,,=~~t: eea..,. ~ and ~ PhJIU. B~wn. Betty Buckett, Amy . . . . ...., ....... , · ......_ret Blck· Do~th~ Wlaunbel'l'· ..' BCIIIMMII - ~..1 . IJata Jll H.a- _ ._..._ llUJia _.. · '.a · ht d Three h und r~ anu eag stu ents ·o f New Trier High school are lis!ed on the honor and honorable mentiOn rolls for the month of December, or the third month of the first semester of the school year. The total number of girls listed on the rolls is slightly larger than .the total . numbe~ · of boys; there bemg . 187 garls receaVJng honor ratios apinst 121 boys. Students making the honor ron · t ame · d ha"gher than a 3 poa·n t a ve r · maan age in their studies during the period while those receiving honorable mention established an average of exactly · 3 pomts. The rolls are as follows : 8ealor Glrlt Hoaer . .lh llule Lesher, Adelaide Childs, Vlette Count, Lorraln Jannes, Jane Philbrick, lladelon Beall, Doris Demllnc, Allee Donahue, Beulah DuSelle, .Theo Hinch, Nellie Loulee Well, Kasel Weir, France· .Jonaa, Vlrainla Cordell, Helen Oatea. IDcebo.. "'Lincoln, Ray Kriete, Anna Lamer, Barbara LaWBOn. Dorothy llacFarJ4Dd, .lane llolat, EliDbeth Sanford, Allee Walton, .lean Wataon, lne· WeiMter. Cecilia Baldwin and Margaret Huddle. . HoaoraWe ···tloa: Adelia Barroll, Edwina Cadmus, .lean Claptt, Geowwtana Fowler, Ha·l l'rallkell, .lean Gerber, Margaret Gllleon, Avla Grant, Barbara Holden, Jlarpret Hubach, Mary Lannen, Henna Lotraft, Evelp Lawrltaen, 'ftaebna Mancinelli, Allee Odbner, Ann Pftefter, Virginia Pleraon, Laura Richards, Marjorie C. Smith, Marjorie If. Smith, llarlon Suits and Lila IDirlcb. llaneo,n , Lila JohruJon, Salb' Kriebel, Kathryn Krue&er, Irma Lohman, · llary llelvln, Jane N'orman, Jane Orr, Vlqlnla Preston,. Vlralnla Rlethelmer, Charlotte Splepl, Mary Jeanne Tanslll and Harrlette Webater. lleator BoJ· · H .... VI to Del F k 11 otae;~r~ stoAdantc s~u. WU:;ti~ J!::a. Robert Harper, Clarke Kunn, Edw. Patek, Arthur VanDeunen, Peter Wq- LoUiae Jl'etser, Jlartb& Forman, Vlqlnla ClUett, SaUy Clark, LOulee Conbalm, r!ich~~~~lla~chia:tf.::. ~".:!: George Pattlmn, PreBton Read, Herbert Roaenthal, David Schmid, Thomas Sel· .J::l, BOn, Howard Bleser, Henry Brooks. Robert Davie, William Larkin, Kenneth Lovgren, Robert Nonnan. John Patterson. Edward Phillips, Leroy Stoker and Rlctaant Younker Mrs. 0. B. Dahm, 711 Virainia ave· · l·alor BoJ· nue, Kenilworth; entertained the GamHoaor · Boll: George Brown, Robert ma Phi Beta alumnae at luncheon and Marcus, Morton Mercentbelm. Paul bridge last week. Drebes, Jack Kaufman, Stephen Windes, Robert Simmons, Bemard Jonea. Robert Brown, Franklyn DeBeers, Robert Ellis, John Fetcher. Kenneth :Moeller, Charles Smith, Ernest Solomon and Louis Weber. Boaon"e x,atlo·: Lollan Bagby, Jamea Baker, Martin Caaaell, Duncan Clark, William Glbaon, Carl Hall. Duncan Jennings, Elmer Lundin, JOe .Turck, Jack Welller, Roy Wilcox .00 Paul: Youngberg. So~llc·on le){;,=1:·¥.:::1.~~1!:'!er.Ander BoJ· Roaor .Janet Marshall; Joaephln., Farley, Ruth Shepard, Jane Barr, Margaret Belote. Lucille Blumenstock. Ruth Bucher,· Faith Bunre, Grace Cooke, Ruth Drayer, Martha Etsbach, Patricia Goodhue, Margaret Gordon, Elisabeth Jenkins. Eldora Hopkins. Maurine Jones, Mary Karker. Lottie Kuenkele, Annie McDonald. Reba lllchener, Sarah Minor. Virginia Taylor. Dorothea West and Muriel WilBOn. Hoaoralll· ·······: Emilie Banning, Eva Bemdston, llartha Farmer, Kathryn Gerkin, Louise Hartman, Marian Hilpert, Marian HuBtlnA', Elisabeth Kelly, Hulda Kuhn, Ruth OlBon, llary Pauba. Mary Allee Stoddard, Margaret Stowell, .Jeanette Wald and .lane Welller. 8o~llo·on Girls Hoaor aoJh Mary Nelstadt, Ernestine Herman, Harriet Postle, Dorothy Darby, Harriet Williams. Lorraine Meister, Georgia Schoenthal, Mary Keith, Helen Bosley, Allee Flesch, Louise Hubscb, Betty Jobnaon, Gene Paddock, VIrginia Rich. Caroline Richards, Ruth Scrlbblns, Anne Sherman, Dorothy Taylor, Emily Eckart, Dorothy Berach, Josephine Bruachlne, Grace Clucas. Constance Connor, ·Ivy Crawford. Charlotte Holg. Ramona Ley, Florence McCoy and Wilma Borovlcka. Hoaorallle Meatloa: Jeanne Baumgartl, Mary Beam, Sliva Bruns. Jean Forrest, Blanche Forth, Lillian Grltsbaugh, Elisabeth Haack, Janet Healy. Jean Henning, leabel llacallster, llary J. Maloney, Patricia Oliver, llarcaret Peck, Helen Reinhardt. Janet ·Shepard and Jean Thackeray. Pnall. .a Girl· Boaor ·na Patsy Boylston, Ruth Jackson. Ruth Wacner, Ethel Andel'80n, Muriel Colbx, Vll'ldnla J'enklna. Joser,blne Pridmore, Betty Seery, Claire S mon, Anita Wateon, Julia Schaefer, ·Lora Ba.ua1nnan, Barbara Cooke, llary Ferrerartnl. Lola Ooldateln, Betty Ketcham. Sara Lindahl, Sara Newton, Betty Steffena. Martha Wilen, llarjorle llercenthaler, Florence Stemberg, Kathryn Andenon, Betty Bruen, Theda Childs, VIctoria Dlebahl, Amelia Jacoba, Julia Kane, Huel Latham, IPrancea Lub, Katherine llaxWell, .Teali Meelr, Marlon Nettleman. ··aa , ...., Qldl Hoaor ao111 Park Chamberlain, Tom Hicks. Phil Brooks, Ted DeLang. Richard Lonldnl, Robert Forster, P..obert Pearse. Paul Powell, Robert Schoenbrun, Robert Kruger, Robert King, Paul Seligman, Georce Bench, Bemard Kram, Albert Bows, Bayll88 Wolff and Art :Mcintosh. Hoaorallle ···tloa: Christie ToWDBend, Frederick Fielding, Brice Stephens. Frank Heineman. Bob Meyers, Edward Skillin. Cecil Cox, George Hunsche and Norman Rnos. Fre·ll··· Bo71 Hoaor :Roll: Paul Gilbert. Julian Peterson, George Boylston, Olin Sethneu, Pbllllp Von Ammon, Gerald Parker, John Barden, George Eaton, Bdwln Ball, Norman Bruedlpm, David Crawford. Clark Gapen, Barclay Jones, Louie Kuppenhelmer, Eqene :Vanclnelli. Gordon Ruff and HenJT Schauftler. Hoaonllle Xeatloa: Frank Belmont, John Borlno, Robert Chapman, Gordon Cutler, William Freeman, Ed. Grltzbaugh, William Honrtlng, Harry Hunter, Myron Leckner, William Morgan, Solon Reiley. William Sellery, Robert Shablno, Allen Stults and ..Robert Walgren. Mn. Katherine Hannah Dies at Kenilworth ·Home Mrs. Katherine Hannah, 417 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth, passed away last Friday at the age of vears. Death was caused by pneumoma following an illness of several days. Funeral services were conducted from St. Xaxier's church on Monday of this week. Mrs. Hannah had been a resident of Kenilworth for a period of about ten years. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. A. T . . ¥dntosh and Mrs. Arthur Newton, and a son, A. W. Hannah, all of Kenilworth. There ia ?3 ·o li·er place ·to live The first post-holiday informal 'Yas given on Saturday evening followmg the Michigan-Northwestern basketball game and was also ~ven in the ~ nasium. Frank Rettag of the Athletic association was in charge. a~ the proceeds will go to the assoc1at1on. -o- A limited number of famished or · ·.anfomisbed ap rtmmts available in this distincttvebotel. Homey, carefree, comfortalJI~ an ideal place to live. .., ln.,a ' '·· ·" Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barker of 1763 Washington aYenue gave a supper party last wee!', the gues~s bemg friends from Cbaeago and Wilmette. toMr/ PHONE UNIVERSITY 8700 ..4':, ;... ;~..~. <,.~.· . .. ':it . Rosenllatim 's Jaauary Cleuaace $ale