ADIOLA 17 Just Plug in the Light Socket . Radiola 17 _ m arb an epoch in the progrns of receiving set design~ This receiver employs tbt new R.CA "A. C." Radiotrons and is completely_"A. C." operated. This set is the culmination of yea~s of researc b in set and tube design aimed to produce, for a moderate price, a receiver completely "A. C." operated with a minimum of operating controls. This aim ·bas indftd been achieved in the Radiola 17. Radiola 17 on Display at WM. G. BEYRER 1131 Central Avenue Electric and Radio Shop Phone Wilmette 81 . I , ······--------------------------------------------------------·-------------------------------------------- D far fro.m expensive when you consider the number of energy producing calories contained in them. AIRY products ar~ E VERY ounce that our wagon delivers is pure, wholesome, . and strictly fresh. Order a card now. WINNETKA SANITARY DAIRY Co., Phone Winnetb 137 I The modera womaa eaaaaes those ser· t vlees ·whleh relieve her ol esseatlal I . -- . household tasks. She seads her washlal tothelaaadr)r.Besldes,asamoderahousehold eHieleaq, oar laaadr)r Is a dellalte eeoaora,.··wlth our Uberal Brlaa·aad·C:aU DISGOIIDt. LAUNDRY 1210 Central Avenue ' Wiltnette