HOW MUCH WILL IT COST ME TO SELL? . H A ~E. you ever h~d .a controv~rsy over the amount of the commassaon to be paad the broker an a real estate deal? Anyone who has, knows that such an experience can be most unpleasant. of the North Shore Real· Estate Board operate andes a uniform, pubhshed scale of selling and renting commissions which precludes any possibility of misunderstanding. There are, however, other sources of possible controversy even in the most simple of real estate transactions. When you deal through an authorized Me~bers REALTOR you have the additional protection of an impartial court of appeals, for the North Shore Real Estate Board maintains an Arbitration Committee for the sole purpose of adjusting difticulties arising from such transactions. Whether the misunderstanding is between broker and buyer, broker and seller, or between buyer and seller, placing the matter in the hands of this Arbitration Committee may save both parties considerable time and expense and often-undesirable litigation. If you are experiencing any unpleasantness in your real estate negotiations you may feel free to discuss your problems with any one of the following REAL TORS who can arrange for arbitration of your difficulties without further obligation to you. THE NORTH SHORE REAL ESTATE BOARD H. 8 R. Anspach Lloyd C. Ayrn Bills Ralry, Inc. J. B. Bradwell F. Colrmaa l'unougbs 8 Co. Dickenson Realty Ass' n. F. H. GadHrcoal lsaiMIIa V. Harknas · Heinsen Rralty Co. A. D. Htnaaa Hill 8 Stoat R.. M. Jobaatoa 8 Co. Emrst M. Kimball · Lakr Short Rralty Co. Mouat 8 Flabrrty;, Inc. Murray 8 Taq Quinlaa 8 Tyson Fraak A. Reid Frank W. R.USIO J. H. Schatftr 8 Co. E. Sawyer ·smith 8 Christy Brown, Inc. Walter P. Smith 8 Co. W. G. Stacey 8 Co. E. E. Stulll Rtalty Co. Frederick B. Thomas 8 Co. Tight Realty Co. Vant 8 Srli1 D. E. Wink Wilmrttr R.ralty Co. Wyatt 8 Coons