Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jan 1928, p. 36

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~Je~U~,tilal t;er.,.r>nu M~~tb ,,.,. .,..r1012 of 0. E. S. Hetllla e first evening event to take place at the K.Wworth club for the present m is a supper bridge planned for toaltht. A dinner dance is announced for January 20r and an evening of surprise entertainment is planned for the following Friday. The committee in charge for this eftrdng has as its· chairman, Mrs. Th.W C. White, who is assisted _bl lira. John C. Carpenter, M:n. Wendall H. Clark, Mrs. John T. Dix, Mrs. B. Jolui Hicks, Mrs. Louis D.lones, Mrs. Walter A. Knoop, Mrs. Hred McDouaal. Mn. John O'Connor, Mrs. RufUs B. StoiP,.!'rs. Joseph J. White, Mrs. Richard wolfe, Mrs. Alexander S. ]osJi~ and Mrs. Hugh G: ~eterson. Mn. Harold F. Tideman 1s 1n charge for 1·~ 27. Her c~mittee consists of Mrs. Leon T. EDis, Mrs. Oayton C. BurchJ.. Mrs. Wendall H. Oark, Paul .K. Bradley, Mrs. Leslie llc:Arthur, Mrs. John T, Dix. Mrs. Walter Botthof, Mrs. R. Ward Starrett. lin. Arthur W. Wakeley, Mrs. James R. Starr, Mrs. John V. Rathbone, Mrs. Herbert B. Taylor, Mrs. AJeunder S. Joslin, Mrs. Welton Stallsmidl, Mrs. Jacques de La ChapeUe. The entertainment committee consists of Walter Marx as chairman, . Jacques de La Chapelle, and Frank Watt. :u:n. North Shore Groups Aid ·N utury School Auxiliary The Evanston chapter of the Mary Crane Nursery School auxiliary held its regular monthly work meeting Monday,· January 9, with Mrs. George M. .Groves, 415 Davis street, chairman ·of the erpnization. Tlie auxiliary is a co-operating group of alumnae, governng board members, and friends of the National Elementary and Kindergarten college who are assisting the college in this splendid philanthropy at Hull House. For three years National college has maintained Mary Crane Nursery schOQl. Miss Ninf' Kenagy is director of the school and' a member of the college faculty in residence at Hull House. Students of the college are having the advantage of observation and practic~ teaching in this nursery school, the influence of whi~ extends into many homes in the HuD House district. Otfter groups in Chicago and on the nordl shore that have been assisting in this Work by supplying needed garments fot: the children are the South Side ~UIJ\1!~e association of the college, the Wells College . dub of EvanstDn, and two Winnetka groups, the We Elm Street circle, with Mrs. Burton Atwood its chairman, and the Ful Lane circle; of which Mrs. Earl R. een is chairman. . l.f . Harry G. Phillips Mrs. Alfred R. tes, Mrs. Florence .Capron, and Mrs. Percy W. Bradstreet · are among the college alumnae most adive in the Eva ton JlfOUp. Oia Monday next Mrs. Groves will entestain the Evanston chapter at her home for luncheon. One of the , most beautiful instaUation ceremonies took place Mond~y evening of last week .at the Maso~nc temple when Mrs. Ldla B. ~atkms . and her corps .of o!ficers w~re m.stalled into their respective stataons m the . Eastern Star. Long before the appomted hour the spacious room of the Eastern Star was filled to overftowing with members of the Star and their friends. . The program which followed the mstallation was' exquisit~ly rendered _by the very talented Hopkms ~nd Wat~ms families, Miss Eldora Elome Hopk!ns, organist; Mrs. Vesta Murray Hopkins, soloist; Mrs. Amanda Th~pson, reader· Elmer Leland Watkins and Samuei Prentiss Watkins, Jr., xy~ophone soloists; Miss Myrtle M. Hopkms, the accompanist. ThOse installed into office were : Mrs. Lilla B. Watkins, worthy matron; Melvern Humphryes, worthy patron; Mrs. Ida R. Birr, associate matron; Mrs. Grace M. Skelton, secretary; Mrs. Alberta K. Orner, treasurer; Mrs. Ida M. Lyons, conductress ; ~rs. Gladys Kuelzow Shellman, assoc1ate conductress; Mrs. Evangie Le~ Morgan, chaplain; Mrs. Ruth Denn1s, mars~al; Mrs. Myrtle M. Hopkins, organ1st ; Mrs. Bessie Smith, Adah ; Mrs. Clara J. Jones, Ruth; Mrs. ~ay Wood~ead, , Esther· Mrs. Katherme M. Wtlson, Marth~· Mrs. Jessie J. Davis, EJecta; Mrs. Aima Ahlstrand, warder ; Roy~I A. Hoaglund, sentinel; Mrs. Evangte Lee Morgan, correspondent. The officers who installed the above group · were : Mrs. Vivi~n Sc?tt, past worthy grand matron, mstalbng officer· Mrs. Effie R. Redman, past worthy gra~d matron, installing marshal; M.rs. Natalie A. Leach, grand le-cturer, mstalling chaplain. Mrs. ~nna L. Brace was mistress of ceremomes. The escort to the installing . officers was composed of Paul · A. Hoffman. Charles L. Hosken, Rich· ~rd D. Photo by Koehne Schuettge, and Samuel Prentiss VfatSunday of last week was the occasion of a large, informal family reunion kins. The Ode to the Flag was gtven in celebration of two unusual events, the hun.dredth birt.hday of one member hy Raymond R. Rabe. Mrs. Mar!ha of· the pictured group, the other the recent bt,rth of. an mfant boy whose. ad- B. Varian, the flag bearer, was asststvent establishes five generations of his mothe~ s famtly. Mrs. Frances Wmne ed by Bodil Yarian, Esther Morgan of Evanston was the guest of honor at the mformal open house held at ~he Dorothy Yarian. Mrs. Laura home of a daughter, Mrs. Frank C. Dak~n ?f Evanston, in observance of her and Humphryes in charge ~f flowers, birthday. The tiniest member of t~e famtly ts F, Langdo!J Hubbard, Jr., whose assisted by wa~ Oltve · and Lomse Hummother was Miss Emily Scott. Hts great .grandmother ~~ Mrs. Robert Cluett h .. of Hubbard Woods and his grandmother 1s Mrs. Fredenck H. Scott, also of phryes. Mrs. Eva G. Pyfer was t e reh~mg Hubbard Woods. worthv matfon and Emmett D. Yanan. the re-tiring worthy patron. Mr. and Mrs. 'A. C. Thompson, ~115 Forest avenue,. announce th~ ~n.gage ment of their daughter, Vtrgmta, to George William Delana of Sycamore, Ill. The wedding will take place in the spring. . Miss ThOmpson attended Northwe~t ern univ,r;;ity. and .t he Chicago, ~m dergarten mstttute, and her fiance 1s a graduate of Notre Dame. The betrothal first was made known at a bridge party given by a group of her · friends December 30. · .. Announce Betrothal At the January me~ting of the WitToday Fred Stone and his daughter, . mette Garden club held at the homtDorothy Stone, now playing in "Criss of Mrs. E. H. Burge. 924 .F orest ave· Cross," are expected to be guests of nue the fotlowing .officer.B were insta11honor at luncheon at the Cradle. ed ·.' , ..rs. W. G~ 'Mitchell, president: .1-n M a i s o n e t t e in Evanston. Last week Genevieve Tobin, who has come Mrs. ]. F. Weedon, ~ice-president ; to Chicago to play in "Murray Hill," Mrs. A. E. Logie, recordmg secretary; was a guest at the attractive little tea Mrs. J. B. Schaub, -corresponding secshop run as a benefit for the Cradle. retary; Mrs. J. S. Moore, treasurer. The speaker of the afternoon was Miss Garrague Gallagher entertained James H. Burnette, we11 ·known · as an sixteen members of the sub-deb crowd expert ~n gardens, and writer of garat luncheon Friday of last week at the den articles in the Chicago ·Daily News. · . Cradle Maisonette in honor of Miss B · t· t tk The Mothers' ct~b of lpha Xt Delta Alice Little of Evanston. .~r."Se~d~!~te gave an mteres mg a soror:ity is gmng ept~on and tea -~~ next Monday f 2 unttl 4 in the · · · · · .,.,_ afternoon, at the Alpha Xi Delta house J umot Auxtltary M eettng Plans Large Benefit on the -.n's campus. of NorthwestThe January meeting of the Junior At the meeting of the Wilmette Bi-Jlonthlg Dances at Club ern university. Krs.Elliot~ V. ~~ung- auxiliary of the Infant Welfare society League of Women Voters held in the 5 The second and fourth Saturday eve- ~{rfheofcl~il:~tM~~. T. Gibb:'~ will be held next Monday at 2 o'clock, Village hall Thursday of last week. ninp during the remainder of the t · president at the home of Mrs. J. ]. Johnson, 1100 plans were discussed. for the annual winter months are being scheduled for Evans on 15 · Michigan avenue. Those who will as- card party to be held in March, which, dances at the Shawnee Country club, · · , . . ..sist the hostess · are Mrs.' John Camp- it is announced, will be the largest the with the one tomorrow evening a The Chtcago Woman s club IS mak- bell, Mrs. 0. M. Bercaw, and Mrs. lea~e ever has given. ' formal dinner dance. Dinner will be ing arrangements for. a benefit card Floyd McGrath. Those attending the meeting -.vere . served at 7 :30 o'clock. . party for the Park Rtdge School for · most enthusiastic in talking over' ar· Among those entertaining the larg- Girls to be ginn at the Ev.anston rangements. Mrs. C. W; Coz~ens, est aambers of dinner guests are Mrs. Woman's club February 2. Each Mrs. Walter ·L. Joyce was ·hostess league finance chairman, is in charge, T. B. Sullinn of Wilmette, Mrs. C. C. north shore village is to have its own at a bridge party given at her home at she held a meeting of her -comKic14 of Winnetka, and Mrs. ]. H. chairman whose name will be an- 831 Oakwood avenue Jast Saturday and mittee members at her home, 626 nounced_a' little later. evening. B· of Wihnette. Maple avenue, Thursday. Stage Stars Are Guests at Cradle Maisonette New Garden Club Officers · s; Jf 1

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