Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1928, p. 3

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~ LIIMfiCh to Give WU,.ette ·Dram, /Jagle Corp& C··IHBI·· Do Due to the bad condition of the streets in the west section of the Village, where a sewer system is now in the process of instaUation, it has become necessary . to postpone inauguration of a mail delivery service for ' residents of that district pending improvement of conditions, it was announced by Postmaster Joseph C. Schantz this week. ,.While the department greatly regrets · that this is necessary," Mr. Schantz stated, "it has been deter·mined by actual test that it would be impossible for a carrier to drive a car over the streets in this section of the Village. As the route to be covered is very scattered and for that reason entails a large area to be covered, it would also be quite impossible for a man to deliver parcels and first class mail on foot." The service will be installed, Mr. Two Cars Damaged i~ Stephen A. Uoyds Guests Schantz continued, at the very ·earliest Kenilworth Accident :.- of Honor at Reception date possible, pending which the resiTwo automobiles sustained material ·Tfie First Congregational church of dents will procure their mail at the Wilmette was festive in its garb of Grosse Point post office as in the past. damage in a collision 'last Tuesdav when a car driven by L. Smith of 120 flowers. and palms Wednesday eveKenilworth avenue. was struck · r;,y nine:: when. between the hours of 8 ·w·1 tt Creel . ·t M another machine driven by Richard a~td 10. friends of the Rev. and Mrs. I me e I en Steph~n A.. Llo~d ass.embled for the .._~ld Meeting ' Tonight Nelson of 160 North LaSaJte street. receptton g1ven m the1r honor by thf' A t. · f th w·1 t c d' Chicago, as· the former was attemptch~rch. ,mee mg. o. e . 1 me te re ~t ing · to turn left frOD\ , Sheridan · road Receiving with the guests of honor Men.s assoc1at1~n will be held. th1s into a driveway at ,. the residence of were Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Carpenter. evenme: at 8 o clock at the Vtltage E. S. Harlan, 430 Sheridan ·road. rf'ore~~nting the vestry, Mr. and Mrs. hall. All members a~e urged tc? attend Kenilworth. ·Both . cars were going ·Rav Warren. the deacons, and Mr. .as the }loard of Dtrectors w1ll. offer north on Sheridan road, the NelsQn and Mrs. A. E. Klunder. the latter the a rep?rt ~n th~ progress .m~de, m the car strikin~ ·the other mac·hine ne,r ?rgamz~t10n ot the assoc1at1_on s. serv- the rear wheel as it was making the president of the Woman's guild. Mi!'s Mary w eJch. former soloist at 'Ce to Its memb~rs and . w1l1 d1scuss turn. None of the occupants of · either the church. and whose beautiful con- olat~s f?r 'th~ furtherance of the. or- car was injured, according to, t~e tralto voice t,as charmed many resi- tramzatmn .s mterests and functions. report of motorcycle officer~ ·, Victor dents of the north shore, san a num- A. talk wdl also be made . by Dan Faulstick of the Kenilworth police deher of son"s and th S .~ t t · Shies. treasurer of- the· assoctatton. on partment. ""'~ · e Wlgar · rio · " 1 f rom th e B an k's Stan d pomt. plaved durine: the evening. · "C re d"t At the close of the reception the rhurrh 1>resented both Dr. and Mrs. Catboli~ School·Leacter Lloyd with watches. to Address P.- T~ A. The scholarship · standin~ of · th«> frPshma,n c-lass at New Trier Hif!t-t srhoo1 for the third ·month of th~> !;r.hool year was higher than that llr ilny nreyious lreshmaa etas~ and.. aiQ" the hi.rhest of the current semestt~r All but one of the boy's adviser group~ h;ul a scholastic avera~e of over :2.00 (or Cl. and of the p-irls JZronn. 2.12 was t~e ~~~est, 7~78 (B-) hei1~..., the highest. ... ~ ·. ·~ ... . .. HIGH SCHOLARS HI~:' MARK . . . The Wilmette Playground a n d Recreation board is·· f~cing a strenuous program of public exhibitions during the next few weeks, according to ~ schedule issued by Director Daniel M. Davis, this week. The first event following the Ice Carnival · and Optimist-Rotary program, which took place this week, is a public demonstration by· the pupils of Byron C. Stolp school, February 17. Miss Olga Stopka and Dudley C. Stone, instructors of physical training in Stolp school, will direct the program which includes a demonstration of all phases of physical training work carried out in Wilmette schools. Demoaatratioa at Howanl Friday, February 24, a similar program will be given at Howard school under the direction of Miss Lucy Reeser and Glen W. Gathercoal. Following this demonstration will be the 1 annua Boxing and Wrestling · show on March 9. The show proved to be the most popular event of all the publie activities the board sponsored last ye·ar. Paul A. Kier and Glen \V. Gathercoal are training the athlete5 for the meet. In -11~1dition to the public programs the regular athletic activities, bas~et ball, indoor ball, quoits and volley ball will be continued. A new schedule for basketball was inaugurated this week which eliminates all teams having two forfeitures, thus enabling the remaining teams a certain game for the remainder of the season. A new volley ball schedule has also been put into effect. SerYe 12,371 ia Tlaree Moatha During the last three months of last year, the board ·furnished organized recreation . for 12,370 people. exclusive of ice skating, includin~ 5,935 boys under 16 years of «ge, 4,400 .men 1.660 girls under 16 years of age, a~d 375 women. In addition. three new ·activities, the Junior Life, ] unior Police and a new women's gymnasium class. were added during December. Wilmette Post, No. .46, of the American Legion is in the midst of a fund campaign to establish . a Drum and Bugle corps under Post auspices. Twenty-five men already have been enlisted for the Drum and Bugle corps, it is aimounced, and the complete organization of musicians will number thirty. Rehearsals are in progress under supervision of Ludwig and Ludwig, instrument concern, which is also providing instruments for the corps. The present campaign is progressing successfully under the direction of E. W. Richmond, president of the new organization, and Fred V. Lippen, vice-president, who is assisted by Lea J. Orr, secretary and publicity manager, and Harry Flentye, treas· urer. Drum and Bugle corps have become immensely popular with Leg l on 'units. ·the ones in Evanston and Kankakee ranking among the best in the country. The Wilinette corps plans to offer its services for local patriotic and civic events ;,tnd promises to become one of the most popular organizations Bad Streets Barner to Mail Service Extension in the village. - - -- - - . - - ·· . . Whith two hundred frehshmten a~ ,op' omores present at t e · ry-ou_, anxious to win parts in the ann plav presented at New Trier Hi school by these two lower c1assea. the task of selecting · only eleven students from such a large amount. c1 · promising material seemed -a bmre one ..._ to the faculty coaches. .It was finat1y decided that two plays would be pre· sented, one to "have two easts, on the evenings of Februaiy 10 and 11. "Wapp1·n· Warf," a com · edy t.:.y u Charles S. Brooks will have the two ~as!s· On one evening this will be ..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,. given by one group, on the next eve1 ning by a second cast. Th() back· ground of the story is a small town on the cliffs above Devonshire. The characters are the former · mates and associa-tes of Flint and Silver, of "Treasure Island" fame, who have Supt. Frederick E. Clerk of New turned "wrecker." To turn "wrecker" Trier· High school will address the is - to abandon legitimate piracy and meeting of the Central-Laurel Parent- to make it one's business to destroy Teacher association Tuesday evening, ligbthouses and beacons in . order that January 31, in the Byron Stolp gym- the ships of innocent viotims may be nasium. This meeting will be of spe- more easily {!lundered. A prince ih cial'lnterest to mothers and fathers of disguise and his discovery of his childseventh aud eighth grade children, but hood sweetheart, also in disguise as a all parents are cordially invited to scullery maid in the pirate crew, add attend. Any questions which the par- a distinct touch · of romance to the ents 1_Jlay wish ahswered will be placed story. One of ·the casts for this play is under ·the direction of Miss Elizain a question box. Many parents find themselves un .. beth Stanwood, the other · under that able to help their children solve some of Gordon Van Kirk. An old ladies' home is a far reaeh of the many problems that arise upon entering high school. This meeting is from pirates and princes, but it is arranged especially to give the parents the. setting of the second play, "Acid some idea of the High School Drops," by Gertrude Jennings. The characters are several old ladies whose methods. Mrs. Herman Schuman. 501 Laurel chief joy in life- is the weekly visit avenue. entertained at a Mothers' Tea· of a young woman who brings- with for the third grade, Miss Helen her a touch of the outside world.· The Smith's room, on Tuesday, January members of the cast for this piece ate 17. Sixteen mothers attended. Miss being directed by Miss Clarissa Ben, Donelly gave a very interesting talk who has had experience in this type of about her art work. Miss Smith de- work in England. lighted the mothers with a group of songs. Evanaton Man Struck by w In checking OYer e- ii of Wilmette Public libra{y it lias·heal determined that there are a ~numbet of books that are long over-due and that several others are missing, of which no withdrawal record seems available, it was announced this week by Anne L. Whituiack, librar'ian. . ·· .. As the period ;s at hand when the library files are being gone over and placed in the best of shape · · 1 d · bl h h 1t ts extreme y es1rea e t at t ese books be returned to the shelves an d the pu blie is earnestIY urged to co-operate to this extent. In order to facilitate this return of the library's property, a box is being placed in the lobby of the library and those having such books 1 are ask ed to pace them in this box. No over-due fee will be c_ harged in this instance. 11oo1t n..t'a. ou ~· a ~uftl~ t 8 1 11. a. New Trier Head to Speak Before P. T. A. Meeting Car on Wilmette Avenue David Sveudson of 1418 Leonard place, · Evanston, sustained slight bruises and abrasions about the head and body on Thursday of last week when he was struck by an automobile driv.en by M. A. · Jenson of 1.509 Wilmette avenue, Wilmette, as he was working on his car which had· stalled on . Wilmette avenue ·just . e.ast of Ridge road. Svendson's car stopped just as he turned off of Ridge road into Wilmette avenue. He alighted in order to look for the tr()ubte and J enson, making a like turn a few minutes later, was unable to avoid striking .him. Svendson was placed in a car and rushed to the Evanston hospital where it ·was learned. that be .· was not seriously hurt. New Trier Girls Hear - of Scho01a in Germany -------- . St. Frands Xavier school will hold it~ monthly meeting ~t the school" halt .,..ridav. January 27. at 3:30 o'clock. The Rev. Father Cunnin.rham. assist~nt superintendent of the Catholir cochools of the Chi~go .diocese, wil1 hP. the speaker: M1ss Viola B~rwick wi11 J,rive a reading, and· Miss Griffin. c;chooJ nurse. will talk on ~'The Dental Clinic." . Pu~iJs of the St.. Francis .~chooJ. wiU furl'llsh .mu1k. "Ali . Babbi and the Forty Thieves" ThP. P;trent-Teacher association of will live again in the imagination of To Tell Anbian Nighti Tal~ at Chilch-en's Hoqr Jan. 27 the youngsters tomorrow when Mrs. Charles A ·. Broad of. 436 Te~th · atre~r. formerly a . teacher of elocution at the St. Francis ·schoOl, · will rP1:lte this old tale from the Arabian N;ghts series during the story hour at the Wilmette Public 1ibrarv. Mrs. Broad wi1t also Jrivt! ·a number of piahaJogs··i n whkh she will be accomoanied at the piano bv Miss Winifrecl Bright, 'ChUdren'· ... ~ . .r:_~hi samaa.e~ . : ·. librarian. ., . ..... Gelmll . ......:... .. '"· - . Miss Crystal Neuman .entertained senior advisor rooms at New .Trier Mis·s·· . Hadden's · and Miss Brady's High school last week with an iJ!~er esting and instructive talk on · scliools in: Germany. As she explained It;' .the German: schools are. not "Y~ry. different from schools ili .America." Miss Neuman · came from Germany last summer and has been .. living .with h~r :auot, Mrs. Robert -Zimmerman, · 303 Greenleaf avenue. Wilmette. while' she ."'at:. tends New Trier~· Next ~emeiter M" Neuman intends to ·study at Nortltwestern university. She wiU return 1 ~·..... ~

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