Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Jan 1928, p. 4

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who · formerly ; Residen of the north ·shore will be . .-.Ked a delicatenen atore on Wil- 1 p1&1ecl ·to learn: ~hat the management aftlnle at Main ltl"eet, has taken of the · Glengables Tea room at 376 ower the management of Mack's Bowl- J»ark avenue, Glencoe, has ~en taken Lancli cObnected with the Goodby 'Mary W. Andrew, a resident Bowling AUeys .in the Brown of that village for 29 years. tiailding. MrL :Mack has had many Glengables has become know to ,ears' experience i!' the restau~nt residents throughout the north shore aaCI deHcatessen bus1"ess. Everythmg as a dining place of distinction, its &am "coffee and" to regular "square quiet refinement and excellent cuisine IDeals" a~e promised ·the patrons of constantly attracting a large patronthe luncheon place under her super- age from the surrounding community. .ftaiOn. ·A ~usiness men's lunch" Under the new management; patrons IOodls invitingly as one of the special- have the assurance of the contmuante of this highly satisfactory service. tiel. houses many ·groups not officially connected with the work of the chur~h. The expansion of the church dunng the pastorate of Dr. Lloyd is indicated in a comparison of the church finances, fM the budget for current ~xpenses today is two and one-half ttmes as large as it was nine years ago, and the benevolences of the church have been multiplied by five. Two pieces of property have been purchased during the last seven years, one to allow for necessary expansion of the church building, and the other a home for the minister, located just accross from the church at Lake avenu.e and Eleventh str:eet. Both properties have been patd for and Dr. Lloyd leaves the church in a flourishing condition, absolutely free from any indebtedness, and with plans under .way. for the .er~ction of a modern educational buddmg to supplement the program. Dr. Lloyd's resignation follows dosely that of the Rev. Francis Carr Stifter, who, as · previously announced, bas resigned from the pastorate of the Wilmette Baptist church, effecfive February 1. - Ser.vices of unusua! interest t!re promtsed at the Walmette Eng~sh Lutheran church Sunday. mommg, January 8, upo~ th.e occasaon of the fifth annual ded1cat1on of the Bunplow-chapel .at 521 ~eventhh street, and the formal installation of t e ·n~w tor, the Rev. ~rt \)an Eb'psys· came to the part~ d d~e~. er a~d in · The. se~on e ~~ 1~n Dr Job; ~al;tlon b~pb~f:Sid~n~ of ihe illinois S· the United Lutheran church, tn '?11 also conduct the installac::emonies. . · · pah; i9z7 .. ° odraf rlo: Seek Wilmette's · Aid in Secarin, ~ S E l ., ment A cQmmumcatron from H. L~ Woolhiser, vi!lage manager . of Wm~etka, was rece~ved by. the Wtlmette Vll!age board at tts meetmg last Tuesd~Y. mght · relat!ve to th~ overl~aded cond1tton. 0 the mtercel!~mg samtarY. sewer wht~n serves the. villages of Wilmette, Kemlworth, Wmnetka and Gle~coe. . In the letter Mr. Woolhtser pom~ed out that during a penod of h-eavy ramfall the sewer. b~comes over-loa.ded and backs up, ftoodmg basements a'!d resuiting in much damage oand mconvenience. He submitted the proposal made by the Winnetka Village council that the different villages appoi11t representatives to confer with the Sanitary District officials relative to obtaining the necess~ry enlargement of the sewer ahd thus bring about a permanent relief from unsatisfactory conditions. The matter was referred to the streets and alleys committee of the board for conferen~e with Mr. Woolhiser and report. eW~r. n ar6 e !.. The order of servtce, wh1ch wdd e at !1 o:c:lock, has been announce as follows · rdl Prelude : Italian hymn · · · · · · · ·01a n1 ~..b,~ure reading: .. First Sunday after EP~P~! Twenty-thlrct Pmlm" ....... . Sol~.·............. . ..... . .... Van de Water Mr. A. D. Ga.8h =~n : Rev. .John K. Bramkamp, D. D. Annlver88.1'Y offering-Offertory: · ·Largo Installation of Pastor Carl Ivan Empson by President, Illlnols Synod Announcements Hymn Benediction Doxology OraaUed ia tiZt ~ The Wilmette English Lutheran church was organized April 17, 1921, and its first pastor was the Rev~ A. 0. Sohol~ who was later succeeded by the Re~ William Guise. The chapel t 521 Seventh street was fir~t dedi~ated b Dr. T. B. Hirsch, Dr. D. avid A D Y preaching the dedicatory serm~n. avthe present membership of .the church is seventy-five. Plans are now oing forward for the erection of a ~burch edifice on the church property at Greenleaf avenue and Seventh street. o~--7 _.,1! __. . _ p · ~ · Ib · ·. ... · Reconsider Action on · Zoning Law .Amendment ... ' TAYLOR'S BooTERY 605 Main Street Wilmette Mr. and Mrs. Bernard C. Bowen will entertain at tea next Sunday evening · eight of Mr. Bowen's friends who are 'arriving from Boston and New York to attend a convention. Miss Jane Babcock, 566 Ash street, Winnetka, entertained the Ace of Clubs at luncheon and bridge Wednes-o- i ;~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d~a~~~D~e~c~~~b~u~~~.~~~~~~~~~m~oeyM·~ttbdn~b«n held previous to its pa.ssacr.e as. ~ro- . 'fhe amendment to the Village Z~n ing ordinance providing for the str1king out of the words ··. prtvat e . clb" u s contained in the section relatmg to the character of buildings in District Class "A" Residential, which was adopted by the Vi11age board at it.s meeting on December 20, ~927, was returned to. the board uns1gned by Villa~e President Earl E. Orner at the meeting of the board last Tuesday evening. In a communication addressed to the hoard and accomnanyin.r the unsigned amendment President Orner gave as his reason for ·vetoinJt the measure the fact that a oublic hearing on the ANNOUNCEMENT Filling Statio· leased to well-k,.own N ortb Shore M e~hanic The Pennsylvani~ Oil Co. have ·teased their filling station ai: Main and Washington Streets, Wilaaette to Mr. F. L. Tucker who is ~n a posit~on to render a first class service to all. We are malting two high pressure grease racks, and one high pressure wash rack enclosed and beaud~ Mocltm. ~aipmmt of the latest. type· will·bt installed. . · This ·rvice will be ol'ered within thirty days. We are also installing ,two more gas pumps · aacl tbm air ltands. . · · · · . · We will be ,quipplfl to o/fer a 1Uper-llroice to till. Peanaylvaaia Oil Co's. Products will. be band:lecf,. also all leading brands of ·oils will bt added. A ·Gootl· Plilce to Get Good &roice. · vided-for bv law, thuw, 1n h1s ommon. renderin.r the measure void. Uoon a motion bv Tmstee Hans 'f'onReinsnerJ(, the board voted to reconsider the mPasure and it was referred to a committee consistimr of Trustees 'Paul Hoffman. John Clark Baker and Hans vonReinsperJ(. ' J ___.,__ ...----a-------- __ FIRST BROWN'S P····· · SALF~ C·····et·· 1aau17 11111 we w1rt llel& ··r lnt ·II of P·nltue ... nn. Watell tlll8 ,._.r Mst Priii&J' for nt·eUo·.. MAIN STREET TUCKER . SERVICE STATION AT WASHINGTON BROWN FURNITURE COMPANY. 1rt67 PHONE WILMETTE 346 Sherman A·e. ltftlllt, M

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