Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jan 1928, p. 1

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:MOVE TO COMPLETE CITIZEN COBU11EE Reqaeat Local Or·anizationa to Get Behibd Move to Secure Good County Candidates Final call to the various chur.ch, club ·and civic organizations in Wilmette, · asking appointment of representatives to the community_committee which. is to have as its purpose the furt~er ance of efforts to promote the nommation and election of good. · public officials for county offices \his Jpring, , ' was issued this week. This urgent summons emanates from the organization committee, of whiclr · Ralph H. Price is chairman, formed a few months ago following a citizens' mass meeting at the Village hall which 'was acl :es.ed by County Judge Edmund · ~ Jarecki. This meeting was one of 5iatilar meetings held in various to ,. · in the county. These nonpartisa . wn organizations are expected to comprise the nucleus of a general CIJ'ianization that will lend . its influence to the · purpose of securmg .the best posaible candidates for public office. Alexander H. McKeighan, former ·Waat Prompt Actioa editor of the Yates City, (Ill.) News, The· organization committee express- and for many years an outstanding es the hope that Wilmette's committee figure in downstate journalistic circles, ·personnel may be completed promptly died Friday night, January 'J, at the in order that a meeting may be held home of his son, Albert A. McKeighan, at 1025 Greenleaf avenue, Wilmette. in the near future. "Such appointments" (to the Wil- Mr. McKeighan was 91 years of age. mette committee) "in no way involve Services for Mr. McKeighan were held the appointing body," states a letter in Yates City last Monday afternoon. sent out by the organization com:Mr. McKeighan's newspaper enjoyed mittee this week. "The committee," the letter continues, "will act on its a wide circulation and contained view.own responsibility. It will give pub- points and sentiments which were an to its resolutions through the accurate gauge of the fine character, j)apers. The churches and civic fearless nature, and broad vision of . bodies will make 1ueh public announce- the man. tditorial features of the 'ment at their meetings of the action paper were later compiled in a book of the committee as they feel inclined entitled "Our Hour Alone." to make." Mr. Mc:Keighan was active in jourMembers of the committee appointed nalistic work untH 1912. -. to date are: Ralph H. Rice, Mrs. C. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - P. Evans, Frederick J. Newey, Mrs. Willard H. '-yer, Frederic B. Cross~" ley, Est ~ ·'l'ubbs, Lloyd Hollister, Dec:iaion of Re-~liif William ylbr, Ilr. N. P. Colwell, and Dempsey Tract W1tbheld Hoyt King. A definite decision on the matter Notif7 Ho~ Kiq of re-zoning the two lots, owned by J. · Groups in the village, including every Edwin Dempsey and situat~d at the church, club and civic organization, are corner of Greenwood avenue and Fifrequested to notify Hoyt King, secretary, '/11 Forest avenue, at their earli- t~enth street, from residential to comest convenience of the appointment of mercjal as requested by Mr Dempsey , their representative to the Town com- aod upon wlii~b. an infonn public hearing was held before the \Vilm e mittee. Zoning commission last Mond~y night, .Le~ . a.-:8 .g18 wa~ withheld pending further consid· ... .___ _:. ··-... ft_..__, ...-... eration by the commission. Party at ;, Haylofte At the outset of the meeting a peti, The Wilmette Ametiean egion Aux- tion signed by some 50 residents of iliary has completed arrangements for the village in the district affected was a party to be held Tuesday evening, presented to the commission in proJanuary l'J, at Ye Olde Haylofte in Ev- test against the re-zoning of any propanston. There )Viii be .cards and dane- ertv north of Elmwood avenue and .ing in a carnival-like atmosphere. Mrs. fronting on Railroad avenue, Main .George Bassler is in charge of ticket street or Fifteenth street. Many of sales. those interested spoke on the proposi. tion, among whom were Mr. DempJ,ey and Floyd L. Lanham, the latter speakKenUwortb Board Defers ing in vigorous opposition to any Adioa em Tralic Hi,hway change in the zoning ordinances. It was recommended at the meeting of the Kenilworth Village board last GUILD MEETS TODAY :Monday night that no action be taken The Woman's Guild of the First at that meeting on the proposed con- Congregational church ·wjU . hold an .struction of the Kenilworth section of all-dav meeting today at the church, ~the new McCormick highway and a heginnin~ at 11 o'clock. Joseph Evans :tnotion to table consideration of the of the Bethlehem Miss1on, Chicago, will b.~- the speaker o{ the day. ·:proj~ct was adopt~d. ._ Re-elect E. A. Nord C. of C. fr.esi4ent . at Meeting Monday Emil A. Nord of Schultz and Nord, tailors, was re-elected president of the \¥ilmette Chamber of Commerce at ....._._ ·· ·" the annual election of officers of that _ With ·th~ season ne~~hand civic organization held Monday eveni If of. this week. Mr. Nord has just the annmal replenishme ; of the Community Che , the uniifU!I coigpleted his first term as president of mette budge~ eolltributed by tbc-. villagers tbc Chamber. all re d charity_ ·· welfare Elected to serve with Mr. Nord on terpriseJ · tile Commun · ·. Chest the staff of officers were D. E. Allen, ciation, C. Kinn esident, Jr., of Edington and Allen, real estate called thC · jnn~l mee "· of that brokers, vice-president; J. M. Buding- ganiza.tiOtl. r F a e · ·ng, janua1i' er, cashier of the Wilmette State bank, 20, at '8 o' k, o be in the treasurer; and four directors, J. M. lage haD. · Next ys tina." for the Carrico of Worthen-Carrico, drygoods merchants; Cad Renneckar, owner of pose of electing directors to fill the Ridge avenwe phal'lllag'; August offices of .those directors whose Pearson, of Pearsons' ~et, Ridge are about to expire; ..receiving ret)Qri; avenue; and Dr. Floyd 1.1 th, phy- of officers, and tran5acting such sarx. sician. Holdover directors ho have ness as ma be n ettef e another year to serve ~ 'br. C. B. Blake, dentist ; Lloyd Ho r of Lloyd sera ers to e Community Chest, Hollister, Inc., publishel's ; Henry B. as follows: "Notice is ·h ebJ g~n that the Gates of tlte Illinois BeD Telephone nual meeti.-g of Wilmette company, and A. C. Wolf of Wolff- munity Chest assocaation will be Griffis, hardware merchants. at the Village hall evenin.·. Reports of officers and o~her mat- January 20, 1928, at 8 ters incident to the annual meeting for the purpose of election of directoll comprised the other business of the to fill the offices of those evening at last Monday's meeting at whose terms of office are now to expire, for receiving reports of the Central Cafeteria. ficers, and the transaction of other busin~ss as may be necessary~ All. SaiMcd._. Vote · Kenilworth Trustees to b illlcrs to the "All foi'D*' ·Renew Lease on Offices mette ComtDuajtp. t fund are At the meeting of the Kenilworth titled to vote and are urgently Village board last Monday night a quested to be present. resolution was adopted providing for "The total sum of $20,698.50 was the re-leasing of the present offices scribed in the 192'1 drive of occupied by the Village thrf?ugh the $19,226.10 has been paid in. State Bank ani Trust compaJ17. of Ev- charge of the work, as weU anston as representatives of the estate majority of the residents and busine· of Charles F. O'COnnor. The lease men of the viUage, would be for a period of three years that the Cheat il a succes~sfuJ bus>int:ll with provisions to exterid it for two proposition, ·a de&nite ·part years longer should it be desired to munity work io oar_ village do so at the expiration of the three it should be · · d, the!rell1v year period. porating aU of t "therto ... ~.o~~ri··!lllhl· drives into one. e officers and rectors of the associa on recognize vast amount Gf elcfrt ne~ssary carry on this work and that the cess of the Chest has been ·lmost tirely due to those earnest -··"·.._ who have so loyaUy canvas~ed districts, as well as the Jletller~oas sponse on the part of The and the diredors :at Harjy IWAMT Olcle , RAVE! ,. '·· ss.ince~r·

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