. · · The Coach Chevrolet meetritiesAaeri---witb. a Great New Motor Cat A new automobile so sensational as to electrify the nation! With marvelous new Fisher boclin ofering all the distinction. beauty and luxury for which Fisher craftsmen are famous I With performance that is a rrvelatioa to ownen of even higher priced can I With 1 07-iacb wbtelbue -four incba longrr tbaa before I With fourwheel ·brakes--and many additional mechanical achievements! And · . · prices that demonstrate again Chevrolet's ability to provide tbt atmOit in modem motoring luxury at the lowest poaible cost I The engine of this great new car is of tbt im- $585 The Roadsttr ......... $495 The Touring ......... $495 ~=pt ........... $595 Tbt Sport Cabriolet ....... . Coupled with this tbrillina accelention and lptld is a type of ridina and drivina comfort almost unbelievable in a · low-priced car. Foar incba longer than the previoas Chevrolet cb·is. · · swung low to the road ··· and with foar te~~~i elliptic shock absorber apriap--tbe Biger and Btuer Chevrolet holds the road with a aamy tbat is simply amaziaa. aad rida in pedcct coafort at high speeds over the roagbat stretcba of hipway. And never before was a low-priacl car 10 aq 10 drive--for the worm and aar ltftrin1 aecbanism is fitted with ball hnriap tbroapoat ··· even at tbt froat axle ka.ckla. All that apectacalar new atcbanical aciYanaaaau arr. of coane, in addition to the bolt of aotaltle proved valve-in-bead design. With alloy 'inYar featum that CbeYrolet baa prrYioasly pionttr.t strut" pistoas ·· ~specially designed by~--"'!!!!'~....... in the low-price 'ield. dro-laminated camshaft gun. · · mashroom type valve tappdl. · · and a complere new steel motor enclosure--it proYicla a type of motor operation 10 thrilling that it mast be cxperieacccl to be app~ttcl! Come in and . . tbil latat and anatat Genenl Moton adlitftaeat t Lam why it is ~verywbere the aabject of mtbllii· astic: com·mt-wby e.trywben it is bailed aa tbt world'1 aOit lu:ariou low-prktel aatoiMbile. $665 r::~=~~~ ...... $715 Light Delivery $375 (Cbaaia Utility Truck $495 (Cbaaia Onlfl) Onlg) 332 Liadea Ave.-Day Phone w-d. 3064:-Nilht Phoae \Vd. 477 ,Q u A L I T y A ·T L 0 w c ()