COIIIIUNITY HOUSE One of the greatest human interest dramas of the past few ye~rs has bec;n ~SCheduled by the Communaty House In Winnetka for Friday of next week, "The Country Doctor." The leading role is taken by Rudolph Schildkraut as the Doctor with ] unior Coghlan as his litt~e orphan friend. ~------------~ On Tuesday of next week "The Chinese Parrot" with Marion Nixon as the star will be presented. In addition another installment of "Blake of Scotland Yard" wiD be featured. P. Ia r l D I ~ors - ·............ I. a n T..... laL It Karlea Nlsoa .......... Be'M.d Fri., laa. 11 ··4ol·ll 8elllltll:ra·t l·alor Cotrlllaa PARROT" BF Bad Derr BJnen CHINESE "THE COUNTRY DOCTOR" o4dlty a l'a.le "THE Cherry Sue Orr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carey Orr, of 225 Woodbine avenue, entertained sixteen friends at a party last Tuesday celebrating her seventh birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott of 1200 Ridge avenue have had as their guests over the holidays Mrs. Scott's mother, Mrs. Patrick Seihr of Menominee, -o- ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~M=k~h~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~oo~ti~~~m~~~m~ i~ week, and are going to divide their Photograph a person in a speed~ng airplane and unless the plane passes clouds or another plane, or the ground is in view there is no realization of speed or height. Wallace Beery and Raymond Hatton found that out. Under the direction of Frank Strayer, they made "Now We're in the Air," which will be at the Norshore Theatre soon, their fourth Paramount team comedy. . Their part of the discovery concerned them to the extent that every time thev were photographed by the motion picture camera their plane was tilted in such a way that either the ground, low cloud~, or an~ther pl~ne, "picked up" that as, was m the vtew. AI Kvale and his Jazz Collegians will be featured in a happy pirate production called "Captain Kiddo." Al's gang are going to be jazz pirates DRAMA TO COMEDY Nonhore Preaenta "Now We're in the Air" SUDday Two Eatremee 1_..... ia Pleuiaa W....a B~ for Villap; P......t "Gudea of AllaJa· M..-7 · joy spoils equally among the patrons of the Norshore T~eater. Laurence Bateman of 735 Michigan returned Monday to Providence, R. I. where he is attending Brown university, after spending the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Bateman. Fowler Walton of 1607 Forest avenue returned Sunday to Ames, Iowa. where he attends Iowa State college. ·aoME OF THE SPOKEN DRAMA· yAR&'IOII ·unas -with- -NOW PLAYING- -a-- MARGARET FULLER Aad C..t of ~ramatic Stara "Yoa Will Remember It Always" E V E N I N G S at I: IS- PRICES, Slc-75c-$1.M. MATINEES, WED. and SAT.-ALL SEATS ZSc-Sic Films ranging from the most intense drama to the opposite extreme of hilarious comedy are included in next week's billing for the Village theater. The week's program will open with uThe Garden of Allah," Rex Ingram's latest production, in which the famous director of uMare Nostrum,". "The Four Horsemen" and ..Scaramouche" personally takes the reading role. "The Garden of Allah" is probably greatest from the standpoint o~ p~o tography-as all of Rex Ingram s pactures have been. It is filmed largely in· the Sahara desert and one of the momentous scenes comes in the mid~t of a great sand storm. The plot ts well developed and the work of Mr. Ingram and Alice Terry has received favorable comment from the critics throughout the country. The role of jealousy is reversed in "Tea for Three" and Lew takes the role of the "worried" husband instead of th~ "worried over" husband as in "Adam and Evil" and his other pictures of this type. It is a typical Lew Cody-Aileen Pringle picture with delightful comedy situations and many unusual twists. It will be presented \Vednesday. Paramount's great film story of the Spanish-American war and of Tht·odore Roosevelt, "The Rough Riders," has been selected for Thursday and Friday. It is undoubtedly all that can be desired in clean, stimulating movies. It has realness of story, excellent direction, splendid photography and a superb cast. Of it the New York Daily News said, "A picture premiere last night afford<>d the most thritting film fare since "Beau Geste." -WEEK OP JAN. ltb(DO NOT S~E -Staning SundayHot tants oa tbt high "Cs" ! ·""BB·. A NEW MYSTERY PLAY BOS'I! . ' IT IF YOU HAVE A WEAK HEART) Village Theatre WILMETTE, ILL. J. B. ·Koppel, Jlaaal'l·l' Dlree&or Pboae Wll·ette lftl EYealaga 7:11 A I; Mat. T·ea. laH 8at·rdaJ Jlate., I aad f kiltoa Roaki·l' at t'· Welte Graade Orpa AL KVALE and His Jazz Collegians ia "Captain Kiddo" WJ'HE BIG PlcnJRES FIRST" ·· Continuous performances 2 to IZ . ' . Mon. aad Ta.,s., laa. 1·1t Y.o I HoI Ho l-and a barrel of fan "TBB GABDBII· OP ALLAR" Alltte Ter17 and ITaa Petro'flela .Jaek D·ffJ' Ia "Stared Plall:" 2 Beel Comedy with -ON THE SCREEN- Patlle Newa Ev.,. Ad·Jta, It; Clllldrea lie. Wedaelbl', Jaa. ll ., A ROLLICKING CAMPUS COMEDY "TBA. Wallace Beery RaJ'IIlond Hatton and Louise Brooks in l'eat·rl·l' L·w Cod7 aad .AIIeea Prlarle Blll7 Dooley Ia· "A Mooay Marlael"' I Beel Comedy Dall7 News Thwn. aa4 Prl., Ia·. 11·11 na 'I'BMD" 'TbeBoaabalden· wltll Noall Bee17-Georp Baaeroft aad Kar7 .Aator Paa.e New11-Pallle BeTiew Cal'looa EYe· .Ad·lllz HI CIID4na lh 8at·rila,., laL tt A COMEDY A NEWS EVENTS "Now We're iD tlae Air" "nR·4JI IA.Q IIY Clllf,D" ~.· ~ Wallaee Bee17 6 8a7·oat Ba&loa 11··1' .Ata·· Ia *Oeeaa Bl·e~· I lleel Co·etF Pan····* ····