January 27. ,1928 Presbyterian Ch·rch A number of new-comers to our village found the Presb;yte~n church last sunday, which Is located at the northeast comer of Greenleaf avenue and Ninth street. They and others will ftnd the church at the same location next Sunday morning with the service beginning at 11 o'clock, as usual. We ~x tend a special invitation to those not regularly attending other churches to pa:r-ticipate In our worship. You wlll always find a cordial welcome on the part of the people and the pastor, Rev. George P. Magill, D. D. The .North Shore Rallf (Jad passes our cornd-- with convenient tw.. ps at Eighth street and Tenth street. Morning church worship at 11 A. M. Sunday school at 9 :30 A. M. · The quartet wlll give the following musical program at the regular church service next Sunday morning: Or,;an Prelude: ..Chanson Trlste" . ... . . Tschaikowsky Anthem: .. He Shall Come Down Like Rain" ...... . ...... . ................... Buck. Anthem: ..Christ Is Knocking at My Sad Heart" ...... .. ....... ...... ....... ... .. Otis Organ Offertory: .. Vermeland" ............ Arr. by Hagg Solo: '"Prayer" ... .. .. ......... . ....... Guion Miss Trewartha Organ Postlude: "Fantasie" ............. . . ......... Stainer Regular mid-week service at 8 :00 p. m. Wednesday. This wlll be our preparation service for the communion. Sunday Is Young People's day in our church. The Christian Endeavor society is to have a special program, to be of special Interest to all the young folks of the church. Come and bring your friends. The next meeting of the Presbyterian Union wlll be held Friday, February 3, at the LaSalle hotel. The speaker wlll be Dr. Robert E. Speer, moderator of the General Assembly. Miss Lllllan Knowles wlll be the soloist for the evening. Junior church service is held every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock In the Junior room of our Sunday school. This .c omIng Sunday we will have a reception of new members with a special program for the occasion. Dr. Magill has announced that he will discuss some parts of a recent new book entitled, "The Impatience of a Parson," by the Rev. H. R. L. Sheppard, late vicar of St. Martin-in-the-Field, an Episcopal church in London, England. This book, just published In the United States, January 13, has been recommended by the Editorial committee of · the Religious Book. club. This committee Is composed of Dr. Cadman, Dr. Fosdick, Bishop Brent, Bishop 1\lcConnell and Miss Mary \Voolley, president of Mt. Holyoke college. The writer's plea Is "for the recovery of vital Christianity." It Is a stirring book and some of the statements are Rtartling. Within three weeks after its publication In London, the sale of this book was more than fifty thousand copies. The Woman's Bible class and Home Department will meet Wednesday, February I, at 2:30 for a social afternoon at the home of Mrs. George P. Magill, 1011 Lake avenue. Scout rneetlng~irl Scouts, Tuesday at 3 :30 p. rn. Boy Scouts, Troop No. 5, Monday evening at 7 :30. Boy Rangers, Saturday at 2 :30 p. m. Theodore Roosevelt's Nine Reasons for Going to Church In this actual world, a churchless community, a community where men have abandoned and scoffed at or ignored their religious needs, is a community on the rapid down grade. Church work and church attendance mean the cultivation of the habit of feeling some responsibility for others. There are enough holidays for most of us. Sundays differ from other holidays in the fact that there are fiftytwo of them every year,-tberefore, on Sundays go to church. Yes, I know all the excuses. I know that one can worship the Creator in a grove of trees, or in a man's own house, just as well as in church. But I know also, as a matter of cold fact, the average man does not thus worship. He may not hear a good sermon at church. He will hear a sennon by a good man who, with his good wife, is engaged all week in making hard lives a little easier. He will listen to and take part in reading some beauti~ ful passages from the Bible. And. if be is not familiar with the Bible, he has suffered a loss. He will take part in singing some good hymns. He will meet and nod or speak to some good quiet neighbors. He will come away feeling a little more charitably toward all the world, even toward those excessively foolish young men who regard church-going as a soft performance. I advocate a man's joining in church work for the sake of showing his faith by his work. ; ······ 0 0 ··········· 0 ······· St. _..,I 1140 Directory of Churches: Episcopal 0tarch Fant Coqreptioaal Oaarch Lake aad Wilmette Avmaa R10. 8tep1Hn A. Uofltl Rw. Babnt Cmeton Wilmette Avenue St. .W.'1 Latheru Omrch . Wilaette aad Park Avmaa Rro. Blnllflll W. 11.,, The Fnt Presh,teriu Oaarch Ninth Street aad Gntaltaf Avenue Rlfl. Gtoave P. Jl.,;ll 1\e Fant leWd Oa.rch Lab aad Wilmette Avcaaa Rltl. RONa G. Smith w-Uaette ·~a.uq lather· (larch GrtmiH/ Aomu Mil 8111ftJth Stntt R10. Carl I. Empaon 1\e Wlmette B.ptid Omrch Fomt aad Wilmrttt Avraaa Rlv. Fracu C. Btifln PablUW hv the lntertbarch Atl11«ti.ing CommittH, Wil1111tt1 Chruth Fttleratior. Mrs. Charles Mandel of Crystal Lake and Mrs. James Nesbit of ChicaJ;Yo were the house guests of Mrs. J. H. Pitkin, 404 Gregory, over Saturday and Sunday. -oMr. and Mrs. Elmer D. Becker, 519 Linden avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Davenport, 404 Gregory, were the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Ryan of Crystal Lake over last weekend. Mrs. Myles J. Phillips and her daughter, Dorathea, 1003 Michigan avenue, sail from New York February · 2, on the Rotterdam, for a Mediterranean cruise. -os. J. Duncan-Clarke, 228 Wood court, editor of the Chicago Evening Post. is giving a talk at the Sunday Afternoon forum in Louisville, Ky. January 29. -oThe executive committee of the City Pan-Hellen.ic association gave ~ luncheon last Saturday at Marsha'! Rield's, when plans for the annual spring luncheon were discussed.