature will pha:ase. of ch1ld tra1nm~. The lecture best known by his fascinating "In the be a study of the opera, "The King's ser1es 1s ope,n to students, members of Land of the Laughing Buddha." As a Henchman." The story will be told by the mother.s classes, and members of lecturer he ;3 generally well-liked, a Mrs. Harry Lombard, and Harry Lom~ th~ ~overmng ~oard, but a small ad- good share of his work bein~ return bard, Mrs. A. W. Bermingham, Mrs. m1ss1on .fee .Will be char~ed otherc;. engagements. Mr. Close speaks forceH. W. Bettinghaus, Mrs. C. Broad, TnfonnatJon ID reJrard to hckets mav fully and entertainingly and his au~ Mrs. CharleS Norman and Mrs. F. ]. be secured through the college office, diences always are plf'ased. At the close of the evening refreshtelephone Greenleaf 22~. Rothing wiD sing its arias. Mrs. James Johnson and Mrs. ments will be served. Arthur W. McMillan will assist the Pbiltmtbropg Sewing Ia Every member i3 entitled to bring hostess. guest without charge, and addiOpen to Villttqe Women one The philanthropy deoartment of the tional guests at the regular guest fee. NatlltfJ School Auxililuy Woman's c1ub of Wilmette holds its and Frienlla Guatl tJt Tea next day of sewine{ for philanthropic Guden Club of Illinois The Mary . t!raee:. Nursery school organizations Fridav, February 17, Plttns Delightful Meeting auxiliary · be the pest of Miss commenciq at 10 in the morning. The members of the garden club& will be served at noon, as Edna Dean Baker aDCl the faculty of belonging to the Garden Oub of the National Kindetlarten aad Elementary co · at 4 o'clock llonday, · The ~Chica~o Commons will ~e the IUinois are to have a delightful all-day February 13. r lea ia the Alumnae bellefi~1ary !'f the work, for which the program Monday, February Zl, at the room in Hal"l'ilon uD. COIJ!Dllttee 1s Mrs. Charles R. Bixby, Hotel Sherman. At 11 o'clock, A. H. The Wells CoDege club of Evanston · chairman, and Mrs. C. D. Ewer, Mrs. Conrad will give an illustrated lecture· the FuUer Latte circle of Winnetka: Frank Cornell, Mrs. F. L Koontz. Mrs. on the conservation of wild flowers. and other friends who have assisted J. A. Pancoast, M~s. George P. Facbt, At 1, J.lrs. Frederick Fisher, president the auxiliary, also are invited. The Kn. E. M. Antr1m and Mrs. E. H. of the club, will conduct a round robin talk on the problems relative to the samples of the work which has been F1eeman. Chicago Garden and Flower show. done for the Mary Crane Nursery _ _ _ _ _ __..;,. At 1 :30 original compositions in school children will be displayed. Mrs. At Birtbdttg Dinner . music and garden verse will be given, George M. Groves, chairman of the Ouilmette court 848, Catholic Daugh- the reader, Christine Mogle, the acauxiliary, will assist Miss Baker in ters of America, recently held its an- companist, Lillian Reid Cameron. At nual birthday dinner at the Maebur11e 2 :30 Mrs. V. K. Spicer ·of Kenilworth receiving the guests. hotel in Rogers Park. . Amoncr the will talk on "Gardens, Yesterday, T~ D--~t ~or Bo···· -,....-~ ~" 1 runu guests were Mrs. Leonore Meder, day and Tomorrow." The Mothers' club of Theta chapt~r national judge advocate, Mrs. Mary . ~ach member may bring one guest, of Alpha Xi Delta is having a card Spertoli, Mrs. E. Lyman of Our I,ady tt as announced. party for the benefit of its house fund of Lake court, and Miss J osepbine Monday, February 13. at 1 :30 o'clock. Kline of the Margaret court. at the home of Mrs. Norman RaU, 70S Thirty-four members of Ouilmette Gregory avenue, Wihnette. court were present. After the dinner Acting as hostess with Mrs. Hall wa11 the party proceeded to the Norshore he Mrs. William Burrows. Mrs. Henry theater. Miss Mary Beinlic:k was .!l'llit.dt!l· ucl n. 0. . Olson. · of ...... Hetld of Child Study Upton Close COmes . at V arar to L.ecture to Wilmette Club I ~~~~~~~~· · at NlltiotJGl College z ;-:ceoa 1 ....,

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