Editor's note: Accompanyln.r Is a brief extract from a · lecture on Christian Science by W. Stuart Booth, of Denver, Colo., lf(ven In the First Church of Christ. Scientist, In Wilmette, Tuesday evenlq, .January !4. Mr. Booth Is a member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Mass. In commencing his lecture, Mr. Booth briefly sketched the experience of Mary Baker Eddy in connection with her discovery of Christian Science, pointing out its scriptural basis and authority. He then explained somewhat the Bible teaching, emphasized by Christian Science, that the Christ is the expression of God's spiritual nature which was so fully understood by ] esus and so perfectly demonstrated · by him as to earn for him the divine title of Christ ] esus. Mr. Booth then said: "The Christ as expressed today in Christian Science is "revealing the divine Principle, Love," and is leading men into the demonstrable understanding of all truth. In thus leading men into all truth, Christian Science reasons logically, following the deductive metlioo of reasoning instead of the inductive, as is employed by others. The inductive method, reasoning from effeet, or assumed effect, to cause, begins with the material concept of man and things, which it claims is God's creation, and thus argues · that God' must be humanly manlike. The Bible teachings are explicit and unmistakable in renouncing and denouncing such materialistic teaching. For instance, we read: urt is the Spirit that quick· eneth; the flesh profiteth nothing" (John 6 :63) And uThey which a~e children of the flesh, these are not the children of God." (Rom. 9 :8) Mrs. Eddy's rational and religious sense led her to adopt the deductive line of reasoning in presenting the Science of Christianity to the world in her llook "Science and Health with Key to th~ Scriptures." In so doing she but followed the example of Christ Jesus, whose constant purpose and practice were consistent with his prayer that God's will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Christ Jesus put God first in his logical thinking and speaking and in his daily living. Christian Science, being the restatement of primitive ·Christian preaching and the reinstatement of primitive Christian practice, likewise bases its argument of North s....e Scoutmuwa .._ H ·L . ·::!...+ -.u ,..,.. -.........Scoutmasters of the Nqrth Shore Area, Boy Scouts of America, at their meeting, February 20, in Highland Park, will hear Dr. E. D. KeUy, Scout executive of the Evanston council, as the speaker of the evening. TJte monthly Scou~asters' Round Table is carried - on under the direction of W. R. Bim.On, director of the personnet of the Harris Trust & Savings. bank and one of the vice-presidents of the .North Shore Area council, representmg Lake Bluff. -------- SALE OF INDIAN WAll The Indian Trading post, 58 East Delaware place, an orpnizatioa iD which numerous club women interested, is holding a mid-winter re· duction sale for two weeks, from January 23-February 4. · Navajo rugs :iambly and Kapechull and jewelry, Pueblo pottery and bas· M _L_ fN S e~DU~:n 0 · · Board kets, Guatemalian embroideries, aad Mexican hand-made furniture will be The North Shore Real Estate board among the articles on sale. calls attention to the fact that R. S. Hambly and company of S pan i s h Lester Daly White has returned to court, No Man's Land, and Charles C. St. Francis Xavier school and is in Kapechull of Deerfield are members the eighth grade. He was . a former of the organization. These names pupil, but left while in the fifth grade were omitted from the Real Estate · to attend another school. Board's membership list in a recent -oissue of this paper. William Normoyle of 360 Gregory avenue entertained a number of his words and works upon the Scriptural young friends at a birthday party at teaching about God, and reasons de- his home last week. It was his seventh tluctively therefrom. birthday. are ROOK WOOD APARTMENTS NOYES STREET, BETWEEN ORRINGTON AND SHERMAN A VENUES A few apartments available in this beau':' tiful new fireproof building. LOVE TO DRAW? of course they do-especially when they have a real model and a light effect that makes a picture. And they really learn. Simple fundamentals at first-but always so that it is interesting. The drawing above was done in oil colors by a little ~ miss of fourteen years. The methods used in classes at The Academy are the most modern-not only in the classes arranged for the children, but in every department of the School. Your visit is cordially invited. 4, 5 and 6 Large Rooms Convenient to transportation, schools and the Lake. Make ·an inapection today I Mechanical refrigeration and gas included in Reasonable Rentals. The EVANSTON ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS CARL SCHEFFLER.. Director VICTOR C. CARLSON Organization CARLSON BUILDING PHONE: GREENLEAF 500 i ~~--111-ll;l;l;lll;l;;ll;lt;I.;I;I.;INtl·;ltMI_.;;;IIM;I;MI;II;IIt.lrt.IMI;_.;,;IIImllnUtNm·nnmtiUOOIIIIHni~OOnM.-;DHIM;._mooHI;M;.;,;tt;;;;;;;;li ·· I Carlton Baildiaa Tower, Cba«b and Orriaatoa Tcltphoat Grm~leaf 16 74