Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Feb 1928, p. 10

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THE flame of love has often been killed by indifference and lack of attention. Show your attenti~n by carrying out the old sentiments of St. Valentine's Day by sending your mother, wife or sweetheart a Valentine of the Village Choco .. late Shop's famous candy. The return will more than repay you. YiOge Chocolate Shop 1150 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wil. 436 Wilmette 'and 'Park avenues, Wilmette · Berman W. Meyer, . Jl. A., putor 406 Prairie avenue Tel. 1391 Church telephone 3111 ...... aunctay :-te~~Gol meeta at · :10. Lut week there wu a 100% attendance In 8enleel the Junior department and an 8!% attendance thro'Put the llehool. Com· 9 :30 A. K. Sunday IIChool and Bible cla.ae& pletely arraded leaona for all agea. Clau9 :45 A. K. Flnt ·ntce. ee for men and women. 11:00 A. K. Secorid aentce. · Holy Communlon-ConfeeThe F. A. 8. will meet Sunday afteralon at 10 :f5 A. K. noon at 5 :30 at the Guthridge home, 91'1 Greenwood avenue. The leader will be Mr. J. Dingle. .f:OO P. M. Monday and Prfclay~lal'BeB tor the ChrlsUan education The High school B. Y. P. U. will meet of children at the Sunday 't 5 :10 Sunday In the Guild room. The schoolrooms. topic will be "What My Religion. Means to MoncJay--Junlor Girls' choir. .Me." Carbon Dubbs' group will lead. The 7:30P.M. Monday-Senior Mixed cbolr. society will have tea toaether at the home 8:30 P. )(. T u e s d a y - Congregational of Margaret and · Cynthia Richards In 8:00P.M'. meettng. Kenilworth after the meeting. '1::10 P. M'. Wednesday-Boy S c o u t s, Troop 6. This church co-operates wltb the Sunday Evening club which presents Horace The services on Sunday will again be Bridges In his lecture on '-rite Life of conducted by the pastor, Rev. Hennan W. llickens" at the Congregational church Meyer, who will return during the latter on Sunday at 7 :30. part of the week from his lecture tour In the South. This church also co-operates with the Wilmette Council of Religious Education On Sund,ay, Febr.;;ry 5, at 7 :f5 P. ~·· now conducting their Leadership Train- there will be a concert at St. John 8 ing school at the Congregational church Lutheran church. MIBB ·AuBtln will play the organ compositions and Mr. Routn on Monday evenlnp at 8 o'cloc-. Pease and the two choirs will sing. The regular Mid-week meeting of the church wlll be held on Wednesday eveBARAI LECTURE ning at 8 o'clock In Children's hall. '.Mle next public Bahal meeting In WilThe choir meets for rehearsal under mette, following the ChriBtmas and New the direction of Madame Gllderoy Scott Year holiday period, will be addressed by on Thursday evening, February 9, at 8 Dr. Albert Vall, at the Btudlo of Louts o'clock. Bourgeois, 536 Sheridan road at 3 P. M., Sunday. February 5. Students of 20th . The church Is juBt now without a Century religious progress, World unity, pastor. Charles V. Clark, %513 Park place, youth movements for the abolition of war, Evanston, Telephone University 10152, Is and recent teachings directed to removal chairman of the Board of Deacons. C. of the conftlct between science a~d reP. Dubbs, 1004 Michigan avenue, Wil- ligion, race and national groups, are ~s mette, Telephone Wilmette 1174, Is chair- pecially Invited to attend and present man of the Board of Trustees. E. C. their problems. . Carl~n. 1539 Spencer avenue, Wilmette, Telephone Wilmette 90!-J, Is chalnnan of The Reverend Father Rianelty, w.ho the Board of Religious Education. The church clerk Is Howard Bowen, 1215 Elm- has been visiting in St. Francis Xavter w~ avenue, Wilmette, Telephone Wilparish during the absence of the Rev. mette 3413. a..d&Y ~~ at ...-en 'c be ID aUrae Of PlOt. Cbal'lea · ..Holman of the DlVInltt School of the t1alwnltJ' of Cbleqo. ,,,, i·re · , ·moe D til · Clt·reiJ ·eeua.. Bernard Brady, left for Philadelphia The church office Is In charge of Miss last Saturday. While in Philadelphia Louise Seipp and Is open daily from 9 Father Rianelty will teach foreign Janto 1% and from 1 to 5-Saturdays ft·om 9 to lZ. llUtllleS. WHO IS YOUR VALENTINE? Valentines For Everyone. We have a large and varied selection for children and adults, lovely cards for MQther and Sweetheart. Ranging in price from Ic to 75c. Also make your own valentine boxes. Everybody likes to go to a Valentine's Day party. If you are giving a V alen· tine party this year, for the children, or grown-ups, don't fail t.o visit us, we l]ave a complete .line of St. Valentine's Day goods on sale-lnvit~tions, Place . cards, Cut-outs, Decorations-Everything necessary to make the party a success. WILME'l.I'E STATIONERY AND GIFf SHOP .11.55 Wllmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 3051

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