Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Feb 1928, p. 24

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Troop 13 of ICeailwotth is planning to have a patrol chest for every patrol. One patrol already has a chest. Last week Joe Harrison became a scout. He received his tenderfoot badge on Tuesday of last week when the monthly Court of Honor was .held. Sixteen scouts received Merit Badges. We shall try to have 18 receive Merit Badges for Scouting's eighteenth an· niversary. The next Court of Honor w~ eftDlnc at '1:15 the will be February . 21. It will probably ==~· comaectecl council meets ·udy of be held at Kenilworth Gym in the with for the the won of the aooL Mr. Carter leads In the Guild room.-Paul Gilbert, Scribe. ..aon of -mea ot 'l'eMbl.-' and MUD~ of -the leaons forthe tol- f· AIMIIWina~ry ··--· i · SCOUT DAY BOOK S·adaJ, PeltrurJ ' .All Scouts attend church school In Tael4aJ, FeltnarJ 7 9 :15 A. M.-Bcoutlng Program at Howard School assembly, Wilmette. 12-0ptlmlst club entertains troop 10, Wllmette. 6 :30 P. M.-l·"'ather and Son banquet, Glenview. WettaeedaJ, Peltnai'J 8 12-Eagle ScOut day at Rotary club, Wilmette. 7 :30 P. M.-Board of Review, Wilmette. TJa·n4aJ', Feltnai'J t 12-Camp Committee meeting at Marshall Field Grill In Chicago. 8atardaJ, Feltnai'J 11 2 :30 to 10 :3C)-Wllmette Scouting Exposition at Howard school. 7 :30 P. M.-Court of Honor, Howard school, Wilmette. 8aadaT, FeltnaJT 1! Scouts attend church In uniform. --r :30 P. M.-Bcouts usher at Wilmette Sunday Evening club. Wilmette Scout1 Hold Exposition uniform. at H owar.d School Do you know anything about the Scouts to be Guetta of lowlac SundaY. · · Boy Scout program? How it is con· ducted? What it stands for? P~r· Rotary Oub Wedaesclay On We4nescla7 eventnc at 8 Dr. Wlllett tectune on "Tbe Jl'ounden of the haps you have seen Scouts walkmg On Wednesday February 8, the Wil· Ol'eat RelldoJUL" Hla subject next week down the street with various badges will be. ·...._ and Philo, the l'ounders mette Rotary club will entertain but you didn't know what they were of -lu4alam. ·· scouts from Wilmette and Kenilworth all about. If you are a bit hazy on as their guests. The speakers of the The Ladle~( Gulld will ·rve Ita regular these points about scouting we invite will be Ernest J. Morris of the day IDODthlY luncheon IIODd&J', Februar:y 6, you to attend' the Scouting Exposition In connection with Its work for benev· Oak Park Rotary club and Scout oleDoe. which beldna at 10 A. )(. to be held at the Howard school gym· Executive of the Oak Park council. nasium, Saturday, February 11, from fte subject of Dr. Willett's sermon, . 2 :30 to 10 :30 o'clock in the evening. GIVE BOXING EXHIBITION lllanclq ~~. be Wilmette Troop 9, on Tuesday eve· "Racial All " a 1111bject appropriThis is your best ehance to see ate to ·· blrthdQ. ning, January 23, gave four boxing Scouts in action, exhibiting the vari· bouts before the Ouilmette Cou il K. ous scout activities. There will be a The Untoa church Is looking forward group of scouts in one booth demoneZ»ectaDUJ' to the joint services to be of C. The bouts were peppy and belli 'WedDeiMt&J" evenlnp during Lent were greeted with much applause. strating cooking; other groups actually wltb the Church of the Holy Comforter, Troop 9 also gave two other exhibidoing craft work of different ~inds. In which IU14~a will be made by nei«h· borlna ministers along the north shore. tions, one before the Optimist club I~================== This should be one of the btggest fte flat of speakers will be announced and another before the K. of C.-1 events of interest to all, not only to· neat week. Legion Troop to ·Meet Adam Bauer, Troop 9. those interested in scouting, but to all your friends. We hope you will Each W ednesclay Night Mrs. Frank Rothing of 111 Third Mrs. 0. E. Kegel of Wilmette has take advantage of this opportunity to New scouts added to Troop 1, spon- see ,.our Scouts in action. street entertained her bridge elub at been spending a few days at The May· sored by the American Legion, are her home yester~ay afternoon. · flower in Washington, D. C. . An added feature to the abo,·e Arthur Lamkey, "Chick" Lamkey. Troop 1 had a "suggesting meeting" described Merit Badge show and Ex· position will be a debate by the St. at the office of. our new scoutmaster, Thomas school of St. Paul and the Dr. W. W. Hawkins. Each member Kent School of Law on the question, of the troop made suggestions about that the United States = troop meetings, etc. We decided to "Resolved: hold our meetings at the Episcopal shall cease to protect by force ·of arms church at 7:15 sharp each Wednesday the capital invested in foreign lands night. Any boy interested in becom- except after a formal declaration of ing a scout, meet Tom Temple at the war." The Kent team is the same Episcopal church or be there W ednes· one that has been debating recently day night at 7:15 sharp.-Tom Temple, over radio station WMAQ and which recently engaged in a verbal tilt with Troop l. the University of Oklahoma. This de· bate is sponsored by th.e Wilmette Fox Patrol Plana for Post of the American Legion. Exhibit in Exposition Each of the Wilmette troops will The members of the Silver Fox demonstrate several scouting activi· patrol of Troop 4 had their weekly ties, among them being the following: Troop 2, Bird study, camping, sigpatrol meeting on Friday, January Zl. We immediately started discussing nalling and pioneering. Troop 3, Handicraft, woodworking plans and completing our projects for the Painting Merit Badge which they and metal working. Troop 4, Aviation, painting, printing, are to exhibit at the Scouting Exhibition to be hel4 on February 1 at the leather working and wood carving. Troop 5, Chemistry, painting and Howard school. After that we had a a little drilling, then a few games. plumbing. Troop 7, Seamanship. Afterwards we got down to business Troop 8, Blacksmithing, leather work again and discussed the things we . could do to keep our patrol along in and printing. Troop 9, Masonry, cycling, car· the patrol contest.-Paul Sterner, pentry, first aid and cooking. Troop 4. Most of the Scouts are striving to advance one rank by February 11, at 6 rooms. 2 baths; two apartTroop Going Strong which time all advancement honors menu to the floor; 1 story Since Reorganization will be given.-George Bersch, Junior Troop 8 has reorganized this year assistant scoutmaster, Troop 4. fireproof building; Otis Elewith the help of S. C. Benett, a troop vaton; garages in· connection. committeeman. The troop meetings TROOP I LEADERS MEET are getting more and more interesting. Reasonable Rentals. The Junior Leaders of Troop 9 had A little more time each week is spent their weekly meeting at the home of on passing tests. S~outmaster Frank Kruesch on Mon· A new scout, Frederich Leason, has day, January 23. They talked over been added to Troop 8. the boxing exhibition to be given Inap«t BeGUtilul Model AptUtment Today The Wolf patrol of Troop 8 started (Tuesday of last week) before the patrol meetings a few weeks ago and Oui1mette Council K. of C. The boxhad their last patrol meeting at ing partners for the match of the fol"Rusty" Dernehl's house. "Rusty" was lowing day were appointed and last E good enough to make pop-corn for minute instructions about the bouts the patrol. They start patrol meetings were given. 'l'he dance to be given at 7 :30 Friday nights and conclude for the benefit of the troop by some them at 9 · o'clock.-Roger Delander, business men (Wednesday of last Troop 8. week) was also discussed. Chocolate 509 Davis Strett- Phone Greenleaf SO+ and apnle pie were served.-Adam OPTIMISTS SPONSOR TROOP Bauer, Troop 9. On Thursday evening, January 19, the first meeting of Troop 10 was held. REVIEW BOARD TO MEET . RENTING NOW FOR MAY 1ST This new troop which meets on ThursThe Wilmette Board of Review will day evenings at the Howard school, is he held next ' Wednesday evening At sponsored by the Optimist club. The '1 :30 o'clock. At that time scouts will scoutmaster is Francis J. Ryan. be advanced in rank. x=..,_rbi'U&I'J' wil _____, ,.,. . . ._,,. . ._,_,._1 TEN SEVENTEEN GROVE VICTOR c . . CARLSON . ORGANIZATION, INC.

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