t On Cl; Qaiet Strteei: . 175 z 3M feet, raYine properlJ. Caa for two . ·- . ~ according to statistics compiled f~ the depa~ent of Buildiaa GLENCOE, Commissioner William Edwards, issued a total of 3JO ~rmits for new and dividecl Z47 z liZ feet, Skolde Golf Oul. &oatqe, _ can be diviclecl. · 332 Park Ave. · Glencae · an the value of work thus authorized of J(J60,327. _ This, it should be said, does not include the half-million dollar water works plant which the village is building, nor the preliminary work for a new movIng picture theater and an()ther apartment tiuilding or two which it had been hoped would be authorized by ~rmit before the close of the year just ended. Duri~ the year 1921 a total of 77 permits were taken out CH' residences alone, .haVIng a total :value of $1_347,400, t4D increase in number of permits of 29 over the year 1926 and a c:orres~ding_ increase of $234.310 ill valuation. There W'U also much ac:tivi_~ ID the 6ne of remodeling and repairi~ during the past year, for ·'Which 6S pennits were issued for work amounting to $190.320, as against only 26 permits in 1926 for similar work, · valued at $41~. There was a marked increase under the classification of "apartments, commercial and business," in which 13 permits were issued agaanst o~ly six in 1926, the value of work authorized in this class amounting to $516,414 as against $244,200 in 1926. FIGURES FOR 1127: A.pbllta. Repain c-. Total Mo. No. Dwelliap No. Gar..- No. Altraa. No. r.ltlic No. V.._tioa z · . . . IZ IIDMI Jaa.S $1U111 .... II · . lt.t· F ... I ._I -3 IZ 3,175 Mar.4 n.-3 1,3155 A.pnl I I,.._ 4 1,171 3 21e.-1a 3- z 7.QI 3 z.az · llaJ' II m.-2 --5 17 I,JSS · 3 Ill- 5 .. 4 . . . .3 4 14.511 3 1-7- z 17,211 I 77511 1.-zz 117... z A.... I 1-17,211 I 2'1U 4 12U74 Sept. I 127- z 14 Zl ' 17,115 I Oct. 4 ~~- 3 7 4,IZI tzs.-tz · ..... 151 '3 4,- I NOY. 5 1,1· I,SZS 7 II Dec. 141- 3 lSI$511,414211 . · zc,za. $Z,I7UM $1.,32113 Tot. n $1,147-45 · FIGURES FOR 1121: · z,. ISIZ · 111,8 -7 · 117,511 z 3 lz,zst I lz,MI z 2,51111 Felt. s 121. 13,511 z 4,551 z I 1,35114 7 Mar. 4 A.p,. Z,4SZ z 7 5 7IZ UN ,_ I za,a 7,151 II 511 z 4 ZS3.* 4 375 z 7 3 4Z,J7S -.-z 1,7ZS s 13 z Ill .,Ill 5 A.... 3 3,515 · . Sept. · u.- 1 ZZ5,III zz 357,315 117-. ·- z 2,315 I 117 5 I Oct. z 31.512 ,.,.. s s,zzs J,28t & NoY. I II 1ss.as 1,811 I Dec. S 21111 lUll f2,078,394, an increase of 66 in the number ~t~ts, over 1926 and an inc:reue remodeling work in the building line during the year 1927, with a value of su.- AM··· ...., ...... ..... .... ,,. c.- - ~·· · ... -.... ..... ..., ..... ....,. .,. ,_ ... n.- · ..... ....... a.- u- ··· ··- 54 s $1,114.- $37,111 2& $41,871 & $244,%11134 $1,411,.7 .t A beautiful home ezceptiOaally located- a .minute aacl a half to the main atatioa, nquirea ao chauffeur - fuin1 the Park, 3 Yocb to Sheridan Road aacl the Be~- a lar1e lot with pictureaque treea, ahrubbe.., aacl rock pnlen in the rear· A I IOGIII houae aacl Z IUD moma; lmq room 15x Z7; clnin1 mom; ldtchea; lantory; and 2 lu1e sua ,...Jon OD fint ._--liaht and airy becauae of Fnach .._. .... .white woodwork. . Four .......... aacl Z batha on leCODd loor and ll1epi··1 porch in NU'-2 100mJ and J.tb OD third PRUNING SPRAYING PLANTING TRIE SURGE Y ..... ·. : THOMASJ. ' A ~ial type houae, aubalalitially built of beau- _ . tspeatrr ia ucelleat eaaclitioa - oil lied, etc. OWNER WILL ARRANGE TO CARRY BACK MORTGAGE FOR APPROXIMAT£1.Y $ZI,III.M. ·rick-