WUmette aveauea. Wllhe It Ia orsanbled u oae of Qae larpr 4eDomiD&tlona. It Ia at heart a communit7 cburcb. There are alreaA1Y repruentatlvea of m&DT dUrerent cleDomJnatfona In Ita membenhlp, and all thoee who do not And a bappy church el8where are weleome ~ Ita feUoWBhlp. ftla cburcb, morever, ~ beyoDcl the Umlta and ball ln Ita membenblp many repreeentatlvea of other North Shore communltle& l'l'Om the stanclpolnt of lletbodlem, the Wilmette ParlBh Kethodlst EplBCOpal church eervee the territory between that eerve4 b7 the Evanston churches and that of the North Shore church ~t Glencoe. ~= =-~~ =~ ~ . ..mace Tbe chief Interest of the churcb centen around the announcement made last week of the acceptance of the building plana. These have been developed under the guidance of the sub-committee of the large bullcllng committee. This IJID8ller committee Is composed of the tollowlng: T. C. Moulding, chairman; E. G. Bentley, G. M. Culver, J. R. Harper, H. W. lions, IL E. Poronto, and ·T. IL West. Another sub-committee has been at work developing plamJ for a ftnanclal campaign, announcement about which will be made In the near future. This sub-committee Ia · composed of the following persons: R. G. Kimbell, chairman: G. M. Culver, A. L. Fuller, H. C. Kinne. S. E. Leeman, W. E. Lindbald, J. F. McGuire, H. W. Mons, T. C. Moulding, A. N. Page, H. E. Poronto, E. A. Wegner, and Carl Zlpprlch. It will be understood that the development of these plana Ia the realluUon of a long cherished dream on the part of the Methodist church. One of the Interesting Items Is to discover the wide-spread Interest shown by those of other churches and of the community. ; . , 184om Literature ; Tile Woman's Bxc· - Ia o,-a ...... and Pralllelt ofFebi'U&I7 .._ -..... .v uaa1· ~ Pra7en I,, Biblical Romanoee; uvm 10 to 5 O'clockj exceDt Sa~ ,i;A~~n&t.Ure of ApocaJ7ple. momlna'. There wll allld be · Bakery sale a week from Baturday mornl· 1n On Wednesday evenlac at 'I :11 tbe chalWe of the 'ftllnl Dlvladon. The pboDe Teachers' councU · of the Suncla7 sChool number of the Exchange Ia Wilmette ant. meets In the Aaaembly room lor tbe conalderatlon of problelll8 relaUD&' to The hlcb echool leape wlll meet ID the work of the IIC~~ the dJ' of the the home of Walter Undblad, 710 Green- leason for tbe follow.IIIC Buday, tbt wood avenue. Sunclq event... at 1 :ao. presentation of eome of the ~ Donald Friable, who ~q~ent laBt summer rellgloua education b)" Wtllarit carter, stud~ the BOOial condiUODB 1n :mu- the director. These meetlap cloee In ropean countries wiD talk about some of time for tJie l~ure at 8 o'clOck. his observaUoiUI. Dr. Willett contiDUflll hltl WtMhiiiCfN' The Young Peopletf croup 1e Btartlnc a evening course of leotUJU on , ·".ftle series of studlea on compara.Uve relladons, Founders of the Great RellalODB." 'ftdj In their Sunday' momlng seBidona. The course Includes Confucius, the Buddha. c1asa meeta every SuDda7 mornlnc . at Socrates, Esra and Philo, Kohammecl, 9:10. Next Sunday evening they will and JeBUa Christ. All are welcome. meet In the holli$ ot Mr. Kinne, 13M sunday, January 29, Baptism will be Elmwood avenue, at 8 o'clock. A .Jewish administered, new memben recelvect., Rabbi from Northwestern university will and the Communion celebrated. present some of the lclealB of his religion. ~!slo.::!u=.ple are Invited to attend Dr. William A. Mann, Jr., of 1121 ... w Your Friday There were twenty-six enrollments In the Community School of Religious Educatlon from this church. There Is still opportunity for those who enroll next Monday evening to receive full credit tor the work done. The pastor and people of the Methodist church have noted with regret the reBignation of the Rev. Francis C. SUtler of the Baptist church and the Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd of the Firat Congregational church. In this public way we aclmowledge their unfalllnc courtesy and kindly fellowship while serving . aa pastors of churches In this community. We unite In prayer that the blesalng of God may rest upon them as they fare forward to service elsewhere In the service of the Kingdom. · Greenwood avenue retumed Tuesday from Galveston, Texas, where he had been attending the twenty-fourth convention of the Alpha Kappa Kappa medical fraternity. He was elected grand historian of the fraternity, whose magazine he had edited for the past two years. . -oMrs. Clena Friend, 410 Washington avenue, Wilmette, entertained the North Shore Johanna conwwaa"ttee yes...... terday at luncheon. I I Men Does your Friday menu ca~~~e you trouble or worry? If so, come in and try oar special fried halibut steak, or oar broiled whitefish. We also serve a deliabtfal luncheon of waflla as oar speciality. ··························· I The riew program for the Wednesday I night Fellowship services went Into effect thla week. The pastor gave an address on "Matthew the Man," led In a dlscus- Kenilworth avenue and Warwick road alon of certain phases of worship, and Dr. Herbert L. Wlllett, minister read some of the poems of Edwin Markham. Next week the chief theme will Sunday, .January 15, at 11 o'clock, Dr. be, ..The Fulftller of Prophecy." The Willett wiD preach on the subject, poet to be studied Is John Masefteld. ..Prisoners of Hope,'" and Sunday, January 22, on the subject, ..The Competitors New members will be received Into the of Christianity." fellowship of this church Sunday mornThe Sunday school meets In the AsIng, January 22. Already a considerable list of prospects Is on hand, and It Is ex- sembly room at 9 :45 a. m. Tbere are pected that a large class will be re- classes for all, and a cordial welcome. ceived. The ·Young People's ~lub meets at :45 ]). rn. Light refreshments wlll be The Christmas offering made to Lake 5 served, and the regular program folBlutr totaled the round sum of $720. This lows. This week the club will visit the Is ln cash besides the large number of Young People's society of the Methodist gifts made by Individuals to particular church In Wilmette. Last week the club boys and girls. enjoyed the hospitality of the Youngo People's society of the Chtirch of the The King"s Heralds, Home Guards, and Holy Comforter. :Mother's Jewels wlll meet this Sunday aftQrnoon at 3 o'clock at the church. All Tbe Sunday school Is participating In children between the ages of 5 and 14 the Wilmette Community School of Reare urged to attend. Jlgious Education, held Monday evenings in the First Congregational church. Dr. The Woman's Horne Missionary society Willett Is giving the course on .. Phases Literature." The will meet Thursday at the home of Mrs. of Old Testament Frank Briggs, 102 Fifth street. Devotions topics In that course are: January 9. will be led by Mrs. D. A. Stecker. ..Ad- The Prophets and Their Writings: Januventures In Fellowship" will be continued ary tG, The Priests and the . Priestly by Dr. Horace G. Smith. ..The Adventure Applied," Mrs. R. A. Walton. Healthy Boys and Girls-from tea years The First Division will have an 'extra up may get Rep1ar Life Insurance Pollmeeting for business and sewing at the home of Mrs. H. 0. Crews, 1506 Forest ctes In the New York Life. RateR V"'"V avenue. at 2 o'clock Tuesday, January 17. low at these young ages. Phone-Wil' mette 37, or write :r. E. Swift Teal, 1017 The Friendly Circle meets every Sun- Central Ave., Wilmette. day morning in the Children's House at 9:45. Mrs. West. the teacher. will be Kenilworth U nio11 M. Portenhauser Painter and Decorator Estimates Without Obligation I I 1 I The Wilmette Cafe Oppoaitt Villflge 8"" 1030Greealeaf PhoaeZ764 M ,,. that .llltilfv ·-----------------········ Are You a Gambler1 Are you willing to take a chance when the odds are 100 to 1 against you? Are you willing to gamble everything against a small gain? If so, we cannot help you. If you are not willing to take these chances come in and let us re-condition your old chains. The chains you put on your car this winter are probably broken or worn thin, we can put in new links while you wait, at a minimum cost. Attend to this today-do not take a chance on a bad skid that might result in a fatal accident, in order to save a few cents or a few minutes. !JIIIIIIIIRIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ First Church of Christ, Scientist T entb Street and Central Avenue SERVICES SUNDAY SERVICES 11 A. M. Wrdnnday Trstimonial Muting-8 P. M. Sunday School Exr~ 9:45 A. M. Wilmette, Ill. ! i · January 15, 1928. Subject: "Life" RNiling Room--116 J Wilmette Auenue HOURS: Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M.: Wedaesday 9 A. M. to 7:45 P.M.: Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. ~ ~ I ~ ~ . ~· i I I - The Bible and Wortu of Jlllrfl .&lur Eddy and 1111 othlr authociud Chriatian Scimce Lit«ature mtlfJ be r«Zd, borrowed or purchaed. THE PUBLIC · COIIDIALLY INVti1!D 10 ATmND Till! I I I J = I ~ WILMETTE BATTERY and ELECTRIC SERVICE 740- 12th St. Phone Wll~ 691 CHvacH - - AND VIIIT TID! RI!ADING ltDOII 111111111