THESE coats were not made for Sale purposes, but are our Old Reliable mer< ,. chandise tailored . up to Bishop standards, and are offered to you at popular prif;es that challenge comparison. . · · · . · Illustrated are just a few of our comprehensive assortment of styles and models. Most all ~izes in stock. These are our January prices. Compare before you a coat, and convince yourself. 4'1008 '295 1 422321 '145 . . :: ".· ~ . ... ·' ""'"· 41971 41803 42008 42232 4200~ Every wtuated far ira 't hu alaowing. . All · I·· are lina· l attAeae price·.· Wt tt1n tlo ttmo4tling · and replliring I Natural ~~y Coa~ brown dJed Red Fox collar .. $16S Cocoa dy~*~uirtel Coat, tailo~d model ........ S295 Raccoon Tomboy model, ................ SZ95 Grey Karakul Kid Q,at, taupe dyed Red Fox collar . $145 Hucbon Seal (Seal dyed Musqaash) Coat, American Mink Shawl collar and cuffs ·................. S39S · ' t Cocoa dyed Squirrel Coat, brown dyed Red Fox · collar · ............ ~ $225 ~ '·' <A1!· .·. PJomPtfy.