PLAN 'SPRING SCOUT CAMP . . The enthusiasm of north shore · Scouts in regard to the encampment at the Cabin-in-the-Woods has led to the conside·ration of whether or not it would be wise to hold perhaps a fourday encamp~ent during the ~eek. of Spring vacation. A canvass ts bemg made of Scouts · and Scoutmasters to get their reaction, and definite plan~ will soon be announced. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Turskay announce the birth of a daughter at St. Francis hospital December 31. Mrs. Turskay was Miss Mae Meyers of Wilmette. Womea Votel'a of llliaoia Briaa F...,. Tnaa-AtLmtic Flyer to a.ieqo .r...a...y 25 //////////////////////////. ////////////////////////////////////////. Bridge ~cheon /f{Jnesday The Georgian wishes tiJ announce that its regular· The Illinois League of Women Voters is sponsoring the one public appearance of Commander Rich~rd E. Byrd in Chicago. Thi~ famous international flyer appears at Orchestra hall on the night of January 25 to tell his own story of his recent transAtlantic flight, show motion pictures and outline plans for his next big adventure-his aerial expedition to the South Pole. Byrd, brother of the governor of Virginia, and a native of the South, holds the record of being America's great scientist of the air. His pleasing voice, humor, magnetic {lersonality, as well as his thrilling story, promise an unusual treat for those of the public who succeed in securing tickets which go on sale at the box office, January 16. Medals, decorations and resolutions have descended upon this great hero. His life has been filled with exploits and adventures. But somehow or other his North Pole trip and trans-Atlantic flight do not seem to suffice. And so we find ·OUr aviator-explorer already making stupendous plans for a dasi1 to the "bqttom of the world." Not only the League of Women Voters but all of greater Chicago welcome this great international figure. The Wilmette League of Women Voters is co-operating in this enterprise. Bridge Luncheon formerly held every Tuesday will now be held Spanish War Veterans lnstaU Officers Monday Installation of the new officers of the United Spanish · War Veterans, Evanston camp No. 57, will take place at a meeting Monday at 8 p. m., with Frank S. Dickson, past department commander of Illinois and Adjutant General of Illinois under three governors, as the installing officer. Rear Admiral Zigemeir, commander at Great Lakes Naval Training Station and a Spanish War Veteran, will be among the guests. Officers to be installed are: Commander, Dr. J. N. Goltra; sen. vicecommander, Thos. H. Bullock; jun. vice-commander, John Holman; adjutant, Hugo Pape; quartermaster, D. ]. Blaauw; trustee, Chas. Claypool; patriotic instructor, B. F. Bliss; historian, A. Seaborg; surgeon, Dr. F. W. Jay; chaplain, Col. Chas. W. Castle; officer of the day, Wm. H. Tulloch; officer of the guard, Geo. R. Wicker; sen. color sergeant, Leonard Ohlson; jun. color sergeant, A. W. Osborn; musician, E. C. Worthington. Every Wednesday lleginning January 18th Jla1M ~"' now with JI.Ure fiHOieL S p e c i. a l Lrmelaeon SenJed at 12:30. Brld&e bepu at 2:00. Aaraeeitle Imported Pn-. /or Winner · eGCh table. Villages Join in Plea for Extension of Sewer At the regular monthly meeting of the Kenilworth Village board held last Monday night a resolution was passed providing for joining with the Villa~e of Winnetka in petitioning the Sanitary District of Chicago to extend its large intercepting sanitary sewer at Sheridan road in order to relieve the congested condition of the smaller intercepting sewer on Winnetka avenue. DaVis at Hinman Greenleaf 4100 TO FORM NEW SCOUT TROOP A new troop of Girl Scouts is to be organized, the members to be high school girls of Wilmette. A meeting is to be held next Friday night when a troop captain will be electedr At this meeting arrangements also will be made to hold regular weekly meetings. Mrs. Walter ·s. McLean of 731 Prairie avenue entertained a number of g!lests at a party last Saturday eve- nmg.