Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jan 1928, p. 64

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to Get· raelieal Hygie~~e Ls11011 .· .··; 'R.-...t Ccillep Ia Coaataatia.ae of the room were the more precious pieces, with circles of jewels in the bottom of the cups and bowls sticking out like warts. Indeed, in the midst of aU this fabulous wealth,_ ther~ was ICUCely an article of real taste or beauty. The Turks know little of such tlainga. A better taste was left in our mouths by a visit we made just before the steamer left, to Robert College where ..... rich f h · uae es o c aracter are being formed for the Turkey that is to be. )laybe no single force in the nation can be IWiled that bas had and is haviDa 50 gteat a part in ·the forming of the oew Tarkey as this American Christian institution on the hills above the Bosph~rus. . . ·" · ··· · , · · ' · · . Two Clays after . we had been in Constantinople we were in Athens. I was iiatensely interested in .t\thens for 1 studied (;reek a11 through high school and all through college as well as in the 'J'heological seminary. 1 remember my high school Conu.nencement oration on ·Pericles, the Athenian," To "do" the Acropolis and the museum and the Agora and Mars HiU was a day never to be for~en. But I must be brief. Let ine JUSt say this, that no man should put himself down as endowed with Do love for art till he has gone to Atheas. I could have spent a month jut pzing at the perfect symmetry of the cOlumns of the Parthenon, and the little replicas of her friezes I could .haft studied by the hour. It is somehow a medicine for a hectic American. soul. We need inducements to meditation. I found them in Athens. The mocieni CitY 'is .thri~ing place. The ·public ·buUdings made· of the . famous Pentelican marble are strikingi.Y ha_pdsome. Just north of the Acropohs we were shown a section where Amer- a ' ican students are beginning to dig for 1 a lost library. The old and the new are blending there. If only Greece can keep her head she has another mighty future before her. The boat rocked as we drew into Naples. Therefore I arose at . noon. l We spent the afternoon there in ·Italy's ] largest city. Indisposition plus a perR. 8. Elworthy, Steamablp General Agent. feet surfeit of sightseeing prompted 71 E. Jackadn Blvd., Chicago, Illinois. me to limit my activities to shopping in Telephone Wabash 1904. For Freight Apthe city. I wish I had bought a dozen ply to W. A. Kltte~rt General We~ pairs of gloves instead of three. A em Freight A.pnt, 940 the Rookery. Chicago, Illlnol& salesman for a big Chicago store tells me that the pair I paid a dollar and a quarter for woull cost six' from him. Miss Lillian Dudley, daughter of So ·it· was with pictures and jewelry. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Dudley of I sa~ Vesu,ius.' smoking. Some of Indian Hill road, Winnetka, returned the party ·.ruahed out to Pompeii and last week to Vassar college to resume rushecl back, fearful every moment her studies. they might miss the boat. I am going -a-to see Naples and Rome and Florence Mrs. Elizabeth Hohnes of·-Minneapand Milan some other time. I went olis was the guest of honor at a lunchthis time to see the treasures farther eon and bridge at the home of Mrs. East. Clarence Weiland - of 1004 Greenleaf When I landed in New York 1 had avenue last week. The guests numa little declaration sheet of things that 1_b_e_r_ed_tw_el_v_e·------------------------Uncle Sam regards as having value. It totalled $37.M including a table cloth I bought my \\-ife in Paris and a ·bag I bouirht in Naples to carry all the knick-backs in. The Customs Inspector looked at the list and then at me, and without as much as opening a bag, he passed me through. I wonder if somehow he guessed that I was bringing back within the chambers of my soul such riches as no man can measure of the things that are unseen and eternal, laid up where neither moth nor rust can consume nor thieves .break t~rough and ·steal, nor customs officers Inspect. lf_you want to get rich quick, invest $1,037.46 as I did and live on it aU the rest of your life. The fleet of delivery trucks operated by the Schultz and Nord, tailor.: ing and cleaning establishment at 1152 Central avenue, Wilmette, will be doing extra heavy duty during the next Lwo weeks. which have been · designated Hygiene \Veeks observed by that concern in the interest of the school children of the community. Hygiene Weeks are intended to convey a practical lesson in hygiene to school children. During the fourteen-day period all school children in the community under the age of 12 years will each be invited to have a garment cleaned by Schultz and Nord, free of charge, the object being to impress upon the minds of the littlf! folks the fact that cleanliness in attire is one of the essentials to good health along with the other more commonly acquired habits of cleanliness emphasized in home and school training. · The plan is to clean free of charge, one garment for each child, the garments to be called for .and delivered in the regular way by the Schultz and Nord trucks. These garments wdl all be cleaned in the plant operated by the concern, it is explained Next week will be devoted to boys' garments, and the week beginnmg January 23, to girls' garments. ' Read the Want Ads I I I ~ I ~~ r,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, EDUCATION A local teacher tells of the educational aids found in I I I A.-d EmW-.a to Girl · · A1111111ea ,.& &I..I - ' ·· · at New Tner CHURCH FEDERATION DINNER I I Christian I I'll The Science Moaitor :: ~o;:c!:!'e::.,m:;e; ?/. mt:r~~~ ~·to~~~:.~~ ~ bavinc a sufficient number of points. dance given at the Ambassador hotel. The Girls' Athletic association of · 8 · h h001 h 1 ·d t New T ner IB sc e a meeiq Friday, January 6, after school Several business matters were discused, after whieh emblems for hockey The annual dinner of the Wilmette Church Federation will be held in the Club House of St. Augustine's Eeisco- ~ pal ch.urch. 'lue~day · ·· eve.ning, JaD1a· ary 24. · 'nte ·~ederattori 1s comprised ~ of. ;t~Je J»ft)tc:ttant :, churches · in the I community. I -----I G. A. A. emblems were given to those !: t'~~~7~c:: a~~·d{:~; ~ ':In my WQrk as a teacher the Educational Page of The Christian Science Monitor has been a very · 1 he1 practtca pas well as an inspiration. Through it one can easily keep abreast of the times in the d Wtt · 1 wor1 · h a minimum expenditure educattona f · The arttc · 1es are a1ways excepttona · 11y well0 ttme. written and interesting, and deal with universal eg~~~=n afltphreo .rblsepemcs.aolfbirnatnercehst tfoteaalclht~nagch .·~rs, re- I I 1 1 ~~ I I I I !a ~ 0 1 1 0 1 I ~ ~

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