Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jan 1928, p. 62

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wanta ODe alterlq their pwna, _or M'WIIw of. anJ' · klnct. Best. ref. Man.. Wilmette I'OR RliNT-1 I'URN. I'OOD I'OR lldt hoaaekeeplq, private bath. Kenll. Ufe, Bill. IILTtl-ttp Iff!. f1LTN11-ltp· YOUNG COLLBGB LADY DESIRBS work u pvemea. Firat claall refftr· ROOK FOR R1DNT WITH BOABD. Wlnn. 110L flLTMll-1tc enoea. Call Sup. 3110 after I P. M. Ill· Camlne. 31L'I'Nll-ltc ROOK FOR RENT. WINNBTicA 1'114. . tlLll-ltp WANTBD BY CAPABLE WHITB WOII· AN hawk. by the 4q or boor. cater.... done aDd children Ref& ____ ... ··ap.a··n-furn. Wilmette 1111. cared for. IILTI~~~ ._o_a ___ ...,._ ·. -_._-.._ . .__,..._ ..... ___ Al'f= J:-r'~ ~~ dar' each week for ....,.... ..... - II 8B&VICB B1J&BAU JI:XPBRT DRBIJSIIAJUNG. RBIIODELNEED A BOOKKEEPER? JJC aa4 repalri~W. ReuoD&ble prlcee. Peril&. . you are one of tbo8e meftbantll Jtiil. Barker, 4Mi Huel ave.l.~' wbo are eu-eleeB about tbelr bookkeep. 011e block eut of Sber141aD. blOCk 1... ~ Perhape 4ar1D&' tbe rub math of Wllllon. Phone Bllpwater of hollclay buBIDellll you necfected )'OUr 1171. lOLT!ill-lte boob an4 todQ' they are Ia a terrible DR-SMAKJCR. DBSIGNBR. ...&0- PER muddle. · Ia~. 111M Kblprod, · ill Hlnnaan Ave. Let . our_ apert bookkeepen take over · Vnlv. Dlt. ~ tOIJfN11-Itp your boob tDdiQ" &114 ·et tbem stralchteae4 out 110 that maldq out D81'&VCftOB your Income tax will be an eaiiJ' tult. OUr monthly 1181'Ylce ~ Ia oDIJ' IIi 1': T 0 R I N 0 BY BXPIIRIBNCED per montiL Work 4oae at )'OUr oftlce .· r. Blementary' &JMI J11111a School or at oan. Call~ for fall detail& . brouaht up to ..-acte. Tel. Kenll. ...Your Troubles Are Our BuiiiDHII" . UJ.fi'MJ.i-ftp FAliST PBRSONAL SERVICB BUREAU . ,.~.. lfi CJdcap AYeDae GreeniW ff17..-& ~RING IN J.PRBNCH DBBIRBD BY aLTNtl-ltc COMPETENT LAUNDRBSS FOR DAY -.. d · S , WI ren t a N ew : ~rlenced teacber. . Write Wilmette V . i work, wuJliD&", Ironing and cleaning. 1UOVe ~fe B-ifO. liLTNtl-ltc II .LORIJI AWD fttJ D Good ref& Greenleaf llf!. IILTNll-lte HOllE OF 8 ROOKS, I TILB BATHS, A1JCrJON BRIDGB INSTRUC'I'ION. BJ:.: -TBJI--P.-~---WB--o-'i&)i...,.-.-Y-JII8T· -~-JCI!-1--------------attacbed prap, p.a heat. ftae location. 8 , ~n or a4vance4 papUa. GreeD· on Jlla. lnd at · .._ S._--ee "'-n·- 81'1'. WA'fi>."TED BY EXPBRIENCIID onty :!75 per montiL lltf. liLTNll-ltc ,.,_ -....... '--VU -~ woman with child as pn. hawk. Be8t .#JL ~ _ fi!:Ca:::: ·::.=th.::.: refit. Phone Greenleaf i!f. ML11-1tp 0 ~ ~0 11, LOAB'8 pleue retum to Shawnee Count.y Club. WANTED-TYPING TO DO AT HOllE. } . 11L1...1tc Unlv. 'ltft. IILTll-ttc GH Center SL Phone Winnetka U! ffLll-ltc 0 WANTED TO. DO ADDRESSING AT home. Write Talk B-UB. IILTll·ltP tl 'PO& UXT-FUaX. B01JBES OJJ nR8T OR SBCOND . MORTGAGES of ,.Billy." Loat on Sunday. Wll. lfl. ·· at nuonable ratee. quick. courteous, 11L11-1tc DAY WORK, CLEANING AND 8ERV- FOR RENT 11111. UNTIL APR. ATIll«. Glencoe 141f. IITN4i-1tc tractive fum .· 8 nn. home. Janitor If confidential Mnlce. ' il BBLP WAlfUD-PB~B de11lred. Rea& to responlllble party. Phone Wlnn. 102. f5LTNII·ltc - - - Areat-o-ppo-rtunl-t~- - 17 81TUATI~lf WAXTBD-.A.LJI! " J preeents Itself Hsewk., Furnaces, Trees 4& Poa azxT-sToaB& a OPFJCBB 111- Orrlaston Ave., BYanstoa, UDtv. 8S8S to the gtrllooldq to eeta.bllllh · ·~ IILTN11-8tp hei'IJelf In a proteaslon where TRIIIIIED, T A K E N DOWN, WINN. FOR RENT - SHOPS AND OFFICES. 17 ~TNl&-tre !t39. G. F. GoDIIBive& Winnetka 12. . Charles H. Brethold adva:;e;:::,.!:l=~ only f8LTN8-tfe PAINTING, PAPER CLEANING AND ,· tat and 2nd llortp.ces Become a Telel)bone Operator gen. hswk.-also odd job& Wll. 3f!8. GiG Jlaln SL, Wilmette Tel. 15 Full 118lary Is pafd during tralnhlg PO& 8A.L:B-BOU8JI!8 ITLTU-tfc U ·; INSURANCE Inc~s are ~Jar 11L7-tfc CLEAN WINDOWS, POLISH FURN.· Girls over 11 with at least etc. Drive, waBh car& Wlnn. li5!. IP'8oiiiiD&I" scbool education 17LTN11-tfc are IUikecl to come Ia for fiiB B·I·B I.+'ftGB SIZE UPRIGHT a penonal Interview CHAUFFEUR, HOUSE AND GARDEN ONE OF WINNETKA'S INTERESTING ...... VIctor VIctrola; ftnt CIIUIII brick housea Ia choice Eut aectlon. 6 work. Best refer. Call Wlnn. 17el. · p coDIL, ftt. Tel. W1L ltfi. 2nd ftoor-CU Davis Street-Evanston bedrooma; I batlul; h. w. ht.; l-ear l'lLTNll-ltp or garage: on Z-5 acres of superbly woodWilmette Exebange, 7!6 12th St. ed IP'OUnds; half way between Lake · . I!L&-Uc 18 8IT. WTD-·A.Lit a PBKA.LB and ti'&DIIportatlon. 110,000 will bQ' lt. i'<)R 8A.LB - I'JNB LARGB . BLACK All cash mtcht cet It for 1-. . Dedtareed male Oei'IIUUl Pollee dop. WANTBD-ABOUT JAN. 1&, EXPERI- MAN WANTS WORK BY DAY OR enced white aurae lirl. References re1 yr. old. VeQ' but watcbdotr. Phone week. Also woman will aet dlnnen In quired. Jlrs. Peirce, 161 Ardaley rd., 101'1. ULll-ltp the even lng. BeiJt ref& Phone GlenWlnn. 12L1i-t!c 18L'I'Ntl-lt~ coe 165'1. · . : &ADI08 710 Elm SL Winnetka Phone '26f . GIVE IIUSIC LESSONS IN BE-: ·J 'Doa aE"'· aoo·a iJLTNll-ttc NR 8ALB - CROSLBY DIDIONSTRA- WILL . tum for work. Write Wilmette Life _ .. _ _ _ _ :r _ _ _ ..._.._ · - - - - - - 1. ~- caaplete wltla table an4 baUt-ln B-641. 12L11-1tp FOR RENT-! PLEASANT ROO-s A" &D4 "B" ellmlnaton. ... fthle, fltt. A.lllo other 1 tube If HBLP W"l'D-·ALB a :rB·A.LB fum. for light housekeenlnc. sleepllll' , IIIOD8tl'aton . . low aa ··t.iO without - - - - - - - - - - - - - room suitable for two. Wll. 1181. .. t1L11-ttc WILL HANDLE I BK. DUTCH COLON8en1ce ahop · ·· ftJ,.. ~· tut ,- . COU~LE ROOJI· FOR REN'F Ial In 8. E. Winnetka, nr. all achools . IILTNII-1tc IS T11BRB A WHI'I'B COUPLE NOW COIIFOR'l'A~LE near tta.-..ortatlon. Quiet bome. call and trans. I be4rma., nnroom, I extra employed In Bvanaton or oa the North or phone evenlnp. thO Central Ave. lavatorlea. wooded lot, p.rap. Price · ,: l RADIO BPBCIALDJT Shore who 4ealre to make & cb&lln! 41LTII-1tp lli,MO. . . »aT aDd m.llt Mrvlce. ·RQatr service We have a very 48111rable opeDIJW ti&t Ph. Wll. lfll. : · ..... OOIIItrilctlon. HI Pine St., Wlnn. mut be ftlled at once. llan muat be FOR RBN.T..·~ F,URNJSHED ROOK IN · ____. , , , JILTN1-tfc batler-boaseman-chaufteur; w o ID a n private home ; cloee to transp. : Bln~IP · jJ ..._ . . be A'1 cook. To au6 a couple man. only. Phone WIL 791-W. .· BB&YICII 11. .A.'It we caa make a mlchtJ' ftne propoeltlon. . flLUI·tfc flO Winnetka Ave. Pb. Willa. 1800 I ' ....._. n.a.......,_ 8 ~ . C&ll ua today. 111Jl'JU.I-1tc &u.&Q ~ .. - . PBC ~JSI!B FAUST PBRBONAL SERVICE BUREAU CENTRAL HOTEL - LIGHT OUTSIDE ~..::-..;::. :..Dd~~aaDd ' 'tldrt)" 8fi Chlcqo Ave. Greenl.-f ffl'1-&0ii rooms tor transients and rellldents, lit Kal)l;. 8U'eet.: · Phone Wilmette 1080. :· 8ftM 4U!feNIIt;;;... on:.;r-a lfLTN11-1tc ·· : · flLT8-tfe CHOICB N. E. SECTION OF WIL.. .........,.. : . ~ · . ........_ WB iiA.VII AN OPENING JrOit 'A iuUI; mette, · on a beau. wooded lot &Ox180, .... ........ eake& Let Ull PNDU'8 estate ·Ieaman or llaleanroman with a FURNISHED ROOM FOR 2 ADULTS · 10 rm. Bnallllh . stucco ._ome, lp. llv. ~ refnelte:-=,....~~_roar ant af· car. :Dq,. preferred but DOt aece·RII'J'· eJh~; l..ht and pleasant; hot and rm., den, 4 family bedrms., sewing rm.· · or ""!!!-.e ~- We BuaiDM8 outlook Ill &ooc1 and. we llave cold runnlq water; nraare spa.ce If maid's quarten. oil burner, p.race. ~ L --~ -~ U 7011 Iota of ftae proapecta to work on. · 4eslred. Phone WIL '171-11. flLlo-ttp - - . ........ at O"'.._Dieaf 8lllTII 1c BROWN, INC. Owner movm. to Florida Is anxious to 4417 !"--~ 1111. In the ev..._ 314 UDden Ave. Wlbnette II FOR RENT-FURN. Rll. WJTil PRVT. aell. Price reduced to f!'i.ooo. · .6aU .......__. &170. IILTNII-ltc . ML11:1tc bath and kitchenette. WIL f1LTN-1tc tr CHAtJIITBUR. li YR8. EXPEIUBNCBApartments . any make of car, 4o all my re~ houaework and .-nlen. Beat or ref& Ready 17LTN11-ltc 2 ROOM8-LIVING BOOK WITH ROLLWlnn. IITW. away bed, kitchenette bedroom &D4 FINE LAUNDRY TO DO AT ROll& with llhower, tn.io. Will call an4 deliver. Phone Mr& Cole- 1 bath room&-llvlng room with roll-away bed. maD, Wlnn. 1015, after i. IILTN11-1tp dinette an4 kitchenette, bedroom and SIT. WANTED-CLilANING, LAUNDRY 6 bath. roolllll-flU.OO. All uve Jarp l ..ht $8'1.50 and ····· work or catereu. Glencoe HlJI. rooma, good cloeet IIIJIIC8, elec. · refrl·erSILT11-1tp atlon fnrnlllhe4. WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN AF'l'ERnoon and evenlnp or by the hour. Phone Wlnn. lf2 Unlv. SffiW. SILll-ltc 711 Elm SL fiLTll-tfc W ANTED-WA8HING, IJtONING AND cleaning by the 4ay. by Swedish wom- FOR RENT-! ROOK KITCHENETTE an. Wilmette 1187. IILll-ttp apartment. &team heat, Janitor eervlce, near transportation. Call Wilmette YOUNG WHITE WOMAN WANTS 1800. fiLTN2-tfc laundry Tuea., Wed&, Tbun. Wlnn. !102. . IILTNll-ltc · 1.. POR RBNT-BOU8E8 WANTED-WASHING TAKEN HOME, - - - - - - - - - - - - - called for ana delivered. Wilmette 11tf. 1m~ \U'H' IILTNII-ttp JW.I'\\ JAJWI~ J1 New Now SMITH & BROWN · CHit' AJP> Ea t JP> ·tt c::=.. Co R.otriick ·.~ Money to Loaun ~~~.~ !:!:!,~ ~ to~ McKeJmcdbrvR.eallttw<Cm . F.f ,1 . WlL HeiiJm~<ellfl R.ealltty C<D>o $~~500 <Ca~Jln ,WHITE ia* Eo Eo Sttullb JReaJlfty .EXCEPTIONAL VALUES .... ·t. HolktW<O>n & JJennb Complete and Attractive LARGE FRONT ROOK FOR TWO; lf.OO 511 Davis SL. EvanSton and 17.00. Phone Wlnn. ttJO. f1LTN11-1tc Greenleaf 111'1 · IILll-ltc 8 ROOK . STUCCO BOMB; 2 BATHS, larce cloaetll aDd pantries ; wonderful oil heat. Double prap. Jbcellent neJPborhoo4. Aak for lllu hller. Mlno IFunllJler~ Hommel. ·vntv. li4e 11Lll-1tc

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