' Klnlatel'll: Stephen A. Lloyd, . William E. McCormack The Cosy Comer Circle will hold an This church Is located at the lntersec- all day meeting at the church on Tburstion of Wilmette Avenue and Eleventh day. Mrs. Frank Guy Is chairman of Street. Its ministers and members oor- the luncheon committee. dlalty welcome Into fellowship those withAt 3 :30 the Boys' Club will have Its out a church home. regular meeting under the· direction of All departments of the Church School W. E. McCormack who Is assisted by Joe meet at 9 :30. There Is a welcome to Swan and Howard West. membership In the classes for any boy h cen t ra1 A venue Cl rc1e, ..... or girl In Wilmette. At the Junior ConT e ·.LI'& gregatlon service at 10 :30 Dr: Llovd will J . M. T. Boyd, chairman, wtll meet on J Friday at the home of Mrs. Frank Wllpreach on "Saying Goodbye." son, l118 Central Avenue. Mrs. C. A. At the worship service at 11 o'clock Carpenter and Mrs. M. A. Clampitt wlll Dr. Lloyd will preach his final sermon as be assisting hostesses. Luncheon will be pastor of this church, using as his sub- served at 12 :30. Ject, "It Is Expedient for You:" The East End Circle, Mrs. Sumner This church co-operates with the Wil- Mason, chairman, wlll also meet on Friday. 1\frs. H. G. Wilber, 833 Chestnut mette Sunday· Evening Club which meets in its auditorium on Sunday evening at Avenue, will be the hostess for luncheon 7 :30 o'clock. Dr. Alexander Meiklejohn, at 1 o'clock. Dr. Allee D. Tuttle will be former president of Amherst College and assisting hostess. now connected with the University of The newly organised Girl Scout Troop Wisconsin where he Is conducting a unique experiment In modern education wlll meet at the church at 7 :00 P. M. will speak on this phrase of hi~ work. ' On Monday the North End Circle, Mrs. 1405 Chicago avenue, Evanston Bruce P. Owens, chairman, wlll meet at Rev. Raymond B. Bragg, minister the home of Mrs. H. B. Mulford for luncheon at lZ :30. Mrs. Lester Mee, Mrs. s····,., n J. A. Pancoast, and Mrs. John Shank will 9 :45 A. M. Church BChool. be aSBistlng hostesses. 11·:00 A. M. Kindergarten. 11 :00 A. M. Morning service. Sermon by the Rev. David Rhys WilThe School of ~llglous · Education under the auspices of the Wilmette Council liams of Chicago. of Religious Education meets In this church at 8 o'clock Tll·rsclaJ', F·llnai'J' t Meeting ot the Chicago AsBOCiate AlOn Tuesd,ay afternoon at 3 :30 the Camp Uance at the First Unitarian church, Fire Girls group meets under the direc- Woodlawn avenue and 57th street, Chltlon of Mrs. Herbert A. La.Roy. Member- cago. Speaker, Dr. John A. Lapp of ship In this group Is open to girls over Marquette university; subject, "Labor." eleven years of age. Sunday, January 29 at 6 o'clock: Meet- I . Roosevelt Troop No. 2 Boy Scouts ing of · the Y~ung People's group at the meet s 1n thl s ch urch at 1 :15 Tuesday eve- home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Petten, 2819 Lincoln street. Speaker, Melburn nlng. Mr. Fred Rye Is Scoutmaster. Bra.nt. · At 3 :30 og Wednesday the Junior Choir Mrs. ]. D. Neilson, and her daughmeets under the direction of Amy Leslie Toskey. · ter and son, who recently moved from J ~e Senior Choir meets at 7:15 for re- Wilmette, left last Monday for St. hearsal. Amy Leslie Toskey Is director. Petersburg, Fla., where they expect ·. Mrs. ·8. ll. Singleton will be chairman at the Devotional Meeting on Wednesday Neilson plans to visit in Miami some P,Venlng . at 8 o'clO<'k. :Mrs. F. E. Parry of the time. Upon their return they will . speak on "The Sermon . on the will make their home in Evanston. up bloodshot eves quickly and safely AD Clear Unitarian Church 1····17 Six Gainsboroughs 15 Regular Price $12 When eyes become blOod shot from wind, dust, over..use, crying or lack of sleep, apply a few drops ~f harmless Murine. Soon they wiJ I be dear again and will feel refreshed and vigorous. Many persons use Murine each night and morning to keep their eyes always clear and bright. A month's supply of this longtrusted lotion costs but 6oc. For Limited Time Only to stay for three months. Peggie BBBMIB'S 1123 Orriqtaa A-. Tel. - IJRIIVL r.oaYouR EYEs KEEP YOUR COAL BIN FlliJID You can safeguard tbe.healtb, comfort and happiness of yourself and family by keeping your bins well filled with the right kind of coal or coke. Don't wait for the blizzard. If your supply is running low, re-order now. Many hundreds of homes on the North Shore are heated with Conaumera Gwuanteed Coal tmd Coke. It is the safest. most dependable and economical fuel. "Every ton must satisfy or we remove it and refund your money." BUY YOUR COAL ON APPROVAL :EVANSTON OPPICE I 0 15 Cburcb St. Pbont Univenity 4500 _@npaqy COAL -COKE- ICE - BUILDING MATERIAL GLENCOE OFFICE 712 Glencot Road Pbont Glmcot 75 DELIVERY YARDS THROUGHOUT . THE NORTH SHORE DISTRICT