.lilT IUSIC WEEk Recognition of American composers through a widespreacl performance of their music will be a feature of National Music Week on May 6-12 next. This phase of the celebration, lYhich has alwars been an essential part of it, is bemg stressed this year more than ever before by the National Music Week committee. For instance, ia order to assist the local groups in the choice of native compositions, it is compiling a list of "American Music That Amerkans Should Know." That list is a composite one and is based upon opinions collected by the committee from leading musical educators, critics, musical artists ond condactors. The list may be obtained in J)Jmphlet form upon request to the National Music Week committee, 45 West 45th St., New York City. In indicating their preferences as to the particular works, the musical authorities were asked to mention numbers in certain classes of composition such as orchestral numbers, solo instrumental compositions, c o n c e r t songs, operatic excerpts, choral works and folk songs. · . Serna DoaWe Pvpoae This bibliography of American music serves a double purpose-as a list from which performers may select numbers for their programs and as one that may be utilized for listening p_ arposes in music appreciation work and in the music memory contest. For the l~tter use, the list includes annotations as to whether the number is recorded for the phonograph or the reproducing piano-these mechanical aids ~eing invaluable in carrying on the contest. The committee will also endeav?r to supply, upon request, information as to where explanatory program notes on any particular one of the col!lpositions may be obtained. Another. hst of Ame~ican works {or the mus1c memory contest is that compiled by the General Federation of Women's clubs and to be had from its music chairman, Mrs. Eugene B. Lawson, Nowata, Okla. In addition to a concentration upon the numbers in its special list the CO!Dmittee is suggesting that in' cert;un towns a feature of the Music Wec;k. be programs of ~ompositions by mas1c1ans of that community or of that section or state. . Staq a.an:ta Maaic A special field of American music being explored as a part of the Music Week is th;at of our native church 111111ic. The committee is recommendina that senices of American music be offered by the churches on May 6 the opening day of Music Wee~ 1la!·~ programs are to be either by iadiYidual churches or, preferably, in the form of a union service. For such oc:easions the committee has issued an aenotated list of "Hymns Composed br Americans," which it also distrib~ upon request. Another suggestion made by the committee is that aeh church utilize, in preparation for llasic Week, certain of the unfamiliar bat beautiful hymns in its hymnal, and tllat a summing up of such enlarging of the concregatlons' repertoire of hJauu be made at some senice during ll·ic Week. A of aHention apoa our OIJD u · aonp in community and ·P~c is also to be a feature MTIYI RID Sym~Jhony Soloist GRADOYA,·r PIANIT, TO PLAY 11TH SYIPHORY Hailed . . . . . . Critica 11lroqhoat Coaatry .. - Artiat of Great Distiactioa .., - HEAR MUSIC PROGRAM The Junior Music ~lub of New Trier High school met Monday, January 16. This was the fourtli meeting of the club this school vear. A program was ,Oven by Alice Walton. piano; He en Gerlach, violin ; Anne Sherwin, piano; Thomas Johansen, piano: B e r n i c e Augdahl. violin ; and Marion Bent, piano. The next meeting of the club will be held in February. nurpose a compilation of such songs has alreadv been made jointly bv a number of community song leaders. comoosers and supervisors of school music. This Hst of twenty songs is Riven with descriptive notes in the of America's oamphlet, "Stories Songs," to be obtained, without charge, from the National Music Week ~ittee. f:.!:f of ....._ lltllie Week. Por A LOFTY TRIBUTE The fifth concert of the Winnetka Music club Artist-Recital series will bring Giovanni Martinelli tenor to the New Trier auditorium.' A ma'gnificent tribute is· paid this illustrious artist in a recent bulletin issued by the ~lub bearing this terse statement : · We venture to present this popular 1dol of the Metropolitan and ·Ravinia operas without further comment."