Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jan 1928, p. 40

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~!~=~!=~~~s~~~~i~·;..at ~-=-~-;;: ~ ... .......... ~= h......._ become ~-~ tlie VllJap of KenUWOJ'tb, IBB11e water faDct CertUiaateB of t.clebtednea tntel'ellt at the rate r - ·( ·) per aDD- Umltecl 0f a 70 · ve pe oe... tel: -. ··-···-·· ea.., In« rates prove IDadequate tor thoee pur· 1J08ell. ThiB apportionment ot the total water revenues of the vlltace Ia macte for -- . the purooae of falrl~ apportlonlnc the w~ revenues respective!~ of the new water ODD'UCB 110. Df ~te~el:nf'~~:~~~ ~ works plant to be acqulrec1 and the revAN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING an anrepte amount BUftlclent to P1L7 · enuea arising from the exl.Un.r dlatrlbuTIIB CON8'1'RUCTION AND AC· total coat of constructing and acqulrlnc tlon B)'Btem and other faollitlea now QUIIUIIODNT or. . A WATER the Bame u hereafter ucertalned by com- owned by the village, and It shall always WORKS 8Y8Tllll I'OR THJD VILoetltlve blda on such publication of no- be construed so u to effectuate that purLAGB OJ' KENILWOR'fl!t COOK tlee u Ia required by law. lncludlnc In pose and to prevent the plecJclng of any COUNTY, ILLINOIB. ANu PRO. sueh total ooat the engineering and 1.-1 exlstlnlf property or revenues of the vllVID-·G .,... P'·~ ~n1 -...a In -nnectlon therewith lage for the payment of the water oertlf4 POR.u.o~ ~ v.n. ............~~.~&., .a.~.a~awr ~:r-' au:gu·~rtUieartea ot tndeb~ lcatea of lndebtednea herein referrect to. 'WIIII:RJDA8, the VILLAGE 01' KENJL- shall be payable In ncb lnatallmenta and SECTIOlf' It The entire proeeeda ariaWORTH, a municipal corporation or- on such dates aa shall be hereafter pre- lng from the operation of the W&ter works DDI8ed and ulatbat under the lawa ·of aerlbMI by ordinance and shall eonatltute RYfltem provided for In this ordinance. 8t&te of mtnota. by Ita duly con· a ftnt lien u,,n the water works system being aevent,--.ftve per cent ('l&'J,) of the ltltatect publle authorities, baa deter· so to be acquired by the laauanee and de-·1 total rates above referred to. shall oo . .aned to avail ltaelf of the provisions of livery of aueh certificates, and upon the oald Into and kent In a separate tunfl act Of the n~ rat · -- bl 0 t th lnoome therefrom. tn be known as Water Funcl No. t which ~ne - m Y f' 8BCTI0lf' 11 All of sueh certificates shall alwaya be and remain lnvlolatP :f.tJf.. of Indebtedness and the Interest accra- ·until all of the certlftcatea of and vii,.._ to buDd, purchaee or extend Ina- thereon and every lnatallment of the- IRRuecl and to be laaued pursuant to the water worb IYBtema for public and do· principal and Interest of sueh certificate~~ orovlalona of thla ordinance and all ln..Uc uee. and to provide for the cost ahaJJ be further securecl by a mort~ .-tallmenta of Interest becoming due thereof", and under the provlalona ot or deed of trust ooDtalnln~r; such provl- thereon. shall be tully paid. and no exaid act and of other acta of the State slona and conditions as are reasonably pendlture shall be made · therefrom exof llUDola pertinent to the 8Ubject matter. nece888.ry tully to secure the paymP.nt of CP.Dt to pay the necessary exPenses of to ·a cquire a water works ayatem and tn sueh water certificates. Such certlftcatel!l ODP.ratlna- such water works ayatem anfl '1&7ment tor the aame to IBBUe water fund shall be paid only out of the proceecttt malntalnlnK the same In ~ order anfl o r tft pay the Installments of oertlftcatea r ~ lndebtednea limited for arising from the o-peration of the water oofldltlon. . their payment .:10lely to the water fund works system acquired and paid tor by nrlncloal and Interest of all certificate~ hereinafter t»rovlcJed for; the IBBuance · and delfvery of such eertlf- IBI'ued pursuant to the provisions of this NOW TIIEREPOR. BE IT ORDAINRD lca.tes and from the -proceeds that may onUnance promptly at maturity. BY THE PRESIDENT PRO TEM .AND. be derived from any foreeloRUre sale of SECTION 7& In order to promote and '!'HB BOARD OJI' TRUSTEES OF THE BU'ch water works system. Such eertlf- facilitate the Bale of rmch water certlftVILLAGE OJI' KENILWORTH: lcates of Indebtedness, when Issued. and eates of lndebtedneaa at the highest avall··cTIOW J a That the plana and apecl- aald mortgage or deed of trust when able prlee by the contractor or oontractorP 8caUODa for a water works system prf'- executed. shall not oo held or oonatruecJ who may hereafter be entitled to reeelve IIU'e4 br lleun. Pearse, Greeley and to refer to. affect. Include or pledge any the Mme In payment tor the construction Raneen. h)'draulle and sanitary engineers. asaet ot the VIllage of Kenilworth. other of such water works BYstem. and to faclllaDd 8Ubmltted by them to the public an- than the water works system so to be tate and Induce the submission ot the lowtlaorltlea of the Vlll&.Ke of Kenilworth. constructed and acquired or any revenues est available bids tor the conStruction DUnola. and entitled "Proposed pumplmr from any pro-perty right or asset of Bald of such water works aystem. the vll8tatlon and 81tratlon plant Kenilworth village exeept the revenue arising from laa-e hereby agrees that until the water Dllnola. Pearae, Greeley and Hansen. en- auch water wqrkR system 80 to be ac- certlftcatel!l herein provided for are paid ll'haeera, 1917", be and the same are here- qulred and paid for by the Issuance of In full the village will continue to o-perate t;y approved and at all reasonable times the water fund certificates above referred -such water work111 system to the full ex·ereafter Rlatt be open to the tnspectlnfl to. The Issuance of sueh certificates. thP tf!nt of the demand for water within thP of the public In the oftlce of the clerk execution of such mo~e or deed of village limits of Kenilworth. to the enfl ot Mid vlllap. trust at.d the Da98aKe of this ordlnanCf' that the largest available Income may bP IBCTIOlf I& Such water works BYBtem and othP.I' ordinances referrln~ to thP received tor the prompLDa.Yment of suelt · to be acQuired shall oonalst ot the fol- same subJect matter. shall not be eon- eertlftcates and that -lt - will not do or lowing elements and constituent part& : ..trued as RT&ntfna- any rl~hta. prlvllegep sutrer to be done a.ny act which will leait A. complete new pumping station and or franchise to tbe holden of such eer-. to an abandonment of the ooeratlon of atter plant tor the water works of the tlflcates or to the purchaBAr at any fore- such water works "stem or to the dlmVIll&«e of Kenilworth, to be located on closure sa.le. to operate such water worktt lnutlon of Its output and earning power. the lake front at the Bite of the exlstlnsr ftyrdern durln~r; or after forecloAure. anc1 If. however. on account of Increased cJeumplng station and ftlter plant. which such e~rtlftcatea are to be l111aued and Ae· mand for water. the total outout of suclt a In a dilapidated condition and which f'P.Dtecl by the pun-haser thereof with thP water works ,8YBtem. operated eftlclently wiD be tom down &ltd abandoned. 'J'hp l'fhrtlnct undf!nrtandln~r; that the villa...- and to Its maXImum capacity, becomes Inalter plant will be built of reinforced does not by their IBBUance create an~ In- suftlelent. the village reserves the right concrete and will bave a capacity of onp dPbtedness whn.tever to be '041d from any t() t.ake lawful mAasurea tor an lncreaSP million (1,000.000) gallons per twenty-four othP.r source than from auch wat-.r worlur ()f Its water I!IUpply to the extent of thP (U) houra. It will comprise the following ~stem 80 to be · acquired, and from tht- Increased demand. but any additional elements: · lncnmA and eamlnan~ thereof. olA.nt constructed for that PUI"PPI!Ie bv th~> (&) Two filter units of usual standard SECTION 5& All water suooUed fro111 vlll:ure or under Its authority shall not (n'avlty rapid Mnd ftltera ,type. eaeh ha'V-# the water workl!l BYSf:em bP-reln nrovldf!d RUonlant nor take the plaee of the wate... Jn« a eaoaelty of 600.000 gallons oer !4 for "ha.ll bP- aunnlled only throusrh mPtfl!nr wnrks system herein provided for anit laoura. 'l'hla filter will be equipped with ot sta.nc1ard make approved by the VlllU"P shan be operated only when the water rate controllers. loSR of head gauges. all of Kenilworth under sueh regulation a"' works system herein orovlded for Is beDeceaary controlling valves and pipe con- -.haJJ from time to time be nreacrlbet" fnR" o-perated to Its full capacity and only bectlonll. bv t'he nresldent and board of trustee~~ tor the purpose and to the extent of tur(b) Reaction ehambera . of reinforced The t()tat rates to be chanted tor water nlshfnl!.' tbe amount of water needed beoonerete construction having a retention fumfflhAct to con~n~merR And UAPrB of WR- YOnd the maximum e&'D&City ot the wapertod of 10 minutes based upon the tP.r within thP. vllla~P;e llmltA of KAnflwortlt ter workfl system herein provided for. aomlnal capacity of the plant and pro- Ahall be and remain at tltP ratefl preSECTION 8: The village elerk Is hereYided with an electrically driven stlrrfn~r ~rlbP.d fn a certain rP.Mlutlon nf tltP by authorised and directed to cause thf,.. devloe IJO that the water to be treated nresldent n.nd board of tru!iltees of t'he VII- ordlnR.nee to be t»ubllshed once eaeh weA'k may be Intimately mixed with a chemical lafl'e nf Kentlworth, passed on Febnsary for th~e consecutive weeks In the WllCO!ICUiant. 8, 1926, to-wit. mFttte Life, a weekly newspaper ot general {e) A aedlmenta.tlon basin of reinforced Metered water. ftm 120.000 gallons In · circulation now and for more than Bllr oo.ncrete with a .retention period of two . one calendar year thirty «-.ants (30c) ner monthfll last pa.t~~Red regularly publll!lbP.d lr lloun baaed upon the nominal capacity t.MO va.llonl!l and twenty-five cents . (!riel Cook County, Dllnola. and of ~rener~l cfrof the Plant and used for the puroo~ of ner 1 000 ~mUons for ·all water fumlfl'hAd culatlon In the Vl11aJre of Kenilworth. n" aettllq the water preliminary to Its pas- to the Mme consume~ tn exeeF~s of nn.- newspaper being pubUshed In said viiace onto the ftlten. 000 n.llona In one calendar year. wlttt tan. (d) Chemical preparation and feed dA- a minimum ehanre ner meter per y-.A.r SECTION t: The vlllal!.'e clerk Is hereYice for dlaaolvlng the ooagulant and ttA of ten dollarR (110.00), said charge belntr by directed to caul!le a notice Inviting thP application to the raw water. payable quarterly. · submission of competitive bids tor fur. {e) A. reinforced concrete elear water l1nmetere4 water used during construe- nlshln~r; Rnd cnnRtructfn~ the water workP lito~ reservoir placed undP-rneath """ tton work ()ne ctollar lSt.Ml f()r AVP.rv RYAt11m deACrlbecJ fn this ordinance. to bP 11884 u a aupoort for the ftltera whl~h one thoumnd dollars ($1 000 OO) of the oubllfllhed In aa.ld newspaoer at such tim" :W!:Ir will have a capacity of 80,000 eol!lt ot the oonfd.ructlon 'on "which said :~~~.:3'i,~ ~rd'h,a'!.~eU:,~Yre~~~~:r ~ fte pumping equipment will comprll!le water Is used. with a minimum charge of award Ahall' be made of the contract to~ Ute followln~: five dollal'R (S5.00l. RR.ld ehaNes tor un- fumlshln.r and ronatructlnl!.' such watto~ One electrically driven low lift eentrlf- · mPtered water bAlna- oaya.b le In s-lvanCP.. ~rkl!l BY8tf!m until this ordlna nee shaJl Jl'()r_wat~r used by the vllla~r;e for munt- have gonA fntn e(l'P.Ct nor until thf't cor1 pump havlq nominal capacity of . . trallona PP.r minute ulled for numnf.,r "foal UUT'OOI!Ielll ~. Aum of money equal to oorate a.1Jtborlt1As by comolyfn~r; with a11 water from the Intake well to the filter ftvFt dollat:"B lS6.00\ DP.r year fnr each thP- provtslonA of the Jaw become veatefl Plant. · hydrant. to be paid by the Vl11age of with tun anthorltv to carry out the proOne low Uft centrifugal pumo bavln.- KAnllworth quarterly. visions of t'hls ordinance. IIOmlaal e&P&Ctt:v of '100 ga1lons per minute Of the revenueR received from the above 8ECTJ01f tt: If after due ubllcatlon all4 actuated ~lther by an e1P.Ctrlc mntor mentioned rateR for water furnished from of tbll!l ordinance at least onee·~aeh WRe'k or a lriUIOlfne entrtne Used tor numnl"'r ~eh WAt-.r works AYAtem. l!leVenty-ftve per for threfll conPP.eutlve weeks aa reoulred ~1!._ water from th~ Intake well to the ~Ftnt (76~) ·thereof Ia hf'lreby fixed as a bY the aforeMfct act of thA General A.rc..""" plant. cham to oonRUmera and users fnr sun- eembly apuroved April H 189t an{f .. ~eleetrl:::raldrlven rntrlfugal pump =~n:..~~! ~:n~~:A~~ :l~e:O~~=; within twenty-one (!1) days after the ftnt .,.. a ~~ tythof 1,600 gal- Ia hereby fixed u the eharge tor supply- oubllcatton. there shall not have been ..,,.......__ llterect or e ourpoae of 1 water throutrh the distribution .,.._ ftled with the vlllall'e clerk a oetltfon uk~i:.-=.--the tllte water for ftuahln« or ~ and other facilities now owned by the fng that the aueatlon of constructing and ~· 1'. ' vllla«e. ~e rates above to be palcJ ~ufrlntr web water works ayatem bP 'l'wo eleatrlaaiiJ' driven ha.Ja lltt oentrlf· by conaumen tor water and the oropor- submitted to a vote In the manner projpl~ with a aomlna.J eepaelty tlon so ftxecJ for supplying water throUI'h vldecJ by law, or If aueh petition shall Ill a: · per minute used for P'-'mP- such water works ayatem 80 to be ae- have been ft1ed and aueh election shall ·from tlae ftlterecJ water ruer- qulretl Bhall not be ~ueed at any time have been held. and In the election sucll lllto · tlae c1111trlbutlon 8711tem. wllfie any ot ·the water eertUieatea of Queatlon shall have been voted on anif 0.. oentrlfua'al pump with a tndebtednea or tntereat coupons to be ctetermlned In the aftlrmatlve, then and of '100 gallons per min- I88Ued · purauant to the provlalona of See- In either of truch caaea thla ordlna"'CP .,,. ·&n e1ectrle · motor tlon 1 of thla ordinance are unpaid. 'l'he shall be In fall force and effect after tbP ...Sne· ancJ Used tor de- oreaddent and board of trustees nf the f'IXI)IJ1ltlon of thFt time preacrlbecJ by ISlw flem tbe Altered water VIIIA«e of Kenilworth Bhall. ne.ertheleta~ for the flUng of such JMttftton or afteT tlae m.trlbutton .,-stem. ""' anc1 they are herFtbY em"OOwered and ..ueh election u the ~ ma~ be. IMJ:·Inlr ~lpment anc1 11- "lndf'd. an4 It altaJJ bf'l their dtaty to RBC'I'IOlf' lla A.n ordinance entitled 1te 1aOUiied Ia a nln- lnei'MIIe the rates above ftxet1 tor the use ..An ordinance authorlldn.- the conatrucUc1 brtelr 8Uper-Btructun of water. and the proportion 80 fixed tor tfon and aequlremP.nt ot a water works for ltorace of eheml- RUU'Dlyfn~ water through neb WRter trntem for th~ Vltla~re of KAnllworth. '-pdf!!l7l matertaw. and pro.tded ~ aptepa. and either or both of them. Cook Cou!ltY. nlfnols. anil nrovldln~r; fn· ,.. ellee. tGIIet 1'00111. lllaoww M u t1ae ame ~ t.n meet WJUment therefor", pUlled November tf. llee!ll117 faellltlee. 'ftle tile DMII·IT coet of operation' of nell ttiT, and an other ontlnanees In aonftlct to . .. IDot nell ........ fund ,......._ oerttaaat.. of ~ u Gae aupe an;i~lf~~ooa_. llhall ·ftra.IIJ' «ae atltl ~.e. -ID JQmeat for lniCb water whenever &114 u ofteD u the tileD e.lat- . . .. . . . . =m Published January 10. ttJI. CLIVE J. TAYLOR, Clerk. . Bald onUnance ·· here' publlllled '!! oompllanee with the provlalous of Bectlon 8 of said ()rdlnance and the act of the General Aaembl~ ot the State of nunola. mentioned In the preamble of ·aald ordinance. Dated this lOth day of January A.. D. tDZS. CLIVE J. TAYLOR . Clerk of the ViUage of Kenilworth Lt'l-3tc seated blda will be recelvecl by the Pro ~ IOTICB I"OB Bm&. ~~ ::n.ro~:~Ufe!,2·to~~ lndebtednes~ r. president pro tem and board of trustees of the Vlltage of Kenilworth, Dllnola. at Kenilworth Asllembly Hall, southwest corner of Kenilworth Avenue and Cumnor Road, Kenilworth, Dllnola, on or before one o'clocJc P. Jl. Monday. February 13 1928 tor ·the oonatructlon of a water w~rka S,stem tor the Vlllap of KenOworth In accordance with plana anc1 apeclftcatlons for Mid Improvement whleh have been heretofore approved by the president pro tem and board of truBteel!l of salcJ village, and In ~rdanee with the more detailed plans, Bpeelftcatlons. profiles and drawings prepared by the endneel'R. Copies of auch plana. specifications profiles and drawings are on file In the office of the clerk of aald village and are subject to Inspection by all parties deairing to bid. Copies thereof may also be Aecured from the clerk of sal.,. village or from Pearse. Greeley A Hansen. Engineers 8 North Michigan Avenue. Chicago. Bld·s must be submitted on the forma of '"Proposal. Contract and Bond" which will be furnished to prospective bidden by the Clerk of aald village or by aa.ld endneers. __. f For the purpose of the submlm,.on o bids and the . award of contracts. the work of construction Is divided l~to four dlvhdons described as follows : DITisloa .A: Filter plant and pumping ~tlon structures. Dhlsloa B: Water piping and filter P.Qulument. DITIIIoa C: Pumping equipment. DITI&Io· D: Electric control equipment an: ~!;;:Srlc~:n:i their option submit nroposals for any one or more of aald divisions or tor the entire wedorkwl.th th Each bid ahaJJ be submit~ e understanding that payment for the cost of construction of such water works rtlaysfttem Is to be made In water tuncJ ce cates of Indebtedness Issued In aceordtanthce with the provisions of the Act o e tlP.neral Assembly of the State of Dll· nois entitled "An Act authorising cites, towns and vtllal!.'es to build. purchaseb o r extend water works systems for pu 11f! and domestic use and to provide for the cost thereof," approved Aorl1 22, 1899, R.nd In force July 1. 1899. bearing Interest at ftve per cent (6%) per annum uayable seml-annua11Y. both Interest and orinclpal being payable solely out of a water fund to be created from the earnInn of such water works system · and further secured by a mortgage deed of trot¢ on such water works system so to be constructed. The board of trustees reserves the right to reject anY and an bids. As an eVIdence of good faith eaeh bid Rhall be accompanied by cash or a caslller'a eheck drawn on a responsible bank made oayable to the order of the oresldent of the village of Kenilworth In amount as follows: Dlvlalon A. twenty-five hundred dol·· lara ($2.600.00) Division B, two thousand dollars 1 I <ti;Y:&f!~ 00 !::f:it /heck shall be given to aeeure ~ld village against any loss oecaaloned by the <*I,O.OV.~~n C, D, five five hundrec1 hundrect cJollars dollars r!T:tute eo&each axea failure of the bidder to abide by and comply with the tenns of hla bid. . A. caah deposit of fifteen c1ollars (t16.00) w111 be required for pumping station ancJ lUter plant plana and speclftcatlona. Deooslts will be returned upon return of plana and apeelftcatlons prior to the hour of opening bids. Additional copies of plans and apectftcatlona will be furnished to prospective bidders who have made rcuch deposit. upon pa¥JDent of coat 'Of printing. · CLIVE J / TAYLOR, VIllage Clerk. Pearse, Greeley &: Hansen, Englneera. Ll'l-2te IN AUTO COU.ISION to_.. Mrs. Edwin E. Udell sustained slight cuts about the face from flying glass early last Saturday evening when the car which she was driving collided with the rear: of a truck driven by R. Buckner of Burnham, Ill, as the latter was pulling into a filling station at Ridge road and Washington avenue. Material damage was sustained to the car, it is ~d. :

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