rth the meetine of the Woman's Catho.Jic Two Kenalw~h. pollee "officers an~ club of Wilmette Tuesday af-ternoon three y~thful :v~cttms o~ wanderl.ust . at the WOman's dub· Mrs. Frank from · Ch~cago ~aged tn a ~,~tfied Oelerich, the prefident, commended combanataon of Htde-and-Seek, Run, the semi-annual reports that were Sheep, Run" &J!d "Follow-the-Leader" made. last Monday naght when one of the Miss Catherin~ Murphy, of the ~ew former enco~ntered the three of the Trier faculty, teacher of ar·t apprecia!atter ~n the!f way toward "nowhere tion, spoke on "The Italen Renaistn partacular. sance," illustrating her talk with stereThe start of the game occurred at opticon slides of the masterpieces of about 10 :30 o'clock when officer Clar- the artists and sculptors of that perence Bradley encountered the trio and iod, mentioning especially the works stopped to question them. The boys, of Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, however, .· w·e not interested in an Raphael, and Titian. !nterview. and ·sim~ltaneousl~ departed Miss Elizabeth O'Donnell, a soprano tn separate directtons at hagh speed. whose voice of natural beauty has Office! Bradl~y was more or less well been ~11 trained, sang four numbers, acquaant~d !lith the gentle art of "Nina," b-y 'Pergolisi, "For You thon spr~nttng, however, and 'speedaly Atone," by H. Gull; "At Dawning," o!erhaulin' one of th~ boys, ,~o~ducte~ by Cadman, aqd "Wake Up," by Philh·m as raptdly as posstbly to prasoner s lips. Both the singer, and her accomhase" where the police signal on top panist Frank Chaiddix are from Chiof the water tower was called into cago. ' ' use. A few minutes later officer Arvid The hostess ·Jist for the afternoon Sodermann was added to Mr. Brad- included Mrs. E. Hunt, Mrs. W. 0. ley's side of the game and started out O'Donnell, Mrs· G. Osbourne, Mrs. in search of the captive's two com- G. FitzPatrick, Mrs.' G. Schilbach, and panions. Mrs. F. Widger. Hunting two small boys who do not -------desire to be found in a village even BEG YOUR PARDON as comparatively small as is KenilWord received by Wn.KST'tlt Ltn worth, is not a game to be taken light- recently from Memphis, Tenn., telling ly. The officers had one advantage of serious injury to Mr. and Mrs. E. on their side, however, that of being C. Phillips sustained in an automobile in their own territory and knowing crash at Decatur, 111., appears to have the streets. After a search leading been a gross exaggeration. Though over the greater part of Kenilworth Mr. and Mrs. Phillips were involved in and interspersed from time to time an accident, neither was injured, acoriginal by a short dash after one or the other cording to a later report. The · of the fugitives, a second captive was story came from a relative of the taken near the Indian Hill station. Phillips' in Memphis. Mr. Phillips is Further search resulting in a total of a north shore real estate broker. no gain," the officers grinned and Mrs. Frank Randall, 912 Twelfth murmured "all outs in free" abandstreet, had as her guest. last Sunday, oning the contest. ' The two boys caught . in the game Scott Bole of Los Angeles, former were held pending arrival of Chicago governor of Alaska. a~thorities ;lS it was found by the l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - stmple process of asking questions to learn about the "double Rs" that that they had, a few hours previously run on rails-or at least to learn about been enrolled in the Cook County the rails. It may be that their interest School for Boys. Tiring of the in this feature of life was prompted by "three Rs" the boys had started out their perfectly evident Irish extraction. .. -~"' Co. Eq·l.·. · ··· o·e. ·~~.~,._, uerry ·Evenmt .· ·" I · maw:a- 1 ' Full-Fashioned Hosiery Made of Fine Qualit1 Pure Silk · ·· · Offered Only During the Week of January 30th to February 4th The vast resources of Marshall Field g Co.. wnolaale, wert utilized to create this .outstanding · hosiery valat. Please aote they are strictly first quality port silk-no steonds--a mtcliam weight, with high spliced hftl aad lisle rt-iaforctd tot. Every pair is fully guaraateed by the maker and by as. They come .. ia niae popular colon--ditferent sbacla of taas, greys, ganmetals and blacks. in siza 8~ to 1 o~. We are one of a large number of stores otftring this bose for one week oaly. selective, S.Partoa W ONDBRPULLY amazes even seasoned radio fans with its dear, true tone under an ordinary condidoDL With Sparton you can QJJ~MIIftl#l on the .udon you want. .,_, MIMI 1/ _,. ,_, Bl«<rit Mllklt-Nt &lllrill SPARTON RADIO 'TAt. Pllllfi-Mr ·fiW A1r" WOa'IBBII·CA 1£ COIIPA Y 1146··· RADIO SERVICE aad ·INST·ALLADON 426 Linden Ave. ,....... Phone WiL 4117