(Issued from headquarters, North Shore Area Council, Boy Scouts of America) "Suppose your scout troop on a hike enters the ruins of an old castle. One of the members, attempting to climb the wall, falls and receives a fractured forearm. What would you do?" Some such problems will be presented to groups of North Shore Scouts at the annual First Aid contest, which will be held Friday evening, January Zl, at. th~ Glencoe Union church. Jack Oliver, safety engineer of the Chic~go North Shore & Milwaukee railroad, will be the chairman of the group of judges, and will be aided by H. Renner, F. Mead, L. Bentley, ]. Jennings, and L. J. Wurtzler. . d h . Each troop IS ur~e to ave a s1xman team en~ered m the con~est, and ?11 ~couts, thear parents and fnends are mvtted to attend. Atte·· Re.ioaal Scout Meetia1 It is expected that about twenty-five Scout committeemen from the North Shore towns will attend the Council Officers Training conference, which will be held on January 17 and 18, at the Edgewater Beach hotel in Chicago. Charles F. Glore of Lake Forest is the n·gional chairman. Commemorate lltb Birthday The Boy Scouts of America were inl·orporated February 8. 1910. During Anniver~ary Week, February 5 to 12, Scouts in every state in the Union are uniting in a wide-spread celebration. In a bulletin issued this week from local Scout headquarters, the request was made that every church, school, civic club, community and home group will at sometime during that week, or during the early part ol February make some recognition of the fine work !hat Scouting is doing in the developmg of boys into men. . The plan commemorating the week 1s as follows: . Sunday, February 5, Boy Scout Day 111 Church school. Monday,. februal}' 6, Parent Day, Scout participation m the home. . Tuesday, F!!~ruary 7, Commumty Day. Recogmt1on of the Scout Master. Wednesday, February 8, Boy Scout Day in school. Every Scout is asked to renew his pledge on this anniversary day. Thursday, February 9, Scout Troop day. Friday, Februarv 10, Boy Scouts and Civic clubs. ., Saturday. February 11, Boy Scout Service dav. "Good Turn" to Community. · Sunday, February 12, Boy Scout Day in church. Lincoln's birthday. Theme : "Adult Responsibility for Boyhood." Plan now to pay tribute to the idealism of the bovs and ' the consecration of their volun-teer leaders during the week of Scouting's eighteenth birthday. For Fitness and Health Ice Skating. For young and old. It gives yoa rosy cheeks, pep, and health. It keeps you fit for school, work, and society. Our shoe-skates seD for S7.95. SKIS-Join your frieacla aacl haYt a thrill by sailiag through dH air. Purchase a pair of skis for S:a.so or 1}·75· SLEDS for tbt kidclin. They, too, like to be out of cloon. Oar Flexible Flytn retail for SJ.75· Other sleds $1.50 and up. TOBOGGANs-WOOL SWEATERs-LEATHER JACKETS. Fountain Square Evanston KEEP YOUR COAL BIN FJU.m You can safeguard the health, comfort and happiness · of yourself and family by keeping your bins well filled with the right kind of coal or coke. , . Don't wait for the blizzard. If your supply is running. low, re-order now. · Many hundreds of homes on the North Shore are heated with Consumers Guaranteed Coal and Coke. It is the safest, . most dependable and economical-fuel. ·. · · j · ' · "Every ton must satisfy or we remove it and ~fond your money." I i · BUY YOUR COAL ON APPROVAL. "' ! .' EVANSTON OFFICE I 0 IS Church St. Phone University 4500 DELIVERY YARDS THROUGH.OUT THE NOtTH SHOR.E DISTRIC ;T