Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Feb 1928, p. 61

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which .reflects not only· glory to laimself but honor upon New Trier. Mr. Clerk is a very scholarly man, friendly, earnest and sincere. To have such a man as head of New Trier ·.·______.._.-.,_._.......,_......,.~......, High school is an honor and a priv- Editor, Wn.xftft L1n: The meeting of the parents of sev- ilege that should be highly prized and It is impossible for me to reach all enth and eighth grade children of the at>preciated by the parents of the the many people and organizations Byron Stolp school Tuesday evening, north shore. who so willingly and effectively ] anuary 31, was delightfully opened worked on our behalf when the chilby the Girls' and Boys' Glee clubs, Laurel The February meeting of the Central- dren were lost last week. I have writP. T. A. wlll be held ln the Byron separately and together. These glee Stolp gymnasium Tuesday, February 14, ten letters to many ol the organ~ clubs are under the very ~ble direction at 3 :15. This promises to be one of the tions and have sent a small token of of Mrs. . .Agnes Clark. Miss Helene outstanding of the will meetings be Dr. Allen D. year. AlbertThe of appreciation to both the Winnetka Mr. and Mr~. Perry Litbft Grossenbacher accompanies. It gives speaker Evanston, who ls well known In this eom- Fire and Police departments and I Evanston are receiving the congratu· one quite a thrill to see these lovely munlty, and· hls subJect will be "Leglsla- feel that there are many more who Those who have heard Dr. Albert d k £ · d If lations of their' f~iends u~ the ·liU~ young people come marching down tlon." now o our gratatu e. , of a son, Charles McCue, .January 11 speak will welcome this opportunity to shout the length of the room up onto the hear htm again. . therefore, you should see fit, I would at the Evanston · hospital Mrs. Lie stage ·and arrange themselves ·so com· appreciate your putting this thought her was Miss Margaret McCue, forpetently and without ' tile· least con- ship The ~hoot orchestra, under the leaderinto your north shore publications. of Miss Grandqulst, will furnish the merly of Wilmette, and Mr. Lieber is fusion. Each club sang two selections, music. Your :Vetx.truly, the son of Mr. and· M.rs. Maurice followed by the "loyalty song," sung Theodore G. Rockwell Lieber of Winnetka. The mothers and teachers of the sixth Chestnut street, by the ensemble. Their performance grade, Mrs. Julian's room, · were entershowed conscientious application by tained at a tea on Monday, January 30, Winnetka, Illinois PUBLIC NOTICE Ia hereby Klven tbat both teacher and pupils. at the home of Mrs. D. F. Hall, 809 Cena public hearlnc will be held before tbe tral avenue. Mrs. Hubert Carlton and Frederick Oerk of New Trier High Mrs. Mr. and Mrs . . S. Scott Joy, 370 . und~rslped ol'IJ!nally appointed u a R. H. Palenske assisted Mrs. Hall school began his talk by saying that as hostesses. Sheridan roadJ Winnetka, and their ~';';".J,:"'-th!"'~ 0.c~O: the parents need not worry about the daughters, Dorothy and Elizabeth, and day of Februaryt._A. D. 19J.!t at the VIIMrs. Antrim, room mother, opened the academic preparation of the Wilmette discussion and called upon Miss Donelly their son, Robert, left early last Satur- lqe Hall In the vUtap of wilmette. liDchildren, as they are adequately pre- to acquaint the mothers with the art day morning to motor down to Florida. nola, for the purpoee of corud~ a pro· way t hey WI ·u stop at wash- poaed amendment to the ZoniDc Onllpared to take up the academic work work the children are doing. A brief out- 0 n thear D&DCe of the VUJaae of WJ·mette. w... line was presented showing how, by a in the high school However, parents combination ington and Virginia. The Joys have Ordinance No. 1281 »&8814 by tile Pnllf.. of related subjects, study gone down to take up their residence dent and the Board of ~ of the must face the fact, and accept it, that can be made very Interesting. at their winter home near the Moun- day Vlllaae Wilmette. on to-Wit tbe lln1 all children are not neessarily "scinof of l'ebi'U&I'J', A. D. 1111, -.14 PI:OA number of questions of Interest were tillating stars in the intellectual firma- asked D0884 amendment proVIdlq for tile .,.... by the mothers present and were tain Lake club, Lake Wales. · -oInc of that area annexed to the .VIllqe ment." There may be some other field answered most ably by lira. Julian. of Wilmette. tmnot., by '¥lrttM Gf u of endeavor where they will shine. In At the close of the discussion delicious Mr. and Mrs. Axel Lonnquist of 500 elecUon ht'ld for that PUI'POII8 and ID tlli refreshments were served to the twenty- Elmwood avenue, left Sunday evening Bald Vlllap orcJ&r that the boy or girl may be four of Wilmette UDder date ot mothers and teachers, and everyone properly adjusted and assisted to find voted It a most delightful and helpful for Houston, Texa$, where they will April 19th. ltH,· the welltenl JbDita of · After Bald beiDa' J!MMJifled - Onllhis or her place, a group of men and afternoon. attend a reaI estate convention. nanceanneuUoa No. 1411 ....-. by tile Pnllldeat women have been trained in per~onnel Tuesday, February 7, Mrs. M. C. Hecht, t-he convention they plan to motor on and Board of '.rru8teM or tJae ~ et work that the individual may not be lOfZ Greenwood avenue, will entertain the to Florida .returning to the north shore Wll~tte, on, to-wit the lith day of Aacust. ltJ'l, aald area beiDa more »art~ca~ lost in the mass. Each freshman boy mothers of the sixth grade, lllss Scott's a b.out l h e fi rst o f. M arch. · larly deecrlbed u follow.: . at a tea. is assigned to some man teacher, room, --o·~ at the lntenectlon of the Mrs. W. E. Williams, 711 Linden aveMrs. Albert Ullrich of 925 Lake ave- center line of Locust Stnet and DIIDolll called an · adviser. Each adviser has a nue, entertained the mothers of the fourth group of from twenty-five to thirty. grade, lliss Loac"s room, at tea Monday, nue leaves Wilmette next Wednes- Road (formerly Belnwald AYeDUe!.i 30. Mlsa Stopka cave a talk on All information about the students January ~ .~ recreaUonal work and Kiss Loag explain- day with Charles and Betty Joan for under their supervision is kept by the ed to the mothers the method used In Miami, Fla. Mr. Ullrich will join center line of -.14 Happ R01tt4 t.o U.. adviser as strictly confidential and ~hlng the chll~ren geocraphy. llr& them there after spending about two &DCle In Bald road about .one quarter (~) Williams cave two charming BOngs. Tea weeks in New York. They plan to ~.ofth~e:,£:ri;t :::.~ under lock and key. In such manner was served to about twenty guests. return home for Easter. center llne of aa.ld road to the eut .... individuals may be more effectively -owest ·half (%) section . line of 8ectloD The adviser goes through assisted. the four years with the ·same group of Miss Florence Burnham,. daughter of ~~ l:~n .J:::IP(lf}»~W:f Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Newton Burnham Third Principal Meridian, tbeuce w.t oa ~tu.dents, ther.eby ~sta~lish~ng. a .~ore of Tower road, Winnetka, spent the said half liectlon line to the town lble 1temttmate basts of~ . ·liefpftitness and . week Wit · h h er f am- ships, tween thence New Trier Nortla8el4 Towafriendship. To gain a still closer conearly part of t h as north and to the east UMI ....t ily. She was on her mid-semester half section line of Section Tweab'·Jrlft tact, and that he may be able to be all the more helpful, the adviser visits The regular m~eting of the Logan- vacation from the University of Wis- (26) ln Townahlp Forty-Two (41) . nsin, where she is a freshman. Range Twelve (tz) east of tbe Tblr4 the homes of all in his group early in Howard Parent-Teacher association co Principal llerldlan, thence W8llt 011 · _ . . -ohalf section llne to the center lble of the the year. · will be held Tuesday, February 7, at Ruth Dena Moore, daughter of Mr. North Branch of the Chlcqo ~ The Dean of Boys and the Dean of 3:15 P. M. in the Howard school. Mrs. and Mrs. Walter G. Moore of 1038 thence southerlY. followtnc the thNa4 ·of Girls spend all their time (they do no Harry L. Fleming of Bloomington, a ·t the stream of said river to tbe aoutb lllle Greenwood avenue, returned to W 1- of said SecUon T1ven\Y-I'Ive (1&), ~ teaching), in the personnel work and past -state president, will be the mette Tuesday evening from Purdue east alone the south line of a.ld 8eedoD are always available SO · that parents speaker and her . subject ·will be university to spend mid-semester week Twenty-Five (!5) to . the 8QUtlaeut coraer may feel free to come to· them at any· ~·Growing Up With Our Children." · h h of 11&14 MCtlon. -theuce aoutb · .....__.. er parents. west Hoe of Section Thb1J' (10) iD'l'OWiiZ time. Music will be furnished by the Wit- wat -oshlp FOrty-Two (42) North, Ra.nn 'J'Idl'.. Feeling that one school team in ath- mette Grade school Senior orchestra. Miss Evelyn Kletzing, who is teach- teen (11) But of tb~ Third PrlnciJal letics in a school of 1,700 students Mothers of the third grade children ing in the technical high school in Meridian to the aouthweat corner of 8&14 could not foster the right spirit, intra- will be hostesses. Indianapolis, returned to Wilmette to ~~n~y =.;~'1) mural contests are held so that every spend her mid-semester vacation with the east rlght-of~wa,. line of the PubUo boy and ~irl . has a chance of playing Founders' Day, the birthday of the her father, J. S. Kletzing of 522 Wash- Service Company of Northern DUDoa., on . a team of his or her own size, National Congress of Parents and · h o IS · not we11. and the Railroad Chicago, . North Shore and 1111· waukee Com~y; thence aouthstrength and ability. . Thirty- mgton avenue, w Teachers, will be observed. -oeasterly alone aald I'ICbt.of-way line, to There are numerous club activities, three· years ago, February 17, 1897, in Eugene M. Pattison of Middletown, the east and west one-halt (%) ~ suited to the varying interests of such Washington, D. C. the national or- Wis. has been spending a few days this line of Section 'ftalrty-<>ne (11) 'foWIIIIIdp (42) North, Ranp Tblrteeia a large number. These activities often ganization was founded by Alice week with his father and mother, Mr. Forty-Two (13) east of the Third Principal Meridian, keep the children until a rather ·late McLellan Birney and Ph~be Apper- and Mrs. George H. Pattison of 3)4 thence east of the Bald one-half (") eechour. but when dinner must wait, son Hearst. In commemoration, a sil- Golf terrace. He has been attending tlon line to the lntetlleetlon with tbe North and South line of Blocb please remember that the boys or girls ver offering will be taken at this meet- the Automobile show in the city. Two (!) and Elchtcenter (8) and aald UDe exhave been in clean, healthful activities ing and the gift sent to the state -otended North of "United Realty Comand are in good hands so long as par- "Child Welfare Day" chairman for Harry H. McDermott of 620 Wash- panys Glenayre Gardena"; thence So~ ents are sure that they are at New extension work, the ·state retaining ington avenue has gone to New York alone the Mid center lines of .-14 JJloclai and said line extended alonar the Weet Trier. Before a teacher is employed one-half and the , national organization on a business trip. He expects to re- Une of 'f}{lna'· Court," to the 8ouda U.. on the staff of New Trier he is the other. This will give loyal mem- turn to Wilmette in a week or ten of said Sectlon Thirty-one (11) : tbenoe east along the South line of Said Becsearched and researched-the rate of bers an opportunity to help in the ex- d ays. tlon Thirty-One (11) and alona- the Soatb successful candidates beinP one ont of tension of Parent-Teacher work. -ollne of Section Thll'tJ'-Two (II) atoruald everv three hundred. · The whole Mrs. Katherine Kinder of 418 Ninth Township and ~ce to the soutlleut teaching force is interested in the The Logan-Howard Parent-Teacher street left Wilmette recently for Ala- comer of a.ld Section ftlrty-Two (U), · thence north along the But Une of -.14 .whole development - physical, aca- association is giving the second card bama, where she wdl stay with her Section 'ftllrty-Two (81) to the center demic, moral. social-of each · indi- party of this year's series Friday eve- small granddaughter, Madelaine Clark. llne of Illlnol& Road formerly Reinwald vidual student. ning, February 10, at the Howard Mrs. Clark is returning to Wilmette. Avenue: thence Nortbwuterly aloq the center Une of the said IIUnoiB RGii4 to The courses are grouped to facilitate school at 8:15 o'clock. Bridge, five. .-othe Place of Beclnnlnc." the work of the $tudent and to give hundred and bunco will be played. Miss Isabelle Thompson, daughter of All of which property Ia now unelulll· him what is most necessary for the Eighteen prizes will be given and Mr. and Mrs. Hope Thompson of fled aa to 110tdn8'; 10 tbat apon the accomplishing of his obiective. It has refreshments will be served. Mrs. A. 1219 Ashland avenue, was home from =:.e~Y ~ ·'lJ· been said of the New Trier student in Strubing. Wilmette 1862, chairman for the week-end from the Frances Dlatrlet A. lletddtmee District." co11e~e that he bears himself with dis- the affair, is in charge of the sale of Shimer school. Dated the Utb day of January, A. D. -otiD. tinction and that he is not only ·able tickets. to pass entrance examinations but Parry Owens, a student at the Uni8.~. l'nMierloll: J. Mrs. W. H. Evans of 630 Greenleaf versity of Michigan, is spending his what is more to be desired. has thP kind of .foundation liehind his work avenue entertained several friends mid-semester vacation with his parents, &i that enables him to stav in college from the south -side at luncheon and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce P. Owens of 714 Elmwood avenue. na ~-and complete his work in a manner bridge last Friday. Cenl~al:.Laurel l P.T.A. · w. zn =:c :0::. = ::!t -.!:? = 0: Lotan-Howard <f:! P.T.A. N_.. .!f:>&:::;: tt;: :f1 f .:ne.:':r:! a: =r x...,.. J:lf. 8: =

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