Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Jan 1928, p. 3

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. 4 AL · s .ria' E._t lt·eon Ilia . · · ~- . i ·) . . ' ' · .) I' (. Ga... up "lliam ·u f robbed, 'ntunda7 eveninc of Jut Elmer W1 WI re eree the an- week, while drivmg in the north part Material progress 'in the fruition of nual Ic:e Carnival sponsored by the of .the Vil'--e. plans for tke proposed through highWilmette Playground and Recreation ._ way that will traverse the north shore board, Daniel M. Davis, director of The hold-up occurred about 10 villages, connecting :UcCormic:lc highRecreation and manager of tbe meet, o'clock, on Locust road, near Reinhas announced. The carnival this wald avenue. Retzinger said he passed way aJ Evanston with Green Bay road year will be the Wilmette's second the ~oad at which he desired to tum, at the Glencoe notth limitS; was apevent of this nature, sponsored by the and It was as he stopped to turn about parent this. week in the announcement Playground and Recreation board and that . a masked bandit stepped to ·the that the condemnation proc:eedlnp is to be held tomorrow afternoon on runmng board of !he c:art and, with with reference to the t r J a n g u I~ r the Village!' Green rink. drawn revolver, relieved bun of what "De~psey tract" at the north extrem~t): of Ma~ street, Wilmette, would PreUmmary c:!>ntests are ~o be held ~f: h.fb~!a:~j~!!f· ~nd demanded rec:e1ve confirmation in the probably Satutday. mormn' ~t 10 o ~loc!t .and ~he yountr woman 't~d taken oc· courts within a fortnight. ~t that hm': all JUmor boys elumna- cas1 on to slaP. her wrist watch and Swultaneous with the announcet1~n races will b~ held. No final races rings off wh1 1e the hold-up man was ment of the anticiJl4ted favorable acwdl bt run until ~ftern~n. Th,e a. f- busy relieving Retzinger of his mone tion in the Wilmette project, came the ternoo~ P~~am wdl begn~ a! 2 o clock and thereby saved them. y, filing of a resolution with tht Glencoe and Will mc:lude. the .. prehnunary and The bandit, judging from his manner Village board, proposing that the highfinal races fo~ g~r!s, ,he North Shore of speech, was a negro, Retzinger says way through Glencoe take the eQurse Open Cha!Dp·on~hlp race for men, His fac:e was completed hidden b th . fancy ~katmg contests and final tests mask. Y e of the Glencoe road immediately adjacent to and west of th~ North Western for JUmor boys. Retzinger, believing the hold-u h d railroad right-of-waf. The resolution A complete list of officials who will been staged in Winnetka report:d t~e pr~s!"tecl by Buildi· C'?mmissione; judge the m~et is not ~et :..vailable, incide!Jt to the J!Oiice of that village, tion. Wall~am Edwards and beanng the sigbut Mr. Dav1s has dehmtely secured who, m turn not1fied ·the police · Dr. C. B. Blake-to act as starter ~nd ~---------------..J ·natures of. 600 citizenc, wiD be formalDr. W. W. Hawkins to judge the of Holda Abaual IIJinu ly received by the Glencoe trustees at finishes. Dudley C. $tone and Glen ·EJectioaa Ned Monday their ~eeting next Friday. C. Gatherc:oal of the recreation staff will alsb officiate. !he annual election ot ofiH:ers of the eonfi!.-roconTuesday was the last day for regis- w.tmeue Chamber of Commerce will . 0 Officers demnatio11 proceedings woqld remove trations and the .number of skaters b~ held OJ\ Monday of next week when Newly elected officers . of Wilmette tbe final serious obstacle to actual · who have signed up to participate in the ~rganization convenes for the first Ch construction of t!~"' highway in that tomorrow's meet greatly outnumbers me.ebng of the new year. At that time apter, No. 2.53, Royal Arch Masons village, in view of that fad that a last year's registrants, which totaled a bst of candidates selected by a nomi- will be formally installed· this evenin~ 40-foot width of tbe proposed· 52-foot 309. I · nation_ committee composed of E. c. at ~eremonies conducted at the Wit- highw~y would be paved by ·county P·t Riak .ia SJ.ape Cazel, J. M. Carrico, A. C. Pearson mette Masonic temple. ai~ leaving a comparatively light buc··The Recreation staff has spent a great many -days during the holidays F. M. Budinger and Lloyd Hollister' -In~tallation ceremonies will be con- dtye.n upon the assessed abutting proper~ will be presented. . ' preparing the ic:e and· this week re- chairman, Two candidates each- for the offices ducted by Edward A. Kuehmstaedt, in- The Glencoe resolution sets forth pairing the damages. left by the heavy of ·president, vice president. and treas- spector of the fifth district, who will that it has been represented that the snow. Silver, gold, and bronze medals are .u~er will be submitted and eight can- be assisted by Arthur J. Taylor, mas- commis~ioners of Cook county will to be awarded to the winners of the d1dates for . the four vacancies on the ter of ceremonies; J. Robert McClure, avpropnate sufficient funds to construct 40 feet o( the proposed.·50 foot pavefirst three places in each event and a .board of directors will also be listed. silver loving cup will be presented to .The officers of the Chamber whose secretary; Charles F. Murray, chap- ment · through Glencoe and that .it has . of offict; expire in .January are lain,' and Ralph C. Boo~er, marshal. been conclusively shown that such the winner of the North Shore Open . Championship race. The North Shore ,presJ~ent, Emd Nord ; VIce-president, Officers to be installed include : county · aid · road will not be , tolerated excell~nt high through and along streets zoned~ for · one mile championship race is the on- Edwm '!J. Knudtson,. and . treasurer, 1. Sc.huyler Harvey, ly event open to outside competition M. Budmger. The directors who also pr1est; James G. B,rber, king; Clark residential use only, in Glencoe, thereaq4 any resident of a north shore retire at that time are Bernard Meyer N. Hollister. scn"be; Lorin A. Bower, .fore the Village board is petitioned to treasurer; George R. Harbaugh, sec- take steps to establish the location !own may compete. The fancy skat- William Taylor, B. B. Udell and A. . retary; Warren Darst, chaplain; Ira and improvement of such intramural Ill~ (\Ontest is for Wilmette residents VanDeusen. D. Iverson, ·captain of the Host; An- road as above mentioned and to secure only. _ drew J. Mouat, principal sojourner· aid from the county in. the construe-· Elimiaatioa Sc:Wule :£4win B. Knudtson, royal arch cap: tion of a portion of the pavement for The schedule- for the . elimination Committee Changes Stop tam; George · B. Bassler, master of the road. · races to be held in the morning folLiabt Operation C!-LecluJe the third veil; Albert W. Froehde, Gleacoe Coat $711,411 . lows : e .;Jt;O 10 a. m.-100 yard. dash for boys unFo~lowing a. survey by the Public master of the . _second veil; Leland C. · The estimated cost of the Glencoe Servtce committee of the Wilmette Werden, master of the first veil· Or- proiect is $781,461, including land. · der 12 years of age. ·1'0:15 a. m.-220 yard dash for boys Villa~e board, the police department ville D..._, Jonei, steward; Royai A. buildings damaged . or destroyed, and under 14 years of age. was instructed this week to regulate Hoagland, sentinel·; and Fred W pavement. 10:30 a: m.-220 yard -dash for boys the stop and go signals located accord- Sharp, organist. · Wifh Winnetka prepared to proceed ing t? ·the following schedule during imder 16 years of age. An entertainment will follow the with the l'ompletion of the final section 10:45 a. m....:...WO )'ard dash for boys the wmter months: ceremony. of the Center street widening and under 14 years of qe. Signals at Sheridan road and Lake paving as its ' part of the proposed · The final race in the 100 yard dash avenue and Fourth street and Linden through highway, it remains for Kenil- · for boys under 12 years of age is the avenue will be operated · only between E. L Nv--...1 WiD S-L _ worth to ~ fall into line with her sister first event on the afternoon program the hours of seven in the morning and "·...-u ~ villages to insure prompt completion of and will start at 2 o'clock. The 100 sev~n in the evening. to Central-Laurel P. A. the entire project. -· yard ~ash for Jlirls under 12 years and S1gnals at ':Vilmette and Central The Central-Laurel Parent-Teacher In Kenilworth the most feasible plan mclus1ve of. 12 y~a.rs will follow at -avenues. and Wdmette and Ridge a·e- association will hold its first meeting su~gests a route following the present 2 :OS and the remammg event for girls nues "!Ill be ~urned out at 11 o'clock of the new year Tuesday afternoon West Railroad avenue, extending from January 10, in the Byron C. Stolp au~ the Wilmette north limits and conthe 220 yard dash for girls 15 years each n~ght. and· under will be held at 2:20 o'clock. Be~use of the unusually hazardous ditorium, at which time E. L. Nypard, necting with the · completed Center The. hour fo~ the mile championship cond1t_1ons at Lake and Ridge avenues superintendent of Kenilworth schools, street pavement in Indian Hill. This race 1s 3:10 o clock and the fancy the SIJntals here will operate during will speak on the -subiec:t, "Cq-relation route bas been laid out by the county skatin~t and the two mile race for boys, the full twenty-four hours. of Art to the School Curriculum." The highway engineers, as well as the 18 and over contest will be the fina1J ,----meeting will be in charge of 'Mn. Guy K e n i I w o r t h engineers, it i,s stated. eyent and will be held at 3 :50 and 4 POSTPONED ONE WEEit Reed. A special feature of the after- Three possible routes h~d been conocloc:k respectiyeJy. The Junior Press, a special news noon's meeting will be a demonstra- sidered but the West Ral1road avenue feature prepared by pupils ill the tion of her teaching methods by Miss plan proves the-' only feasible arranl{e~ilmette public: sc:h~ls, wiD make Frances Donnelly. art instructor in the ment, it ' ·was pointed 'out. Unle!ts . HEAR CHURCH LEADER Dr. John P. Nic:ltols, P.resident of 1ts first appearance in Wnlfftft Wilmette schools. prompt. action is taken in Kenilworth, the ChiQJtp Chi!,rcb' Federation wiD LUI in the issue of Friday, Janu-that community faces the possibility Preach at the 11 o'clock services ~t the ary 3». The inaugural issue was of losing the. benefit of County aid for REAL ESTATE I Firs~ · Conl(l'egational church Sunday postponed· one week in view of the its share of tft~ hi~rhwav, according to mommg, January 8. He will speak in holidays. which prevented pro,er The· . fint Real· Estate and Build· a statement from the County highway !he' interest of Union Theological Sem- preparation of material in time for· ers section for 1928, a feature of department. ·nary. the aeheduled apoearance Friday. WILIIftft Lin, appeariac IIIOilth'St. Francis Household, number 251, .Tanaarv 13. Dudley· C. Stone of will be found in this news-~ U:r. and Mrs. William K. Wanner the Wilmette PlaYIJ'oand and of the Order of Martha will bo1d i next .week This tat.estiJw eec:tion. · entertained many of their friends Mon- Recrt!ati~ boarcl will a~nise the replar sewing and meetinl{ next Yon,. ~ aD the 1atat aews of activda~ when · they ' held· open house at COJ!lPI~taon of the .Tanaor Press. ity 011 tke IIOI1Ia shore. has become dsty · at 1 :30 n'cloc1c: at the home thetr home at 221 Lockerbie street wh1ch 1s to be a weekly feature in popula~ with ftaden. . . . Mn. Arthur J. Adams of 715 Gre M ·~ £4ith Whitehall and Mrs. ABc~ WILIII'nl Lm. leaf avenue. All members· are ·r .~lUlU JiOW'...fea. to be present. . - -r....,.... MarshaO Retzinger, of Northbrook and ¥iss Marie Thalman, liYi1i oo ~·· Hol4··11 ~:~~ww.:~u~~teit ·= "~itch YO!oll . . - to a. that anc1ent axKJIJl made famous by numerous apgearanc:es on the blac:kb o a r d s of both rural and· citJ schools, seems, accordiliJ. to Chief W. Leggett of the Wilmette Pollee department, to have a modern .suc:c:essor, · "Hitch your sled to a car." . While the modern day youth with . his avaricious appetite for excitement and speed doubt.ess gains a great amount , of satisfaction from b~ing sn~t~hed from hither to yon, h1s .pr~!Pitate progress is causing the m1n1ons of the law no little amount of c:onc:ern. Name r o a 1 near-tragedies have been observed and reported and if these are to be prevented from becoming actualities the practice must stop, the chief declares. . For this reason instructions were ISS~ to all patrolmen this week to begm a relentless war against all "second-hand speeders" and though youth "must .be served" it must ac:· ··servace . " ·f rom another direcq.u·re w: c;. C. c. Royal A reb M J II /V nstaf ~w · Grot~/I Today :r:t~'il:.':ue s: T. -----------.1

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