Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jan 1928, p. 56

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w~ Tile ml4·week meetlq o( the club will 1;te lae14 Ia Children's ball at 8 o'clock ' - evening. The &,. Scouts will meet at 1 :10 In t1ae Auembly room Thui'IMiay evealnc. '.l'be weekly rehearsal ~f the cbotr Ia held Thursday at 8 !l'clook. The prueat DUtorate cloees Tuellday, .:ranUIU'J' 11. Tbe churda oftlce wiD be In cbarp of tbe IICI'etai'J', 11188 Loulae II. Seipp, aD4 will be opea dally from 9 to 11 IUI4 1 to I: 8atur4ap from 9 to 11. The· Gftlce telephone number Ia Wilmette HIS. The church clerk Ia Howard Bowen, 1115 ElmwoOd avenue, telephone Wilmette lt"ll. BeaNra wiD bol4 a Beceptlon '&114 ~....ti'C tlda ev~ T:· Ia tbe ~~ ~ 'DMt er will be Pauaane W411itGot.t. oae of OIJr .1DialoDarlea. We are ..,..._ to have peeta from other DDrtb 8110re toWDII. ui4 everrone In thla cbarcla aD4 oommual~ Ia conllallJ In· vlte4 to attencL 'Die Y9UIW Woman'a Mf......ary aoolet7 aD4 tbe ~ ~ Tbe Lord;,. 8qpper wiD be aerved and new me111b8rs will be received at the mornlq service at 11 o'clock Sunday momlnc llr. 8Ufter will ~ on the theme ·-uvtq· tor .;r..., ' Tile ebolr. uDder the dlnctl.on of Madame Ollderoy The BaDtlat church Is located at the Scott. wiD 111111', by l"eQtaellt, "Sen4 Out comer of WUinette and Forest avenues. Thy L'-ht." bJ"_ Oounod, &Del ..Ye That · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Start In the Houae of the Lord," by The :rant dlvlalon entertained the Sec- Spinney. oad dlddon 'ftaUI'IIC1Q at 10:10 at the bolllie of lit& D. A. Stoker, iiA Myrtle The Sunday acbool conveliea In all deetreet. JMI.rtmenta at t :10 except the lien's and Women's cla88e8 whlcb meet In the 'lb8 'Dalrd 41vlalon entertained the Cburcb auditorium at 8 :4&. Graded ln.__.. 41vlalon ThundaJ' at the home of structlon tor aU · M;:- B. J. Burrowa. Ill Jlrrtle street, , -~Wianetb. ' The Bltrh achool B. Y. P. u. meets at 6 :10 In the Guild Room. They will The Fourth 4lvlalon met Tburactay at obeerve ..InterDatlonal Life Service Day." tbe bome of llr& William Holmes, Ill Lola Phelpe' crou~ will lead. Central avenue. Chi Thla cbureh co-operates with the SunAll tbe lletbodlat claurchell In the · daJ' EveDiq club which meets recularl)" eaao Ana ad em(lllaldwtnc the work of at 'I :10 ~ Sunday at the ConarepThe moat complete 6ooA cltr' aal88lona 4urlte the month of Janu- tlonal chuftb.· The club -aenta this atocl on the N«tb Slxn IU7· An uchanp of. pa·tors baa been k Pro· ... ' d ·~r·.... . n~ ·or .:run·- ft. FoUowlnc out wee ... .aae~ er lleaae)John · of the pl. -----·· _, t Unlvendty of Wlaconaln. J'lorence Kac0 Books NeW and Timely The Haunted HOUle IWioc · DNwi11f11 "" Gilbed It C6nt,_ Harper 8 BrDL ·········· Ia. so . B,_, CHANDLER'S /or l11terference . . . . p,.,.,., Hoa(lhtoa, MiEa 8 Co. ·· Sa.oo BOOKS Claire Ambler Doubleday~ that DiaD. Bev. church w. N. 8UDda7 Clark, putor the OoauDUDitJ' of Chlcap, be In the pulpit next momlnc. The putor of the Wilmette church will pnacb In hla church at the eveDing 8ervloe. ·'Dle CommUDitJ' cbureh Ia 1ocated In the heart of the Stock Yarda 4l8trlct. IPlfteen J'eal'll 1180 DeaJ'IT eVe17· one Wl&ll re847 to cloee the door& At that time Dr. Clark, a atudent just out wlliiP--------------. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= I wm ...,... ef I& fer 7·· er ell· tala Mill allewaaee fer hll aaeaa& ef 70u ·t1111J' Ia &rate fer Cllleap · JN»er&J er ··Jtar.aa uae lite· Booth T·,.,., , Dona 8 Co. ·· s:a.so Do ,... waat to ....... of 70111' F'lolrWa · __ .... 7_ 11 - -..- Gallant Ladies ~ ~~ ~:-:r~ :':l A. c· ._ n-wnaene Life a tremea«oua force for IIOCial rla'hteou- . Becauae of hla work pap_ of bop have been broken up and ChrlatlaD cltl· ..-------------~ II8DII bave been tratned. It repreaenta one of tbe tlneat pleoea of city Jial88lona17 work done In America. ,FOR YOUR PROTECTION H. 8 R. Anspach Lloyd C. Ayra BiU. Realty, lae. c.n..roa ROfllll · HaKoart, Brace 8 Co. · ··· l:s-so Tbe Bonney Family Ratb SaciouJ . Alfml A. Kaopf ········ s:a.so Nezt TueadaJ' nla'ht the Men's cla88 holda Ita annual banquet. '1'hla 41nner Ia In cba.rp of llr Frank IIIIUngton an4 a committee of active laymen. They are planntnc a wholesome evenln« of . . . . St. mulde, acldrel8e8, etc. 1~=:;;;;::;:;;;;;:;=:=:;;:;;;=:=:=:=! The Ladles' Aid eoclety will hold Ita ncuJar luocbeon and Dieetlnc Thul'lldq BUl Dl and at the churcb. The meetlnc beclna at aD , tt o'clock: a o'clock. bualne· meetan«; A SSOCI3 · b.OD 0 Evanston devoUona, ..Ace of Ca»ttvlty," Ml88 Lila Attla; procram, ......-.P Arounct the World." (Incorporated) Tile pa.ator'a eermon Jut Sunday cenVater Stale 8aten1tlea terecl uoUDd the theme ..Sermons In 511 Davia St. · Phone Greenleaf 1117 lltoDe." It wu lnW~tretatlon the ~~~==:=:::;::;::;=::::::;:::::;:;:;:=:=::; alplftcance of a an churcll bulldlnc. ofTbla aermon Ia aoon to be pat In printed form, and will be .....sy for cllatrlbutlon by the end ot DeSt montll. At tlae cloee of the service lut Sun4aJ' mol'lllu, the followlag members were o..........................., reOeiYed: lfr. and lira. Clem Bollq, tZI .aiM.... llaln .treat; )(ra;. .:JobD T. Boos, . '110 Greenwood avenue; llr. &ad Mra. Bobert ~ ~~~~'!:*~<!&=-.~ A. D. LAB'8WO&'I'BY, ...... .&pat IIIII :a.aor Campbell~lat Central ave111 w ....... ·~ Qleap aae allr. aDd 111'1. Cbarlea E. Lutton, hQ ............. avellue, Jlr. ud Paul lira. II l ·iiijijijijijiJijijijijijij~ Walter P. PollockBvanaton; and 10n, Kenneth lllller, 117 GreePJeat avenue. Tbla Ia the "88GOD4 poup of new members Jecel_. IIIICe Conference. Many others ltlll be ~ to jola In the near future. LO AilS LOJlsYl-:ITES o.v.................. P. W. Bradstreet a S. 'Jdi Lo f J. B. BraclweU F. Colanaa Banoaabs 8 Co. Dickea10a Realty Association of Chk21o · F. H. Gatht~toal R. S. Ha~ably 8 Co. luheUa V. Harkaea Heiluna Rutty Co. Hill8 Stoat R. M. Johnston 8 Co. Charla C. ICapscbaU Eraat M. Kimball Lake Sbom Realty Co. Mouat 8 Fbbtrty Mauay 8 Terry Qainbn 8 Ty10n Frank A. Reicl Frank W. RDIIO J. H. Scbarftr 8 Co. E. Sawyer Smith 8 Christy Browa. lac. Walter P. Smith 8 Co. W. G. Stacry 8 Co. E. E. Stala Realty Co. Frtcltrick B. Tboaaas 8 Co. · Tiabe Realty Co. Vaat 8 Stli1 Wilmette Realty Co. D. E. Wiak Wia~~ttb Tnast 8 Savin1s Bank · Wyatt tl Ceou Eden .,,., ,,_,_ E. P. Dattoa 8 Co······· l:a.oo So Much Good Gilbert FNDbu Harper 8 Brotben ·.····· S:a.oo .LOAII8 .w. .!i a-· ........... ·---c ... C:.m::" .For People ·Going Abroad So You're Going to England So You're Going to France So You're Going to Italy So You're Going to Paris B. U.,IJ&n Hoaabtoa, MUiia 8 Co. ·· I:J.OO (Each voi..e) C'- 'rile meettnc of the church Ia ~ In attenc1ance and lntereat. 8e~lve were preeent la8t Wedaeed&F _llllbt. If tbe attendance lncnuea atiala .,... It will be necewa17 to move oat of tbe ~ lato the church au4lWl11Da lt8elf. · fte. poet to be atudled IIGt W..._.ay Dlaht Ia Bll· CannelL ml4·'"* Planning a Trip Abroad Biuwi ._,.,_. .Robert M. McBride- 8 C:O:·· l:a.oo ..... r-.,:: :-.,:::..,.wm fte 1tnt dlvllloa hold Ita Pro:.vnt;.c, .:;...~ tlae ala11N1l at I :10, l&la4 at lin. LuD4~.. Ul4 delilert at the home of lin. ................. .,.npt ..... .... ............ .... We.._ a "'7 c1 ~ ............. ._...._.H_ _.v...._ roll ith DEAL WITH A REALTOR Out of the Ruins Sir Pbilip B. Gi661 Doableclay, Donn 8 Co. ·· s:a.so ·aha. ~ el LORD'S BOOKS~OP 1_, l..W. ,_ W· ,_. ,,.,...,_

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