Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jan 1928, p. 63

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~ i~~~=~~~~j~~~ . and I cllalnt. Ooo4 oonlltloa. Wlnn. MAHOGANY DINING ROOK TABLB 1M. 71LTN11-1tc ' have the role of lla&ella, to which she brings such superb theatric:al skiD an4 FOR SALE - HARDING BURNER such a prodigious wealth of song,_ and 34 ACRJ!!.. HEAVILY WOODED IN outftt complete with boller, practically River wOocla. Juat weat of..Hiawatha Deerfteld, new, belng u_.. on1Y th1M months and Augu~ta Lensb and Giacomo Rfmitai Illlnola, oppoelte beautiful 1 will also be heard among the thirtyWoods" development. reeommen4ed for ~~ ~f'-:'!e:31"~· !.:_18 ;:!; one singers required for· the cast. Aa Investment or development. priced ex- partlcu1aftll telephone Lincoln 8148 ancJ tremely low for ·tbla type of property. aak for Blrehl. "'ILTN1&-4tc item of special interest will be Antonio We alao have cbolee l'ellldentlal and Cortis' first local performance in the buslneSB property .In well Improved FOR SALE _ SPENCER NO. 38 HOT tenor role. Roberto Moranzoni wilt and taet IP'OWln&' Deerfteld. Drive over water Boller. Reasonable. Too small conduct, and the ballet wiD be ste'll and let ua abow yoa. for present owner. Tel. Wll. 'l'l6-K. in the third act. · Charles C. Kapsebull, Realtor 'l3LTN13-tfp Deerfteld, Ill. Phone 80 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Faust" wiD be repeated Monda[ FOR SALE-REASONABLE, BARBER night, January 16, with the company s euppllea. Phone Wilmette 1'161 or call new Belaian tenor, Rene liaison, ia &4LTN16-ltc at Lake and Ridge Ave., Wll. 'lSLtl-ttc the -title role. Edith Mason, V,annia WTD. TO UNT--8T08B8 A OFCS. Marcoux, Desire Defrere aad Maria ==~==~========== FOR SALE-DARK BLUE REED BUGClaessens wiD have familiar parts, aod WANTED - BY WIDOW, STORE IN gy. Wlnn. 2480. 'liLTNtl-ltp Irene PaYloska will be added to ~ Ot~timist& of the suburbs for 41ellcateuen. Some stock. Pret. conaer with S or 4 living rm& "t WA--D '1'0 ..... ..,..... cast in the role of SiebeL The ~~ Relit not over 140.80 per mo. Ana. at _.____ a_&_·___ ,.,_ ··---------will dance. Giorgio Polacco will c:On... onee. WIL .ute B-U'I. UL15-!tp duct. · .. WANTED TO B1JY-H0118E8 HIGHEST PIDCES PAID l'OR IIBN'S -LaGin·a .. ·'i'-.~w A number of the members of the clothing and fur coats. Call Unlv. 1418. Tuesday's biD is "La Gioc:oada," oae WANTED '1'0 BUY-BY RESPONSIBLE 'l4LTN-4tp Wilmette Optimist club will attend the of the season's ·most popular opetu, party·. 8 room Jaoue In vicinity of Ninth and Un4en. Wilmette 1!!3. HLll-ltp WANTED--CLEAN WHITE RAGS. JOe first stagg meeting ever to be held with Rosa Raisa, Lorna Dooae lack. . by the Chicago Area Optimists' Club per lb. 1Dt Central Ave., Wilmette. Augusta Lenska, Charles liarWANTED-MOD. I RK. HOUSE, BRICK '14LTN14-Uit association which will take place this son. shaD, Cesare Formichi and Charla. Ba~ pref. Must be good location and price evening at 6:30 o'clock at the Hotel romeo in principal roles. The baRet right. B·At. HLTNll-ltp .II ·t8CBLLA100118 Lasalle in Chicago. will be seen in the famous ~ of SYSTEMATIZE DOKESTIC PROBLEMS The evening's program will be fea- the Hours," and Roberto Koran.!. 18 FOR 8ALB-118BD CAU Let an lntelltaent araduate In home . FOR SALE-WJLLYB-KNIOHT I DOOR economlca work out a lllmp1Ule4 BCJaed.. tured by addresses by Judge Allegretti zom wt11 lead the performance. ule for your particular home nee4L Re- of the Chicago Juvenile court and Rev. aedan, 19!& model. Good condition. Can Florence Macbeth, eminent American liable aupervlalon of formal and lnfonn- George P. Magill of Wilmette. In adbe seen at 804 Oak at. call Wlnn. 148. UT4G-ttp al atraln. Addreea Winnetka Talk. dition to these talks there will be toloratara soprano, wa11 rejoin the company for Wednesday's micl·~k B-&3! 'liLTN11-Itc several acts of vaudeville furnished by matinee, when "Rigoletto" is gifto its· FOR SALE-BUICK ROADSTER, EXcellent coildltlon &lid appearance, tSH. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN-A $3M one of the theaters in the . city and last hearing this season. _Charles Pbone Winnetka UH. 88LTN16-ltc." credit on any new model Studebaker for motion pictures taken during the opti- Hackett's first appearance as' the Duke delivery between now and April 1. Call Wlnn. 995. 'l6T4&-1~ mists' golf tournament last summer. this season wa11 be an added attrae;.tiQ.fr It AliTIQ11E8 The meeting will be attended by Richard Bonelli, Lorna Doone Jac~ FOR SALE-ODDS AND ANTIQUESand Charles Baromeo wt11. have other - Walnut and roaewoo4 loveaeata, old Notice IB hereby given that I, Elmer about 300 Optimists; members of th· roles. Henry G· .Weber wiD conductp maple beda and rocken, chat of draw- Kropp. have dluolved partnership with Chicago, Evanston, Woodlawn, WilertJ, occulonal chain aad tables, boul Mr. Einar Hauqaneu and am now oper- mette, Gary (Ind.), Auburn Park, The perfonnance wiD be sung at pop~ · cabinets, cbolce penlana and turklah ating the Wilmette Tailors. I will not be Austin, Oak Park and Uptown clubs. alar prices. collectors. rup and other obiects nf responsible for any debts contracted by The meeting tonight is known among art. Glen Brook Ackers. North Brook. any one other than myself after Jan. 13. 1928 Ill. Phone North Brook 111. "Sapho" wiD be giVen its second per!" the members as a "Hoo-doo holiday" · ELMER KROPP. 'lOLTNll-ltc L18-3tc in view of the fact that it falls · on forma"ce Wednesday evening with ~e same cast heard in its revival a week Friday the Thirteenth. · . ANTIQUES · Dr. George D. Upson of Wilmette before-Mary Garden, LuciUe Measel, RAVE 76 CHOICE ANTIQUE HOOKED Bandit Holda Up Pairis president of the association, Gus lfaria Claessens, Fernand Anssea~ nap, au ..... and patterns tncaudlq aad Ia ReJi.-..-.1 of Gua Soli of the Chicago club is vice-presi- Desire Defrere and Edouard COtrem1; large deometrlcala. · Wholesale prices. ..,,cu Giorgio Polacco coo41Jetiog. .. . . . Rare _.tau. mirrors. etc. 183 Briar- Last Sunday night as Fred Hunsc:be dent, Charles Beal of Evanston is sec- Thursday's bill wiD 1le a~ 4eUahtful wood Pl., Ravinia, Ill. H;y. Pk. !84'1. retary and S. K. Skeles of Woodlawn 18LTN11-t~ of 1502 Wilmette avenue and · his son, operetta, ..Die- Pledermaa·,·· fabrd .for is treasurer. !!!!U!!!!!!!!!!P!!!O!!!a!!!!!!!!!!IA!!!L!!!!!!!!!!JI-.!!!!!!!!!!B!!!!!!O!!!U!!!I!!!B!!!R!!!!!!!!!!O!!!L!!!D!!!!!!!!!!OO!!!!!!!!!!O!!!D!!!I~ Fred, J ~ ., were driving int~ the family the second time since its introdudjon as a special New Year's Eve biD. It - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - garage an order to put thear car away eataurant aD ~pea wiD be sung in English by Rosa Raila, FURNISHINGS OF S RJ1. BUNGALOW for the night, they were suddenly aceomplete or wiU ~~eparate-mohalr daY· costed by a "gentleman of the road" Injury in Cnah Friday Irene Pavloska. Charles Hackett, Porenport ·an4 cbalr. Bnallah loaDCIDC · d a revo1 Fred Miller, owner of the Centraa rest Lamont, Giacomo Rimini, Chase chair. Colonial dellk. Odd tables. mlr- who ~arrae ver. o f generous d"a ron, lamp~~. t pc. aolld wal. EJwllah mensaons and asked poantedly that they cafeteria and Lake Shore Terrace Baromeo. Viilrilio Lazzari and ethen. · din. rm. aet. Col. PMter mila. bednn. "elevate." His request ·was promptly restaurant, and his small son narrowly The ballet will interpolate a dance to aet, and w&L twla beclnn. ~~et. ~ 1· d · h · escaped serious injury Friday morning Joh!"'n Strauss' "B~utiful Bloe Dap... . wuhlq machine. Thor Ironer. Break- comp ae · Wit · fut aet. Silk IIPreade aad ovenlrapeL Shortly thereafter, however, · the of last week when a car driven by Mr. ube waltz, and Henry G. Weber will · ~:n:::'l:1 or Sunday, 1lll-A:ra-~ "man of the mask" allowed his "in- Miller was struck and completely con~uct~ · wrecked by a southbound North Shqre "Resurr~aon" wiD be given its !»P'r . strument of destruction" to point in line limited train at the Forest avenue p~rfonM:D~-r.of the season ..u 2ddl; Either f~~~f.;A~~r!:f~:':!ertts or another direction and Fred Jr., sensing crossing. The accident occurred at .. nitJht's speaal. b111: 'Mary ~to conceal aome neceBBary but not that a shot fired from it would separate handsome object. De&lped to order. only the atmosphere, sprang forward 9 o'clock. Mr. Miller ~nd his son c~me whose success m th~ role of K.Mituc1tt out of the crash l)'ithout a scratth. hat W ·to ·'! exteftllft ~ Alf Drapee, lamDBiuutee. 43311LTN11-ltp Eighth St. and knocked t h e gun f rom h" Wilmette 3881. as han d. no's opera tn Italy ancl Fnnce, have a new Prince Dilbitti in theM FOR SALE-BRUNSWICK CABINET The stranger being thus deprived of ·itariafl C htlrc1J · .00 of Rene Kaiton. Lorna pbonogra_ph and recorda, excelleat con- his one title to an air of supremacy dltlon. t!&.· Pboae Winnetka ttll. decided that "discretion was the better Chicago Avenu~::'m!w:een~ Blvd. Jacbon, Karia Clae"aas Cesare P 1_tc part of valor" and severed the darkness michi ;p1d others WJ1t atSQ be bea ~----------'ll_L_nn __ .. _ Rev. Raymond B. Bn,a, mlnlater, Roberto ' Moranzoni.,.~R conduct. HAVING SOLD LARGE HOKE WILL unto points unknown. His gun, how8····7· , ···17 II ..... T....... ...-~ Baeriftce beAutiful Persian rug taxt& ; ever, rests at the municipal bastile 11 tna. ~;::_~':i r",'What 18 HaPDenlnc ."La Trniata" wiD be repeated at t COBt t4,!80. Greenleaf. 51t!7tLTNtl-ttp awaiting its owner who, it is hoped, t :45 a. m.-Church achool. Saturday matinee, with Claudia II will soon join it. 11 a. m.-Klnderaarten. · · · ~ ~.. ...__ t·at'- r-..._ & '"'·--=FOR SALE - FEDERAL WASHER. 1 p. m.--Youq People's meetlnc. Supper ...,. - u. ., un:. '"""V~MY tto.oo: Blue and Roee Portieres. P.OI. and lecture-eoacert ~ 11ar17 Jaeaon: hat heea Mdecl to·the calt U IUINIIa Mrs. Ray. C. Pearson of 117 Dupee Phone Wl1. 1195. · 'llL11-lto theme. "One-Hundred Yean of Kualc." A ... lliehaid 11eDi wDI he the f place entertained the members of her . . . . . . . .7, , ··. . , . 11 Th .... _.. _... ..a--e a~... "-=--...ilA. I'OR BALE-I PIECE OVERSTUFI'ED E. 0. T. Bridge club at luncheon on 8 :10 p. m.--llonthlY meetiD& of Laymea'· .'"! ~1VIIA ~~~ -·~ ~~jt U.aq MOm Mt. Cu be aeea at Itt I.teque· ..,.._. k - '· flLTMtl-tte Tuesday at her home. FOR SALB-T lUI. HOUSE, GLAZIID heated alp. &Del bl'k. nu. Buep. blah Jl WTD. TO B11Y-B8BBLD. OOOD8 cluB and well IMallt. ·Many unuaUal featurea. Built by owner S yn. aco for WANTED '1'0 BUY - SECOND HAND a home., not for apecqlatlon. Beautifulfurniture and other houaehold ROOde. ly lancucaped poun41. 108 ft. from Hlsheet prlcea for aame. Croat Furnilake. Nr. BChool ; aD4 traDL Unuaual ture Store. 10M-I Emenon St.. Evansopp. OWner muat ~~ell. Pia. Winnetka ton. Dl. Phone Unlv. 181. 'ltLTN&-tfc 1911. SIJ.1rll11-ttc 'II FOR 8ALB-.18CELLA11B0118 Ht:BBARD WOODS. OWNER LEAVIDC cit)'. ileven room Colonial boWie. Four slued porchea. Two b&thll. SPECIAL SALE Sealed sanae. Wooded lot. Wlanetka at 1149. &tLTNll-ltc WILKE'M'E WOMAN"S EXCHANGE 18!4 ~e Aveaue FANCY PILLOWS, CURTAINS, TABLE U F08 8ALE-ACaBAG:B runnen and mata at coet. 'liLll-ltp WANT TO SELL t PAtRs 01' BLUE velvet portlerea. Goocl concl. t18 a Dlllr. Whm. 1811. , 11T41-ltc 98 PIECES OF HAVJLAND CHINA FOR ' II&. Phone WUmette tift. 'llLll-ltc ::!:..r Patrons of the Wilmette SundaJ' Evening club have an unusual treat in store for them on January 15 when the 'Solo Chorus of the Chicago Bach Chorus, comprising fifty solo voices, will give the prOifUD. The Chicago Bach chorus was founded b7 Rev. Paul Sauer and Musical Darector William ~ler in 1925. Its aim is to perform J. S. Bach's works for chorus and or.. chestra, orpn and solo voices, exclusively. Through weD prepared concert performances, the transcendent beauty and greatness of Bach's monumental works, especially of his too little known cantatas, are to be revealed to the Ioven of the best in the realm of music, wit.h the final aim to bring his sacred music back to the lofty place for which it was written-to the clt.da. The Bach Chorus debut in Orchestra hall was a sensational success. Acclaimed by critics and audiences alike, and received in its last conc~rt with even greater enthusiasm ' than before, it continues to grow and strive for the steady improvement in its work and the constantly nearer approach to the fulfillment of the great responsibility \Vhich its name and its aim imply. , The twelfth and next to fiaa1. ._k of Chicago's Ci.ic ·ra HUOii beaas Sunday afternoon, January 15, ·with a pta matinee ·performance of -1'fae Jewe~ of the ' lf~" at which e tiM eity many opera lovers, fdh and the satiarbs,. who W dais ticular time of the Week IDolt nnient for atteacliaa · Ded.,.·~~e: wiU hear a didinauisW ca.t ill e of the most popular of aD IJIOdern operas. .Rosa Raisa wiD once more m. A. KESSEL Chicago Area Hold Stagg Thi1 Friday ...............,. R M .,__ U Jae!o2 C:..;t" '

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