.. · · l · ! . 7 · I J' n .Due ithout Delay · -~~,.~,..._ S~% and 6" On First Mortgages a projects, you can have prompt refinancing aid from Quinlan Tyson. ' lo ns are due on North Side. and North Shore real estate . Ready calli on a S~ or 6% F~nt Mortgage is a convenient feature of this firm's service to ownen and buildrrs in this region. Because it specializes in North. Shore re~f e~ia~~~ r~~d has for the past .44 yea~ our Ol'laaizatioa is equipped to act at once upon *Jcb loaa applicationi. Its repmmtatives cover the entire region, and conatandy famish tbe kind of information needed for quick · . financing. Enli1t tht uroictl ol tb;, tlliciint org~ztJtion . wiHn fJOUt next IOIUJ tbnJe, tlw. Coti'Jf in today for · pteliminug tlirc,.;o, and ..we timt.