Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Feb 1928, p. 55

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AU Winter.Th"' the Use of THE AMERICAN HEAT P TO INSTALL IT Siaapl~ remoye eecti· of amoke pipe aa.cl replace with Americaa H·t Pre· ..-9. . . The Answer of Science to the Home-Heating PToblem How much of the available heat units in fuel are you wasting? 50% to 90% . Say Government Fuel Experts The American Heat Preserver stops this loss, as it insures complete combustion of gases and volatile matter in tbe fire pot of your beating plant, thus generating from 11,000 to 14,000 heat units per pound of free burnin1 coal or coke, instead of from 3,500 to 4,500 beat units as now. Tbe American Heat Preserver .installed in the smoke stack of your beating plant will insure uniform beat in the home. at all times within a variation of ·five degrees, because the fuel burns slowly and completely. The American Heat Preserver means less fuel to buy, and fewer ashts to carry out. The American Heat Preserver works like ·magic on any fu mace, boiler or stove. The American Heat Preserver will pay for itself in fuel saving in one season, and last for years. Jad.strJ. New Daaper Tested A sentence In the morning pa~r caught my eye, ..Days of boom gone--days of buslne88 are here." Those few words rather accut-ately represent the economical situation in America. Individual prosperity will depend more and more on what each Individual can save and how little he can waste. Herbert Hoover Is not mistaken when he stresses the need for the ellndnatlon of waste. How many millions of 1olla.rs go up American chimneys In wasted heat, I do not know. It iEI a safe bet that this waste represents enough money to keep you and me In comfort for the rest of our llves: Aad aow eoaee aa laYeadoa to ellmlaa&e tills waste. It Is as peculiar and unique as It Is effective. In tact, It Is a new kind of draft for furnace pipes and Is suppiled In a new form and In a new shape. The ..American Heat Preserver," as it Is called, consists of five semi-circular blades placed alternately, vertical, abo\·e and below Inside a specially constructed steel pipe, arranged according to the sl· of the pipe. The blades are pivoted on solid steel rods which support them and permit free action. The blades operate as a unit by means of a movable cast iron lock-bar connecting and placed outside the pipe so that the heat, no matter how Intense, will never affect them, and also If desired, to permit the heat preserver to be regulated to keep the blades In any desired angular position. Consequently the smoke pipe can be reduced to any slse down to fifty percent making perfect regulation possible. This new damper has been tested out by R. W. Soderberg, manaarer of the fuel department of the Hubbard Woods (Illinois) branch of the Mercer Lumber Company, who found that It added to the efficiency of the domestic heating plant. The "American Heat Preserver" Is manufactured by the American Heat Preserver Company;- 4181 Plankinton Arcade, Milwaukee, Wls.-Traveler. ,~\ rt.Jele from Tile Blaek Dlamoad, Leadla~ Jo·nal Ia tile Coal ---........... ... _ --.... __,...,. ~ ...... ,. ........ ,,~......_,..,.. ..... ----......... .-...c. .......... .......... ,........... ...,..,.... .... ................c. .. ........~ ........... _,.... ----- ... W Y WILUMAN . Mener IA·IIer «:o·CI....L···. _ _,. IML --................. --- --- a.rlcaa Beat PNMn.r Mllllallkee, 'llaoODIIIB. · ---·--· ....... .... r. ~. --. ~ ,..,.c ....... .................... _ ·:~c-. · ·c--.,. _,_ LA. · IIIL co., At.tenUOil Mr. 17. P. !:eltlnae'J · CIIIC*IO . . . . . '· ltlr ...... Three neld aco I W one fill ta.. Heat PNae...n lutallH la 11J " - at " ' llllton Ani'UI, Oleacoe IUllaola tw \rw aole P......- or ·II:IJw a JIOI"ao.l t.a\ ot Ita ·rita. I aa III·U· ·l«ht ~ to ......np ~ ...t ..... ot 12° wltbold. U.ftiOat.ttc Cloa\1'01, wU.b oalJ ..-.11118 a· ..,.alar atteatiOG. ....--~-- ·a· --.·· .e---.r.a -- rc.-.ac-.-.. -- ... ·e.-=-----....t&:---~·....::= lltla 11J ,......1 IIDIIItl.edp ot GI'Nr t...-t...a ....._.. ...,11118 plaate Ia OleDCoe Ull alMena aloae, I · ...._.1~ oel'tala tha\ at Wut tUtJ' ,...._ fll u... ...u be snaur Sllprcw.d ..., the lutallatl· ~ thla cleYiee. ... w. llllhlllr· .... u ........... ' ' ,...,.. b'J 1111 pon-1 teat tbfte ........._ neal\e u. . .tren: A ·r~~M anl.l LD tuela paat.l' bletiiW flaat ettlcle·r· Ull · Mn , eetlet·. . .· . , . . . . . . lacl. . tbe .... ot AatbNalte . . wen ae co~~~. I t._. u.a1. \bh deYloe 1111" UIPle 8\Mil wtt.b the Aa\bnolte, bat- ·Stb U. ... ~ Colli· till S1'Htewo ettleleaq ..., Ull Mftt.l· f/1 a ...........u.. ....... P~ Ia tl» _ . . pipe .,....._ t.M "-'1111 plant Ulll U. ,........, ... oteN&M la · ~ poaltiOD· eaoept. . . . . ahelcllll ............. aMtllj'"Tuit. ··ti'Ol ··t ........... .._. ........ .-.-...a. ..a .... ,............................. .,,............rn.a.. .. .......................... ... ................... ,.... ,, ................. ..., -~ I · _ . tW ......... wlll . . . _14 ...... ·· ., Nil· ..............,......., Nftltllll . . . . . ........ ...,a... ...,..u· I lllllll .. ,_, ll· te ....... Ice a.tal'-tl-. ,.... _,,J: 1 oaa lllllel't.ll~ ...._ .. thla .S..Ioe to 111 ...., hie.... wblre lut.a11at.l.· 1a ..,.cueo~, ...a.... u. tor aS.. I . . . sinD It a t.bONUih. tNt . . . cu tbll ........ at.ate4 ...... . .......... ,..,. ur..., """'· ~..mU-"' ...... -....asa. liSt Ia If flOUt loc11l ciMI dltll~t c11nnot IUDplfl fiOU with th~ AmfricM H,. PtntnJtr ami your ordtt or inquitfl dirttt to our Ftul Dtp~~ttmmt, \Vooa, IU. H,_. Phones Winnetka 452 Rogers Park 7808 MERCER LUMBER COMPANIES R. w. SoDERBERG, Mgr. Fuel Division-Hubbard Woods

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