North Slaare Theater GaUd Ja. Yitea Ptoepectiye Pia~. . to I T·ta Jaaaary · ·~Critic Don"t forget the date, january 30, if you are a north shore resident, and one of those who likes the stage as a hobby. For on that day, the North Shore Theater Guild is to conduct afternoon and evening meetings at the Winnetka Community House to com-. pile data on all available acting talent 10 this locality. This group, the north shore's own Little Theater enterprise, draws its personnel from all the communities between Lake Forest and Evanston, and its rearly programs for a large membershap are well known to drama lovers throughout the district. R_.. Witla Beet As most villagers know, .the North Shore Theater Guild formed seven years ago, for the purpose of staging amateur productions of the finest possible quality. It was thought that b1' choosing talent from the entire length and breadth of the north shore, some real worthwhile offerings could be presented, that would compare favorably with those of the professional stage. This expectation proved reasonable. From the first, Guild productions have been of a high order. Care in the selection of literary material, the employment of a permanent director, and the enthusiasm of its supporters have made the Guild a respected and solid institution. Hundreds of regular members hold season tickets and attend every performance. Dinctor SUYe7a Taleat This year, the guild has a new director, David Owen, who comes . here from the University of Michigan to succeed Alexander Dean. He is unfamiliar with those who are available for Guild productions, both those who have formerly acted and those who have not. As the most expedient way of getting the necessary information, Mr. Owen has decided upon a personal hearing of all applicants, and urges everyone interested to be present, on the day and at the place mentioned, at either 2 or 8 :30 o'clock. Each candidate will be asked to give a reading of two minutes' length, either memorized or not, as preferred. This should give a good idea of voice and interpretation. These meetings wilJ not be held for the purpose of casting any particular play, but rather for purposes of future reference. Ro1 · ¥. Kirtlandff J l8 Wuldngton avenue, gave . a surprise dinner and bridge party at the Drake hotel Satur,day evening, January 7, in celebration of Mrs. Kirtland's birthday. He entertained twelve guests. Mr. Kirtland just has been elected president of the North Central Kiwanis club. , The marriage of Miss Inez Brooke, daughter of the late Mrs. Jean Brooke of Chicago, to Edwin Tubbs~ son of Mr. and Mrs. Eston V. Tubbs of Wilmette, took place Saturday, January 14. Francia Xavier Pupila Hear Talk on Euly Art The students of the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades of the St. Francis Xavier school were instructed on the Art of the Early Ages and Up to the Present Time" by Mrs. Arthur F. Adams and Mrs. Frank Thale last week. Copies of famous pictures were shown and the stories of the pictures told. Some of the pictures exhibited were "George Washington," by Stewart; "After the Shower," by Ennis; "Death on the Pale Horse," by West; "A Girl in White," by Beaux; "Peace in Plenty," and "Autumn Gold," by Ennis; uAII Is Well," by Alexander; "Malay," by Chase; Mrs. P. Morton," by Stewart ; and many others. The students were enthusiastic. Mr. and Mrs. Earle L. Hart, 1211 Ashland avenue, returned January 12, from a tour through the South. They stopped at Savannah, Ga., Charleston, S. C., and visited Mr. Hart's father in Spartansburg. Style, Quality and Comfort. Support· tlae Arch YOII CCIII .,.,. i:lae latatwitlaoat ,.W.. · .,..your THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL French Chocolate With Raisins aad Fnacb Vanilla ONen Ta. I« PtUKrJ Ice Cnaa Moulds "CHARMAINE" feet. SNIDER-CAZEL DRUG CO. WILMETTE See Our Lacliea' All Silk Hoei~ OIL '10 BUBII A GRADE FOR EVERY BURNER tt.· Now ·Va1ae, 'I · 29 BUGBBI OIL COIIP.Ain' c........ . . Cta..JOiie.,IMR_.IINel N_.. plat, H.....t at llcCs aalcl BW. s1111. - . . .-1-W Ttsltr·nra Nllss C... Z17 FELTMAN& I s-. 5 &t0n1 in Cllftwto--81 &tona CCNIII to Coat OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS IN CHICAGO 4 71 o Sllericlaa Rd. 617 ·Davia Street IN CHICAGO 114 N. St· Sr. ]OI ul S. State Sr. EvanatoD, DL S. State Sr.